To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 151: To Grant Her Wish

Chapter 151: To Grant Her Wish

Before he died, the Staff Saint left us five mandates.

First, to protect and support children. Second, to help and support the injured. Third, to gather and support each other. Fourth, to don't do unnecessary war. Last, to always move forward.

The mandate is given with the highest priority placed at the outset. 

"But now, we, who can carry that mandate, have violated the first mandate."


"I, killed... her."

After a few minutes of silence after feeling the Staff of Hope's hit, finally Arthur spoke, and his first sentence shook Elisa.

"I, killed...her."

It seemed that Arthur is no longer possessed by the witch spirit's. 

"I kill..ed her."

But he kept repeating that one sentence.

"I, killed her."


Elisa slowly approached Arthur. She's not afraid. All she had at that time is the courage to help her long-lost knight.

"I killed HER!"

That scream left Elisa stunned. 

Veora was ready to step up to pull Elisa. But Sylvia held her back and shook her head, said not to interfere..

Because Arthur's emotions weren't stable yet, Elisa became hesitant to go forward. 


For one reason, Arthur raised his right hand. Looking at the right hand that is no longer a human hand. Suddenly his breathing became irregular, he got angry.

"It's...because of you!"

Arthur started chewing on his right demonic hand like a raging beast.

That surprised Elisa. Makes her dump Staff of Hope - Ars catches Staff of Hope - then runs to Arthur.

"Arthur, stop!"

The skin of Arthur's demonic right hand is extremely tough. It wasn't his right hand that got injured; he crushed his teeth instead.


"No, stop!"

Elisa grabbed Arthur's body and tried to stop him. Instead of helping, she got overwhelmed just to hold back her hug.

"Arthur, please, stop hurting yourself! Alice will scold you!"


"You hurt yourself again?!"


A flash of a past memory stopped Arthur. His demonic right hand did not get hurt at all. His mouth filled with blood from the loss of many of his teeth instead. But all those teeth quickly regenerate.

"She..will, scold me? But, she is..dead. I, killed "


Elisa hugged him from the back, so Arthur didn't know why Elisa got mad at him.

"No, you didn't kill her."

The sentence contained anger that Arthur could sense.



", mad..atme?"

At that question, Elisa tickled. That surprised Arthur. Didn't Elisa sound angry beforehand?


Elisa answered 'yes', but Arthur could feel sadness starting to come from Elisa.

"I am mad at you, because you disappeared and made us worry that time. Alice told me she would try to find you every weekend. But for weeks she never said she had found you. At that time I didn't ask because I thought there must be a reason for your loss and kept quiet Alice. One day, Alice felt very happy after successfully learning an Arts. On one weekends she leaves again to continue your search. But that day, she also disappeared right after a strange incident that occurred at the Infection Treatment Center. At that time I didn't realize what was happening. But after seeing you like this, surely, back then ... Alice managed to cure your infection."

Right after speaking that long, Alice began to cry on Arthur's back.

"El..isa, are you, crying?"

Elisa sobbing without making much sound. But those who sees the scene could tell that Elisha is crying.

Suddenly, boom sound could be heard from the north side. 

"That was, a burst of energy?" asked Veora. 

"Wew, looks like that dog started destroying the barrier I put to imprison him."

"You imprisoned that Catastrophe Beast?"

To prove that, Sylvia got up and started walking towards the north. Veora following Sylvia behind. Followed by all of their subordinates too. 

Arriving at the northern city wall, they find the sight of the Catastrophe Beast, Fenrir, being locked up by two layers of red barriers.

"Is that that greedy guy doing?"

Inside the red prison, Fenrir burned the barrier from within with helly flames, looking extremely hot.

"It took him 20 minutes to break one. Maybe less than next 10 minutes he will destroy the second layer."

"Wa! You shocked me!"

Veora won't be able to get used to that greedy man who likes to teleport in their midst.

"How much longer until he can destroy the last layer?" asked Sylvia.

"Idk, maybe about 15 minutes he can destroy both."

"Fifteen minutes then."

Sylvia closed her eyes, pondered for a moment. Then open her eyes with strong determination.

"As I promised, the Blue Sky Sword is now yours."

Sylvia handed the Blue Sky Sword to Ars with ease. That, of course, startled her subordinates.

"Well, it's unfortunate that I ain't able to taste your body," said Ars pity.

"That is disgusting and I hate you for being that horny that I want to kill you right now. But yes, that is unfortunate that I can't live longer to do that."

Sylvia walked forward without any provision. Her subordinates began to wonder.

"Sylvia, what are you-?!"

"You aware of [Debuff: Death Penalty] that infect us, right?"

That question is for all of her subordinates. Without answering or checking whether the debuff is on them or not, they all fell silent.

"All that's left of Shield City right now is us, the protector. Catastrophe Beast can't be defeated. He would only return after fulfilling his duties, dropping a total catastrophe into the affected territory of [Catastrophe Omen]. We fought all this night just to hold on to false hopes that we couldn't reach. Therefore, we should at least put up a last fight to prove that we don't give up."


All the hunter left them. They going north. 

Previously, Arthur had felt a deep hatred for them. But just then all the hatred disappeared into an empty wind that blew the dust of silence.


Elisa still sobbing in his back. He didn't know why the little girl is crying on his back.

"Didn't I, smell bad...Elisa?"

The question chuckled Elisa's sobs became chuckle.

Finally she let go of her arms and stopped sobbing.

Arthur stood up and immediately turned to look at the little girl. The little girl is wiping her tears. Then realizes that he looking at her. 

"Hey, it is been a long time," said the girl sorely. 

", you, are still a...little girl, that I know."

That made Elisa chuckle. 

Somehow the chuckle looked exquisite and warmed Arthur's black heart.

"Are,you...eating right?"

"Yes, I swallow everything that can make me grow up."


"But, isn't that..."

Arthur horrified at the order Elisa had asked for.

"Hey, don't stare at her food like that. Didn't you the one who tell her to eat a lot?"

"Yes, but, that just...!"


"Do you...sleep, well?"

"Even though sometimes I have trouble sleeping because of thinking about a few things, but I try to rest wherever and whenever I can."


"I'm jealous."

"H-hey, don't be spoiled like that. She found it difficult to sleep because she was not used to this world yet."


"Are you...still want, to, going home?"

"Yes, I want to go home."


"One day we will go home, to the place where our parents are waiting, and we will come home three! Maybe we will surprise them because we have grown up, but I'm sure, they still know us because we are their children!"


Elisa started crying again remembering about Alice.

"I'm sorry, suddenly my eyes were hit by dust."

Elisa tried to hide her tears. But she couldn't because her tears kept flowing.

"Wait, this is strange, my tears won't stop flowing..."

Arthur tried to wipe Elisa's tears with his left hand.

"Don't, worry... you will, go to, home."

Arthur took a few steps back then turned around.

He tried to flap his wings. Even though it's heavy, slowly but surely, he could, he can fly, leaving the little girl in speechless.

"I will... protect you."

That became a spell capable of accelerating the speed of his flight to the sky.

He is getting faster, higher, towards the sky.

The sight caught by everyone as a black meteor about to pierce the sky. 

But Arthur didn't intend to break through the sky. He stopped at the sky. He looked down at the giant hellhound that trying to destroy the red prison that holding him up.

"That, woman... told me, my right hand, could even.. kill a god."

He looked at his right hand. The right hand that has been cursed by the world for being the reason for the killing of his loved ones.

"Then, I will use kill the god, that want to hurt, Elizabeth!"


Suddenly in the dark sky a very bright light appeared. The light came from a dark energy above the sky.

At that time, Fenrir managed to break free from the red prison.


His howl once again gave terror to the Land of Honor.

After that howl, the [Dark Energy Creating Light] in the sky, started falling down at an extremely high speed. The target is the Catastrophe Beast.

"Arthur, no!"

Elisa suddenly appeared from behind and immediately ran north.


Veora stopped her.

Fenrir aware of the incoming of [Dark Energy Creating Light]. He took a stance.

Just before [Dark Energy, Creating Light] and Fenrir collided, five [Red Layer, Divine Barrier] appeared and covered the entire city.


The [Dark Energy, Creating Light] and Fenrir collided. Created an energy collision that shook the middle territory of Floor 2.

Inside that [Dark Energy, Creating Light] is Arthur. His demonic right hand is the one collided with Fenrir. But he didn't actually attack the hellhound, because of his demonic right hand, facing the invisible barrier protecting the hellhound.

Trying to destroy it like impossible.

However, that is not a reason for Arthur to stop.

"Elizabeth, will go..home! I will not, let you...killed her!"

Elizabeth also got the debuff [Death Penalty].

"That is why... I will, kill you!"

The collision between the darkness energy and the energy from hell truly terrifying. That is even able to break Ars's [Red Layer, Divine Barrier].

"Now, show me how to kill a god!"

The collision of darkness and hell energy is getting more and more violent, and the results would be seen.

"Please, don't leave me, ARTHUUUUR!"

An immense explosion shook Floor 2 because of the result of collision of the dark and hell energy.


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