Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 188 - Copycat

Chapter 188: Copycat

“Well, Jinyi is an artist, after all. It’s normal for him to be more emotional than others,” Tan Mo said as her eyelids started to droop.

She let out a yawn and turned a little before falling asleep in Xu Mingzhen’s arms.

The mother looked at her daughter speechlessly.

How could she fall asleep like this?

She sighed before carrying Tan Mo to her bed. After making sure the blanket was over her daughter, she quietly left the room.

Wei Zhiqian was still in the living room when Xu Mingzhen got there. They were still talking about the competition.

Tan Wenci was so excited that he was standing up and waving his arms around until he noticed Xu Mingzhen coming and stopped the conversation.

“She’s asleep,” Xu Mingzhen said.

“Did she take a shower and change into her pajamas?” Wei Zhiqian asked. “It wouldn’t be comfortable to sleep in those clothes.”

The mother turned to glare at the man. Wow! You sure are nosy. Do you really think you’re her uncle now?

There was no way Xu Mingzhen was going to tell a man who wasn’t in their family whether her daughter had showered and changed or not.

“Momo has taken care of everything. You worry too much,” the mother explained.

“Should we get some diluted honey or some other hangover remedy for her?” Wei Zhiqian asked another question.

Xu Mingzhen became even more speechless now.

Dude, are you her mother? You’re making me look like I don’t know how to take care of her…

“No need,” Xu Mingzhen frowned. “Momo is just tired. She isn’t feeling unwell.”

“I see.” Wei Zhiqian nodded. “I had promised to celebrate her victory with her tonight. Who knew she would go and get herself drunk first…”

“We also thought of celebrating with her as well. It looks like we’ll have to do it tomorrow.” Xu Mingzhen sighed. Fortunately for them, it was Saturday the next day, and Tan Mo would definitely spend the rest of the weekend at home instead of returning to her dorm.

However, as soon as Xu Mingzhen said that, the males in the Tan family shot her a look.

Come on! How can you say that in front of Wei Zhiqian? What if he wants to come tomorrow?

Wei Zhiqian smiled and didn’t say anything. Instead, he decided it was time for him to leave.

After he had left, Tan Wenci finally said, “Do you know how dangerous that was? What if he decides to join us tomorrow? Did you forget how long it has been since we really spent time with Momo just as a family?”

Whenever Tan Mo would return home, Wei Zhiqian would be there as well. If they really thought about it, even five fingers would be enough to count the time they’d spent with Tan Mo without Wei Zhiqian around.

Either Tan Mo would spend her time with Wei Zhiqian, or Wei Zhiqian would be at their home.

Xu Mingzhen finally realized what she had done. “But I think he realized what was going on. He didn’t say he’s going to come, right? W…we should be fine…”

“Who knows…?” Tan Wenci sighed. He wasn’t going to bet on that. “Maybe he’s just trying to get us to relax, and he’ll suddenly show up tomorrow.”

Xu Mingzhen’s eyes got wide. T…that won’t happen, right?

Tan Mo slept through the whole night and woke up around 8:00 the next morning.

Since she’d gone to sleep way too early the night before, she was able to wake up naturally at such an early hour.

She sat up in her bed and was still confused as to what had happened.

Wait… Why am I home? Didn’t uncle promise me that he was going to celebrate with me?

It was only then that her memory slowly came back to her.

The memories appeared in her head as if she was watching a video in reverse.

The first thing she recalled was Wei Zhiqian carrying her home. Before that, he had gone to pick her up at the hotpot restaurant. And even before that, she had snuck herself half a glass of beer.

ARGH! “What did I do?” Tan Mo hit herself on the forehead. “Why did you have to go and try the beer and get yourself drunk? You should’ve celebrated with uncle instead when he had the time!”

Tan Mo knew that to celebrate with her, Wei Zhiqian had even emptied his schedule for that night, and she had wasted his time because she had wanted to see what beer tasted like.

Tan Mo went into the bathroom. As she brushed her teeth, she thought about whether Wei Zhiqian had any free time later that day.

After cleaning herself up, she left her room and went downstairs.

As soon as she got to the living room, she could hear people talking in the dining room.

Among the people that were talking, Tan Mo recognized Wei Zhiqian’s voice.

She quickly shook her head, wondering if she was starting to hear things because she was missing Wei Zhiqian too much.

She took a deep breath before walking toward the dining room.

The moment she walked in, the first person she noticed was the guest who was sitting at the dining table. It was none other than Wei Zhiqian himself.

Tan Mo quickly rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating.

“Momo? Why are you up so early? Did you get enough sleep?” Tan Wenci asked when he noticed his daughter standing in the doorway.

“Uncle…?” the young lady asked.

She was sure that she wasn’t seeing things now.

Her father immediately dropped his jaw. Uh…hello? Your father is talking to you. Why are you greeting Wei Zhiqian first?

The father could literally feel his heart break. He began to regret letting the two of them meet when Tan Mo was only six years old.

It was as if he had been inviting trouble into his home.

Just as the father was blaming himself, he felt a gust of wind rush past him.

Tan Mo ran toward Wei Zhiqian like a bird flying to their parent. “Uncle, why are you here?”

Wei Zhiqian pulled the chair next to him out for Tan Mo to sit down. “Didn’t I promise to celebrate your victory yesterday? Since we couldn’t do it last night, that’s why I’ve come today.”

“Yay! You’re the best!” Tan Mo hugged Wei Zhiqian’s arm happily. “And I was just blaming myself for getting drunk and wasting your time yesterday.”

Since Tan Mo had brought the topic up herself, Wei Zhiqian’s expression turned serious immediately. “You aren’t allowed to drink from this day onward. Not even a drop.”

“I know…” Tan Mo nodded obediently. “I won’t drink a single drop of alcohol from now on!”

“So, were you curious as to how beer tastes?” Wei Zhiqian smiled at her.

Tan Mo would never lie to Wei Zhiqian, which was why she quickly admitted to it. “Yes…I was curious, but it tastes really bad.”

Even she couldn’t believe that she could get drunk from just half a glass of beer. There was no way anyone would allow her to drink in the future.

Seeing how sincere Tan Mo looked with her head lowered, Wei Zhiqian’s heart softened immediately. “Well…if you are still curious once you grow up and want to try it again, just let me know. But you can only drink when I’m around. You are not allowed to drink when I am not.”

Tan Mo raised her head in surprise and looked at Wei Zhiqian as if there were stars in her eyes. “Really? Yay! I knew it! Uncle is the best!”

Whenever Wei Zhiqian got serious with her, his heart would soften up the next second and change his opinion.

Tan Jinsheng became anxious right away since it was evident that Wei Zhiqian was stealing his spot in Tan Mo’s heart.

“Me too!” Tan Jinsheng quickly shot his arm up. “You can drink when I’m around as well. Your older brother can take care of you.”

Wei Zhiqian raised a brow and grinned. Copycat!


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