Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 151 The Lost Princess!

The party had boarded a large cargo ship that morning, a ship containing crops and livestock on its way to the port of the island.

The captain of the ship was a man of girth, the years in sea had made him look like a walrus, and he wore a smile on his face. He had a voice as low and deep as the sea itself, and he had a way of looking at you from underneath his bushy eyebrows that made him look like he was smiling no matter what.

He was reluctant at first to take them since it was supposed to be only for the transportation of food but Damien revealed his identity receiving a suspicious look from the captain. He had to show the crest of the Zadkiel family, and the man's face changed as if he had been slapped.

"Yes, yes, of course, you have my apologies. I hope you won't be offended, my Lord." The man bowed his head deeply, a gesture that seemed to be common among the men of the sea.

·ƈθm "It is nothing. I have heard of your exploits in the past, Captain. Your people have a strong reputation." Damien smiled at the captain who seemed to puff up with pride.

"Not as strong as your own, I'm sure. It is an honor to have the chance to transport you to the port of Eiselstadt. My crew and I will do everything in our power to help you and your knight reach the destination without any problem." The captain spoke in a low voice, but it was clear that he had some kind of secret respect for Damien.

Damien saw his face suddenly fall, more like worrying. "What is it, captain? is something wrong?"

"It's just..." The captain hesitated for a moment and said. "Our ships have been robbed and pillaged by the pirates for over a month now. though we have the support of the navy, the water is proving to be advantageous to the Sons of the Sea rather than us. They have sunk three of our ships and have captured the last two."

Damien felt the blood drain from his face. A pirate attack in a sea, who dared even go against the forces of the king only means one thing: Davis.

"The Lost Princess?" Damien asked trying to remember anything about it from the books. But none came by. The Forgotten Lands and the Seas were never mentioned deeply in the books. The author must have reserved them for future developments but he was dead before that.

The captain's eyes widened in surprise, clearly taken aback by Damien's knowledge of the infamous pirate ship. He scratched his chin thoughtfully before responding.

"Aye, the Lost Princess and her crew of cutthroats are the scourge of these seas. They strike fear into the hearts of sailors and have proven to be quite elusive. No ship has been able to escape their clutches unscathed."

Damien's mind raced as he tried to recall any information about the Lost Princess that he might have come across in his readings. Unfortunately, his knowledge was limited, and he realized that the true extent of her power and influence had been left unexplored.

"I see," Damien replied, his voice filled with concern. "If we are to face such a formidable adversary, we must be prepared. Captain, what can we do to increase our chances of safely reaching our destination?"

The captain's gaze hardened, his bushy eyebrows furrowing as he contemplated the question. After a moment, he spoke with a determined tone.

"We'll need to fortify our defenses and keep a sharp lookout for any signs of trouble. I will assemble my most skilled crew members to stand guard, and we'll make use of our limited weaponry to defend ourselves. But mark my words, my Lord, this won't be an easy journey. The Sons of the Sea are cunning and ruthless."

Damien nodded, his mind already formulating plans to assist the captain and his crew in their defense. He wanted to see the pirate king himself. Davis Jones, the man, the myth, and the legend.

"Captain, I assure you that we will stand by your side and do everything in our power to repel any pirate attack. We will not let the Lost Princess and her crew disrupt our voyage," Damien declared with a resolute tone.

The captain's eyes met Damien's, and a glimmer of admiration shone through. He extended his hand and clasped Damien's in a firm handshake.

"Thank you, my Lord. Your words give us strength. Together, we shall face this challenge head-on and emerge victorious. We won't let the seas be ruled by lawless marauders."

As the ship sailed further into the vast expanse of the sea, Damien stood alongside the captain, discussing strategies and forming a bond of camaraderie. The weight of responsibility settled upon Damien's shoulders, but he welcomed it. This was his chance to prove his mettle and protect those in need.

With the wind in their sails and the determination in their hearts, the ship pressed forward, ready to face the perils of the open sea and the looming threat of the Lost Princess and her crew.

Aviora swirled around the vast ocean and acted as a scout. Her feathers felt heavy against the violent gale but she persisted taking occasional rests in the ship masts.

Aviora's keen eyes scanned the horizon, searching for any signs of trouble. The wind whipped through her feathers as she flew higher, catching glimpses of distant ships and the vast expanse of the turbulent sea. Damien watched her graceful flight, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As Aviora circled back towards the cargo ship, Damien's eyes widened as he spotted a dark silhouette in the distance. His breath caught in his throat as he recognized the distinct shape of a pirate ship, its black sails billowing ominously in the wind. It was the dreaded Lost Princess, a symbol of chaos and lawlessness on the seas.


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