To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 152: New Hope

Chapter 152: New Hope

Few days after the [Battle of Long Night] that took place in Land of Honor. 

Several major changes happened after that incident. One of them is the collapse of the Shield City under the reign of Sylvia Shield because of the Catastrophe attack.

What remained of Shield City, West district, entered into new jurisdiction under the Greedy Young Master's rule, turned into Mutiara City.

Under the power of the Greedy Young Master, Mutiara City carried out a massive construction which also expanded the area of the former Shield City.

Having failed in her duties, Sylvia Shield retreated from the Hunter world. The Blue Sky Sword had also been passed into the Greedy Young Master's hands. 

Because during the Black Hunter's attack, the Greedy Young Master performed the Red Sky Spear power, tell the world that he is holding the Red Sky Spear. It made him registered of holding two of the Seven Color Weapons.

Greedy Dragon Family fully govern the Mutiara City. 

Despite having retired from the hunter word, Sylvia Shield was seen working in the Greedy Dragon Family's office. 

With all the big changes, Saint Arcane Cathedral also felt quite a change. 

The destroyed Stairs of Serenity being rebuilt become one stronger than before. 

The empty hole surrounding the cathedral the ditch filled with water makes it even more beautiful.

"Henry, want to try fall to the water?" "Don't you freaking dare!"

Those working on the Stairs of Serenity are several workers from White Wood who are assisted by four strong Sword Disciples.

"Hey, you two, come on up!"

It was the middle of the day; Time for a break. 

Their resting place is in the front yard of the cathedral, under trees that provide their shade to cover the sun.

"Gaahh!" "It turned out that being a coolie is tough enough!"

Kane chuckled at the twin complaint. "At least we aren't being hit if we didn't do it well."

As swordsmen, they had been trained to be able to do tough things really hard. Even though they didn't expect to experience the job of coolie, at least their master had taught them to face whatever lay ahead.

Suddenly, at their lunch break, they got surprised by a loud noise coming from the cathedral.

"Oi-oi." "Mother Maria coming out from the cathedral in the middle of the day?!"

The Mother of Saint Arcane Cathedral, Maria Christina, coming out from the cathedral, followed by few sisters behind her.

"And she coming right to us?"

They all immediately stood up to greet the arrival of the most important person of the cathedral.

"Good day, gentlemen."

"Good day, Mistress."

The coolie head facing Maria. Their conversation was about the progress of the construction of the Stairs of Serenity and a little off-kilter regarding White Wood's relationship with the Greedy Dragon Family.

Those who did not participate are only whispering in the back. Enjoy the view or talk about how beautiful Maria Christina is.

"But, isn't there is something that made Mother Maria different today?" "Yeah, the aura emitting from her is, somehow feels more complicated and, hot?"

"What are you talking about?"

Well, that is indeed very rare for Maria to be outside in the first place. 

"I hope for good cooperation between us in the future."

Maria has finished talking to the White Wood coolies. She switched sight to Sword Disciples. 

Kane, Harry and Henry surprised and immediately fell silent while stand up straight. 

"Good day to you, sword disciples."

"Good day, Mother Maria," 

They fell very awkward because they faced the mother from the church themselves. 

"Um, by the way, aren't you supposed to be four?" asked Maria, puzzled. 

Now that Maria mentioned. The three of them immediately spin their head to search for their missing colleague. 

"Wait." Where is Aiden?"

Before they were too tired to pay attention to their surroundings. Looks like Aiden has disappeared since earlier.


Kane might know where their leader had gone. But choose to be silent because of privacy.


The principal room is dark like usual. But the window opened and bring the room light for the Deputy Administrator to work all the paper in the desk. 

Then suddenly her focus got interfere by someone's appearance. 

"Are you there?" asked Liliana. 


The one who answer is one of the sword disciples, Aiden. 

Upon Aiden's arrival, Liliana put down her pen to receive the brief guest.

"Is it time for a break?"

"Yes, are you still working on all that paper, Mistress?"

Liliana stretched her hands at that question. Two bandaged hands together with the rest of her upper body.

"Yeaaaaahhhh~! All these major changes put a lot of work on the secretariat and administration. I'm fine with that. It's just that all these papers come at the same time. That greedy man seemed to have prepared all of this from the start."

Aiden had nothing to say but a wry smile and a hint of guilt.

The two of them talk, but don't face each other due to confidence issues and one complicated matter.

"I'm not forbidding you to meet me. But, isn't it better for you to rest because later you will continue to work?"

"That's.. I just, can't help to want to meet you."

Luckily they didn't face each other, because at that time Aiden's face turned red. He got embarrassed that he had just spoken his heart out. 

"I-is that so?"

They fell into silence after that. Until the principal's room clock goes off and break the ice. 

"It's already one o'clock?"

Time goes so fast when they are alone.

Liliana got up from the chair and walked to the window, meeting the young man who visits her.

Aiden turned around to look at the Deputy Administrator. But ended up averted his eyes because he could not bear the embarrassment.

Liliana smiled at the boy's cute side.

"Thank you for visiting me. You give me reason to keep up my spirit."

"Y-yes, I-"

"But you have to come back and have lunch. You came here without filling your stomach first, right?"

"A-ahh, that's..."

Aiden couldn't argue with that.

"Alright, I will go back."

Aiden turned around regretfully. That left Sylvia feeling guilty. But the boy suddenly stopped his feet to say something. 

"At this point, I may still be inappropriate. But I will work hard and earn that merit. Until then, please wait for me."

After saying that, Aiden ran fast, returning to the front courtyard of the cathedral. Leaving Liliana speechless. 

Left alone, Liliana turned around, covered her face with both hands, then dragged her back to sit on the floor.

"I forgot about that stupid wish of mine."

Liliana immediately recalled the incident during the cathedral attack. 

'Would you love me?' Liliana said carelessly to the boy in front of her that ten years younger than her.


Like a beast going crazy, Liliana writhed on the floor.

"Wait, didn't he just propose to me before?"

'Until then, please wait for me.' It's definitely a proposal. 


Liliana got even crazier than before.

The principal who is about to enter the room got afraid on seeing the Deputy Administrator's behavior.


Mutiara City / Major Office 

"Don't you want to take a rest, Sylvia?"

Sylvia had been sitting at the work desk since morning and still working until late afternoon. Even though she just came back from the Health Center.

At her right-hand proposal, Sylvia put her pen down and took a deep breath.

"That greedy guy is the proper Major of this office, but he made you do all the work."

They are in the new office, which was just finished yesterday. An office with the same position as the previous Major of Shield City office; behind each other with the Guild Building.

During the construction carried out by the Greedy Dragon Family, the wall that separated the West District from the outside world was destroyed, and a new one being built that surrounded Mutiara City, which is still under construction.

That is good because it gives a new and fresh atmosphere. Because the previous Shield City had the impression of strict regulations towards the two districts and seclusion on the outside.

"It's okay. Besides, he had done something that I can't within just a week."

Sylvia became a slave to the secretariat of the Greedy Dragon Family office at the time. But she seemed okay with it.

"Besides, why did you have to follow me? Even though you can come out like the others and feel a new beginning."

At her leader's question, Veora smiled proudly.

"Sometimes, a human cannot just throw away their loyalty."

That was Veora's oath, and Sylvia accepted that without doubting. 

"It's getting late, you better go home."

"How about you? If you don't have a choice to go, you can stay with me."

"Don't worry. I learned that this office has everything I need. Bathroom, kitchen, and bed. This is also part of my contract with that bastard after all."

That surprised Veora a little. "Okay." Veora walked to the door and stopped for one last thing. "Oh, right, about Elizabeth girl..."

"We have plans to gather at the church."

"Ooh, good then. She just lost her long lost best friend. But with a smile that didn't fade away, she is at the health center to volunteers."

Sylvia just closed her eyes and smiled sincerely at that.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow."


Left alone, Sylvia went to the window for some fresh air.

It was already late in the afternoon, but the activities at Mutiara City are still as busy as yesterday.

In the atmosphere of the new city, Sylvia felt liberated.

"Is this the 'Hope' that you expect, Sir Satria?" 

Her question blown off by the wind and not up to anyone to be heard. But Sylvia will be sure to wait, because every question will get their answer someday.


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