Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 147 I Want To Bully Him!

"The tournament is easy peasy. There is no one who can beat him in the entire realm. So why waste my time worrying about that?" Calen shrugged his shoulders, his tone brimming with confidence. The other man, Marcus, looked thin with a face that resembled a rat, his expression skeptical.

"Easy peasy? Do you really believe that?" Marcus retorted, his voice tinged with incredulity. "The tournament is filled with more people than you could even imagine. Many of them are talented and strong. There are certainly individuals who should be watched out for."

Calen scoffed, dismissing Marcus's words. "Like whom?" he challenged, a hint of disbelief in his voice. "Like whom, Marcus? None of them are famous or have any power like me. I'm the chosen one, destined for greatness."

Marcus leaned in closer, his eyes glinting with a mix of caution and concern. "Calen, don't underestimate your opponents. Fame and power aren't the only factors that determine victory in the tournament. Skill, strategy, and determination play vital roles. There are hidden gems among the participants, waiting to make their mark."

"Okay. Name one of them," Calen challenged, his eyes alight with enthusiasm.

"Derick," Marcus answered. "Derick from the Winter Kingdom. He's not a human, he's a werewolf. He's physically stronger and smarter than a normal human being. If he wants to win, he will. He's the favourite to win this tournament."

"Derick?" Calen asked, an eyebrow raised. "A werewolf?" He scoffed. "I believe you've answered your own question, Marcus dear," he said, shaking his head.

Marcus expressed his dissatisfaction with Calen's response. "What do you mean by that?"

Calen raised one of his fingers. "Yes, Derick is stronger and smarter. More than normal humans, but me-" he pointed the finger at him "-I'm not any normal human, Marcus. I'm stronger, smarter, and better than anyone who has walked in this world. Even the golden heroes would've been nothing but shadows under my glow, were if they were from this era."

Marcus sighed, realizing that convincing Calen would be an uphill battle. He could sense the unwavering arrogance in Calen's words and demeanour. However, Marcus was determined to make him see reason.

"Calen, I understand your confidence, but overconfidence can be your downfall," Marcus cautioned, his voice tinged with concern. "Yes, you possess exceptional skills and abilities, but that doesn't mean victory is guaranteed. The tournament is a test of strength, wit, and adaptability. You must be prepared to face opponents who might possess unique talents and strategies."

Calen crossed his arms, a smug smile playing on his lips. "I appreciate your concern, Marcus, but I've faced challenges before and emerged victorious every time. I am destined for greatness, and no werewolf or any other opponent can change that."

Marcus shook his head, frustrated by Calen's stubbornness. "Calen, the path to greatness is not paved solely by destiny. It requires hard work, humility, and an open mind. The world is full of surprises, and sometimes even the most unexpected individuals can rise to the occasion."

Calen's eyes narrowed, his confidence unwavering. "Marcus, you're letting fear cloud your judgment. I will prove to you and everyone else that I am the true champion of this tournament. No one will stand in my way."

Marcus sighed, realizing that further discussion would be futile. "Very well, Calen. I hope you find the success you seek. Just remember, victory is not solely measured by power and reputation. The journey itself holds valuable lessons." He pulled back the chair. "Goodbye, Calen. I'll inform the princess about your confidence in winning this tournament and the information about the missing girl you've been searching for. That will also be done."

Calen nodded, returning his attention to the meal.

Marcus turned away from Calen and strode towards the exit. As he passed by, he saw two odd-looking people, he shot them a brief glance. He doesn't recognise them, but they look familiar...

He left the tavern, disappearing into the shadows of the night.

On the other table, the two odd looking guys were focusing on their meals, but in fact, they were focused entirely on something else.


"I want to bully him," Damien said. He was sitting on the bed, leaning against the wall with his legs crossed and his eyes gleaming with malice. Luther sat on the chair opposite to him, his expression grave.

"Sir, we shouldn't. We are guests, and it would be rude of us to do such a thing," Luther said, his voice tinged with disapproval.

Damien scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. "So what? Rude is a word made to be broken. Besides, we are not guests anymore. We have been exiled, Luther, we've been exiled." He dramatically put his hand on his face.

"Sir, you just left the duchy, nobody exiled you," Luther said, but his voice was heard by none as his master was saying stuff like, "How could she do that to me? I saved her and yet..?" Luther found it funny but he knows he can't do anything to turn this young master away once he made up his mind.

So he asked the single question that will entice any response from the young master.

"What's your plan?"

Damien peered through the space between his fingers and looked at Luther.

"The plan, my friend," he leaned in and put a hand on Luther's shoulder. "Is to just bully the world-renowned hero and make fun of him. Make him feel useless. Make him feel that even with all the power in the world, he wasn't able to defend himself. And then tell him that I am much better than him."

Luther couldn't help but chuckle at his master's plan. It was simple yet bold, and that is exactly why it will work. The only thing he was worried about was the power difference. The last time he checked, this guy was the strongest in the entire Autumn kingdom. But he had faith in this unreliable womaniser who once was a coward and is not anymore. He wanted to see what the dark horse of the house Zadkiel was going to do with the hero of the world.

He smiled and gave his full support to his master.

"You know, I am always here for you, sir."

Damien patted Luther's shoulder. "Thank you, Luther."


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