Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 189 - No Apologies Necessary

Chapter 189: No Apologies Necessary

Doesn’t he know that it’s best to be the first when talking about something like this?

Since Wei Zhiqian had been the first to say it, when Tan Jinsheng quickly followed up saying the same thing, obviously the effect wasn’t going to be as good.

Instead of realizing that, just seconds after Tan Jinsheng had said it, Tan Jinyi rested his hand on his brother’s shoulder and said the same thing. “Momo, you can drink when I’m with you as well.”

Xu Mingzhen turned to glare at her two sons. Are you two trying to turn Tan Mo into a drunkard? Luckily Tan Wenci still had some common sense…

Yet, as soon as she’d thought that, Tan Wenci spoke up, “You can drink when Daddy’s around as well!”

Xu Mingzhen immediately let out a deep sigh. The men in this family were ridiculous…

God did not answer the Tan family’s prayers as Wei Zhiqian spent the rest of the day at their mansion, celebrating with Tan Mo for her victory in the Ancient Text Competition.

Tan Mo returned to her dorm on Sunday evening as she had class early the next day.

If she had stayed another night, she would have had to wake up very early just to make it to class on time.

Her family didn’t want her to have to wake up that early.

So that was why they took Tan Mo back to Beijing University on Sunday evening.

Just like on the first day when she had started her university life, the family took her back to the university all together.

On her way back, Tan Mo got a message from Wang Yuemu, asking when she was returning to school.

Her seniors also asked how she was feeling after getting drunk on Saturday.

They were all anxious until she replied that she was fine.

“I’m heading back right now. Do we have anything to do today?” Tan Mo replied.

“Nothing. I’m just asking.”

Not suspecting a thing, Tan Mo quickly shrugged it off.

When they arrived at Beijing University, they saw Tan Mo’s seniors from the research club waiting for them before they could even park their car.

Once the car stopped and Tan Mo got out of the car, her seniors jogged toward her.

“Tan Mo!” Wang Yuemu was the first to greet her.

The research team members waited until the rest of the Tan family got out of the car, and Ying SIyuan greeted them. “Mr. and Mrs. Tan, we’re Tan Mo’s seniors from Professor Guo’s research team. We were the ones having dinner with Tan Mo the other night.”

“We’re really sorry for not paying better attention to her,” Wang Yuemu continued. “We should’ve taken better care of her as her seniors, but we let her get drunk instead…”

It was only then that Tan Mo realized that the reason Wang Yuemu had asked when she was coming back was so that the whole research team could apologize to her family.

As for why Wang Yuemu and the rest of the team knew that Tan Mo’s family would come with her, it was because they knew that she was the treasure of her family.

Whenever Tan Mo would travel back and forth from Beijing University, her family would always be with her.

They believed that it would be the same this time as well.

And they were right. Almost all of the family members were there.

The whole team was worried that after what had happened on the Friday night the family would forbid Tan Mo from hanging out with them in the future.

“There’s nothing for you kids to apologize for.” Xu Mingzhen smiled warmly. “Tan Mo is the one who was in the wrong from the beginning. She told me everything. Even though you all did not allow her to drink, she still snuck herself half a glass of beer. It’s clear that she’s the one at fault here. As her seniors, you kids are doing really well. I’m not going to worry if she’s spending time with you.”

Ying Siyuan immediately let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you so much. But it’s also part of our responsibility to look after her when she’s with us.”

“She’s right. We were all worried that because of this, Mr. and Mrs. Tan would not allow her to spend her time with us anymore…” Wu Jiazhen smiled awkwardly.

“We are not that narrow-minded,” Tan Wenci said, laughing. “Still, we never thought Tan Mo could actually get drunk from just half a glass of beer! Now, that’s embarrassing.”

The research team members were completely surprised by the Tan family’s personalities.

They were all now relieved that the family wasn’t going to blame them for Tan Mo getting drunk.

Time flew like an arrow…

Other than continuing her research with Professor Guo’s team, Tan Mo had to complete the task set by Professor Zhao as well.

She would spend most of her days either in class, in the research room, or in the library, and she would always end her days in the library until the doors closed.

Tan Mo, who used to be lazy, realized that she had found a lot of things for herself to do.

She’d managed to finish the task set by Professor Zhao just before finals. It was done perfectly and professionally.

Tan Mo wasn’t going to disappoint Professor Zhao and Professor Guo, who both had treated her like family.

Since the space that Professor Zhao had given her wasn’t enough to answer each question, Tan Mo decided to use at least two A4 pieces of paper to answer each question instead.

That was why when she turned it in, it had become a huge stack of documents.

She had even noted from which part of which ancient text she had found the answers in minute detail.

When she was asked to discuss the effect of an ancient text on later civilizations, she would also include its effect on all past civilizations. She would include everything she could find.

It showed how focused she was on the work.

Professor Zhao had expected good answers from Tan Mo, but he’d never expected that she would do it so perfectly and diligently.

It was a form of showing her respect to the professor, to the questions, and to history.

“Very well done!” Professor Zhao praised her. “All of the students in the team had answered these same questions before they joined, but I have to say, this is the best I’ve ever seen.”

It just showed why Tan Mo was a notch above everyone else, why she could win the Ancient Text Competition even when she went up against five other universities on her own.

Not only did Tan Mo have the talent, but she also had the brain capacity to achieve what she wanted.

And the most important thing of all that she possessed was that she was hardworking.

It was practically impossible for someone like her not to succeed.

Most would envy her talent, but they also rarely saw how hardworking she was.

Tan Mo did not rely solely on her talent, but respected it with hard work instead.

From that alone, Professor Zhao could even tell that Tan Mo had given her all in Professor Guo’s team as well.

“Come with me.” Professor Tan didn’t waste any time and led Tan Mo to his research room.

When they got to the room, the professor asked her to wait outside first. “Wait here. Come in when I tell you to.”

Tan Mo didn’t ask any questions. She nodded and waited outside the room.

Professor Zhao almost couldn’t hold back his urge to pat her head, seeing how obedient she was.

What a good little girl. She’s smart, hardworking, and she even listens to her elders.

He was starting to blame himself for not letting Tan Mo answer the questions sooner and letting Professor Guo take her all for himself for a whole semester.

Professor Zhao clicked his tongue when he thought of Professor Guo as he opened the door.

“Professor Zhao!” The students stopped what they were doing and greeted their professor.

He nodded at them and turned to Wu Xiaoye. “Xiaoye, print this out and hand it to everyone to read.”


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