Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 223 The New Queen!

The mention of her brother caused a tremor of emotions to run through Dani. Her face tightened, and her eyes narrowed into icy slits as she turned back to face the Grand Inquisitor.

"My brother is none of your concern," she replied tersely, her voice laced with an underlying fury that she struggled to contain.

The Grand Inquisitor chuckled, clearly enjoying the discomfort she was causing. "Oh, but I find it intriguing. Your brother seemed quite the formidable opponent during our match, but he vanished without a trace afterward. It's a shame, really. I was hoping for a more... personal confrontation."

"He has his reasons for not being here,. He's not dead." Dani said through gritted teeth. "Now, step aside. We have no time for your games."

The Grand Inquisitor's smile widened, her eyes glinting with malice. "Ah yes, of course. Go on, a grand carnival is awaiting you guys."

With that, she stepped back, allowing Dani and her companions to move.

Inside, the atmosphere was tense and charged with energy. The meeting of powerful figures from the church, the King, and the Grandmaster created an air of authority and intrigue. As they made their way through the corridors, they caught snippets of hushed conversations and glimpses of heated discussions behind closed doors.

Dani's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and anxiety as she approached the meeting chamber where her parents were supposed to be. The sound of her own footsteps echoed in her ears, each step carrying the weight of uncertainty and expectation.

Finally, she reached the chamber's entrance, and without hesitation, she pushed open the door.

Inside, the meeting was in full swing. Her father, the Duke, sat at the head of a large table, his face grave and contemplative. Beside him was her mother, the Duchess, exuding an air of regal composure even amidst the tense atmosphere.

The Grandmaster and the holy nun, Madelyn, were engaged in a heated debate, their voices rising and falling as they argued their points. Several other high-ranking officials from the Judiciary were present, their expressions a mix of concern and determination.

As Dani entered the chamber, all eyes turned to her. Her parents' faces lit up with surprise and relief at the sight of her. The Duke stood from his seat, a mixture of fatherly concern and royal authority in his gaze.

"Dani! Daemon! Daenys! You're safe!" He exclaimed, his voice tinged with both worry and pride.

"I am," she replied, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside her. "And I'm glad you are safe."

Lumiere ran towards her father and mother, and so was Aurelia.

They said pleasantries.

"How did you get here?" Lumiere asked them. She has pulled a chair to sit near them.I think you should take a look at

"It was the young master Damien who saved us. He brought us here." The Winter King said.

"He did? Where is he now? We've been looking for him for a long time now." Daenys inquired.

"He left us since none of his family was here." The Winter Queen replied. "He was a bit reckless, but he safely secured us here like he promised. And he said he's your friend, my dear daughter. Is it true?"

Lumiere hesitated for a moment, her mind flooded with memories of her encounters with Damien. "Yes, he is a friend," she finally answered. "But he's also... complicated. I don't fully understand him, but he has proven himself to be trustworthy."

As the exchange was happening, Calen moved towards someone from his kingdom. Someone with authority.

"Where's the king, princess?" He whispered to her, hunching his back.

Marcus who was standing near her quickly corrected him. "Not princess anymore. Pay respect to your new Queen." His voice was also hushed, but his words were clear.

"What?" This time, Celeste was the one to be shocked. "What are you saying."

"The Autumn King is dead!" Queen Elora proclaimed. Her voice was not hushed but firm and loud. She was addressing everyone in the meeting hall and the like in queue, the hall fell silent. "The Midnight Consortium has done a bloody beautiful job with my father. Since my brother, nor my mother isn't in the state to rule, I have assumed the position of the ruler. Whatever decisions I make stand for all the Autumn Kingdom's decisions." Her voice carried the authority and regality of a ruler, and the room was immediately filled with the sound of a few gasps.

"Are you serious?" Calen was taken back. He, never in his million life thought the old bony and horny man was going to die and yet here he is.

Queen Elora met Calen's surprised gaze with a mix of sadness and determination. "Yes, I am serious," she replied. "My father's death was sudden and unexpected, but there's no time to mourn now. We must focus on the task at hand - protecting the city and its people from the darkness that threatens to consume us all."

Calen nodded solemnly, realizing the weight of the situation they were in. "I'm sorry for your loss, Your Majesty," he said with genuine sympathy. "And you have my full support in whatever decisions you make."

As the room processed the news of the Autumn King's death and the ascension of Queen Elora to the throne, the discussions continued with a renewed sense of urgency. The Grandmaster, Madelyn, and the other high-ranking officials were now in the presence of two queens - one from the Winter Kingdom and the other from the Autumn Kingdom.

Both queens brought their unique perspectives and powers to the table, and their combined presence held a sense of strength and unity amidst the chaos. The group began to strategize and plan, discussing their next moves in the battle against the darkness that loomed over the city.

The Summer King was solemn. Though they were not close, each of the rulers was like rivals acquiring lands and wealth as they grow and now one of them is dead. And for some reason, he was not liking the new Queen at all. For some reason, he felt like she was more power hungry than her father.


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