Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 148 Bullying The Hero!

Damien send Luther to find the room Calen was staying in. His plans would've failed if Calen was there just for eating, but since lady luck was on his side, the guy was indeed staying in a room.

His smile grew wider as he thought of the possibilities.

Luther had come back with the good news. He had asked the innkeeper about his room since following Calen would only kill Luther. The innkeeper was hesitant at first, but with some coins; the guy was even willing to sell his aunt's panties.

Calen was staying the floor above them, a room he always had whenever he visited this inn, so the innkeeper says.

"What is the plan?" Luther asked again. He was getting impatient since his master wasn't revealing anything.

Damien was determined to keep his plan a secret from Luther, wanting to surprise him with the comical ambush. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself as Luther grew increasingly impatient.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Damien finally decided it was time to put his plan into motion. "Luther, my friend, it's time for some late-night entertainment. Follow my lead, and prepare for a laugh."

Luther raised an eyebrow, a mixture of confusion and curiosity crossing his face. "Late-night entertainment, sir? What do you have in mind?"

Damien simply winked and gestured for Luther to follow him quietly. Together, they crept through the inn, taking care not to disturb the other guests. The darkness of the night added an extra layer of secrecy to their antics.

As the clock struck midnight, Damien and Luther found themselves outside Calen's room. Damien held up a bedsheet he had acquired earlier, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"Luther, my friend, it's time to give Calen a surprise he won't soon forget. When I give the signal, we shall burst into his room, throw the bedsheet over his head, and give him the fright of his life!"

Luther's eyes widened in disbelief. "Sir, are you sure about this? Is it wise to startle him like that?"

Damien waved off Luther's concerns, unable to contain his excitement. "Oh, trust me, my friend, it will be a moment of pure comedic genius. Now, on the count of three, we charge in, throw the bedsheet over his head, and let the hilarity ensue!"

Luther hesitated for a moment, but Damien's infectious enthusiasm soon won him over. "Alright, sir. Let's do it. One... two... three!"

With a burst of energy, Damien and Luther burst into Calen's room, bedsheet in hand. But to their surprise, Calen was nowhere to be found. The room was empty, save for an overturned chair and an open window.

Damien's jaw dropped, his plan falling flat before it even had a chance to begin. "Where... Where is he?"

Luther scratched his head, a sheepish expression on his face. "Uh, it seems like Calen has escaped our grand ambush, sir. He must have sensed something was amiss."

Just as Damien and Luther were about to accept their failed ambush, a voice echoed from the shadows of the room. "And who might you two be?"

Startled, Damien quickly turned around, throwing the bedsheet he was holding at the source of the voice. Calen, emerging from the darkness, managed to catch the sheet, but before he could react, he received a swift kick to the midsection from Damien, sending him flying across the room.

Damien laughed as he watched Calen fly through the air, his body colliding with the wall with a loud thud. "Oh, did that hurt, my little hero? You'll have to forgive me. I didn't expect you to be so light. I thought you were made of stone."

Calen struggled as the bedsheet was tangled with him. He wanted to beat the living shit out of them, but a damn bedsheet seemed stronger somehow and cold was seeping through his face.

It was ice. Damien had made a layer of ice and covered the bedsheet, adhering it to Calen's face.

It was just for buying some time, as he knows once Calen regains his stand, the prank would be beyond him.

Just then, Calen grabbed the sheet, and the ice sheet around his fingers cracked in his touch. Damien jumped on him, tackling him and rolling on the floor.

He hugged him tightly and pinned him down. His grip felt natural and stronger than the one down below. Calen thrashed around but couldn't move much.

"Did that tickle? If it does, I can do it again if you want." Damien said in a mocking tone, laughing as he did.

Calen growled, struggling against Damien's firm hold.

Then the first punch came down.

The first punch was from Luther. He had taken a chair and hit Calen in the stomach, making him gasp for air.

Then the second punch came down from Damien. He had punched him in the face, breaking his nose and silencing him momentarily.

Then the threats came down from the victim. "You fuckers, do you know who I am?" You will be dead in a matter of seconds! Fuckers! Fuckers! Fuckers!

Damien grabbed Calen's face and asked, "Do you know who we are?"

"I don't, but in a matter of moments, I'll have your head roll on the ground." Calen proclaimed, still struggling, as Luther had pinned his hands behind his body.

"Good. Since you don't know us, we will be leaving you with some gifts. Here is one." Damien chuckled and punched him again in the face, breaking his teeth.

Calen groaned and tried to summon his magic, but before he can do it, Damien tickled him in the ribs. The next thing he knew, Calen was on the ground, rolling like a fish caught in a net, laughing and cursing in between.

Then another punch came in, ceasing his laughter, and then the cursing started. Then another few punches came, and the cursing stopped.

After a few more punches, Calen finally fell silent, his body limp and panting and wheezing.

Damien and Luther were panting, their faces flushed red from exertion. They looked down at Calen, who was sprawled across the floor, blood and saliva streaming from his mouth and nose.

"This is indeed bullying," Luther said, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead.


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