Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 152 The Sons Of Sea!

Without a moment to spare, Damien's mind snapped into action. He shouted, his voice filled with urgency, "Captain! Pirates! The Lost Princess is approaching! Prepare the crew for battle!"

The captain, his face etched with determination, barked out orders. Sailors scurried across the deck, securing cannons and arming themselves with swords and muskets. Damien's heart swelled with admiration for the crew's efficiency and discipline in the face of imminent danger.

Aviora continued to soar above, her eyes trained on the approaching pirate ship. She squawked loudly, her cries echoing through the air, serving as a constant reminder of the impending threat. Damien's grip tightened around the hilt of his sword as he watched the crew form defensive positions, ready to repel the enemy's assault.

The distant sound of an eerie chant carried through the wind, sending shivers down the spines of the crew. It grew louder and more menacing as a fleet of ancient pirate ships emerged from the mist, their tattered black flags fluttering in the breeze. These were no ordinary pirate vessels; they were relics of a bygone era, each one bearing the scars of countless battles.

Fear washed over the crew as they beheld the imposing sight before them. The pirate ships, massive in size and armed with formidable cannons, posed a daunting threat. The crew exchanged uneasy glances, their confidence waning in the face of such overwhelming odds.

Captain, standing tall at the helm of the cargo ship, knew that their only chance of survival lay in confronting the pirates head-on. He steadied himself, drawing strength from within, and bellowed a command that cut through the tension-filled air.

"All hands, to your positions! Prepare the cannons! We face a formidable foe today, but we will not cower in fear! We fight for our lives and the cargo we protect!"

The crew, shaken but resolute, sprang into action. They manned the cannons, loading them with iron balls and gunpowder, their movements fueled by a combination of adrenaline and determination. The captain's voice echoed across the ship, rallying their spirits.

The pirate ships, adorned with grotesque figures and ominous symbols, closed in on the cargo ship. The deep sea chant grew louder, a haunting melody that sent shivers down the spines of the Captain's crew. It seemed as though the very ocean itself trembled in response.

But the captain refused to let fear consume him. He focused his gaze on the nearest pirate ship, his eyes burning with determination. He knew that hesitation would lead to their downfall. With a resolute voice, he commanded his crew.


A thunderous roar erupted as the cannons belched forth their deadly payload. Smoke billowed into the air, obscuring the sight of the enemy. The iron balls tore through the air, hurtling toward the pirate ships with deadly accuracy.

The resounding crash of cannonballs meeting wood echoed through the battlefield as the cargo ship's firepower found its mark. The pirate ships were jolted by the impact, their hulls splintering and groaning under the force of the assault. Yet, they pressed on, undeterred by the damage inflicted upon them.

The crew frantically reloaded the cannons, their movements swift and precise. The air was thick with tension as the cargo ship maneuvered with calculated precision, seeking to exploit any weakness in the pirate fleet's defenses.

The deep sea chant grew louder, seemingly mocking the crew's valiant efforts. But Damien refused to let it break his resolve. He knew that their salvation lay in their ability to withstand the onslaught and fight back with unwavering determination.

As the pirate ship closed in, their cannons roared to life, unleashing a storm of iron upon the cargo ship. The air was filled with the sound of cannonballs whistling through the air, splintering wood, and the cries of wounded crew members.

Yet, the crew fought back with an unyielding spirit. They manned the cannons, firing volley after volley, their shots finding their mark amidst the chaos. The cargo ship rocked under the relentless assault, but its sturdy frame held firm.

In the midst of the tumultuous battle, the captain's voice cut through the chaos, a beacon of defiance.

"We will not surrender! We will not falter! We fight for our lives and for the cargo entrusted to us! Fire at will!"

The cargo ship's cannons continued to roar, their fire relentless and unyielding. The pirate ships, now bearing the scars of countless cannonball impacts, wavered in their advance and finally splintered and sunk into the ocean bed.

Nobody show any relief or happiness, their gait was the same as before: Wary and fearful. Damien looked back at the sea, but nothing happens.

A minute goes by, and nothing happens. Then another minute, then another one. After ten minutes and still the stillness, the captain sighed and wiped the wetness from his forehead. Seeing this the crew members chanted in happiness.

But their happiness was short-lived as suddenly the sea split near the cargo ship and something dark and big emerged from it. The Lost Princess.

The jolly people cried in agony and braced against the rail as the ship rocked hard. Some of them just flew into the ocean not being able to hang on to something.

Damien gripped the rail and grabbed Luther, pressing him against the rail. After the initial rock, the ship tipped back.

Amidst the chaos, he heard the captain's shout as he barked orders to the remaining crew.

As the pirate ship closed in, Damien's senses sharpened. He could hear the thunderous sound of crashing waves, the creaking of wooden planks, and the shouts of his comrades. The adrenaline surged through his veins, heightening his awareness and sharpening his focus.

Damien positioned himself alongside Luther, their swords unsheathed and gleaming in the sunlight. Their eyes locked, sharing a silent understanding and unspoken determination. Together, they would face this perilous challenge head-on.

The clash of steel reverberated through the air as the two ships collided. Damien's heart pounded in his chest as he engaged in a deadly dance of blades, parrying and striking with calculated precision. Each swing of his sword was fueled by a mix of skill, training, and an unwavering resolve to protect those he cared about.

The chaotic symphony of battle filled Damien's ears. He could hear the shouts of his comrades, the cries of pain, and the roar of cannons firing. But amidst the chaos, his focus remained unwavering. Every movement, every strike, was a calculated effort to fend off the pirate invaders.

Aviora swooped down, her sharp talons tearing through the air, striking fear into the hearts of the pirates. Damien stole a glance at the majestic bird, a surge of gratitude filling his heart. Her presence served as a constant reminder of his duty and the unwavering loyalty of his allies.

The battle raged on, each passing moment a test of skill, courage, and endurance. Damien's body ached with fatigue, his muscles burning from the exertion. But he pressed on, fueled by sheer determination and the knowledge that failure was not an option.

As the sun began to set, casting a fiery glow across the battlefield, Damien's breath grew ragged. He could taste victory in the air, a flicker of hope igniting within him. The crew's resilience and his own strategic maneuvers had started to overwhelm the pirates. The tide of the battle was turning in their favor.

Or he thought.


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