To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 147: Battle of Catastrophe (9)

Chapter 147: Battle of Catastrophe (9)

"Catastrophe target is Shield City. Because of that, the West District, which is currently turned into Mutiara City, has been separated from Shield City and come off from the Catastrophe Omen."

Catastrophe Omen that previously patch to everyone in the western district has disappeared with their stay in a new city under the new jurisdiction, under the new reign.

Veora looks at the man that stands above Mutiara City barrier. The man looks at the Catastrophe Beast. The Catastrophe Beast looking at the people who bring Catastrophe Omen. The Catastrophe Omen bearer looking at the awaken Demon King Commander.

The cause of the calamity is DKC. But he came with a solid reason, that is hatred towards Sylvia.

For that reason, the east district - Shield City's warrior, will defend their very life of leader and the city itself, until their very end of life. 

Behind them stood a little girl. Who for one reason wanted to talk to DKC.

"Will he listen to you?" asked Sylvia. 

"I will make him to listen to me."

That is crazy. Who, for vague reasons, wanted to talk to a demon who is on a rampage.

"Then we have to calm him down for a moment."

Veora, who supposed to be guarding Elizabeth, stepped forward.

"What are you doing, Veora?"

Of course, that made her leader angry.

"I'm sorry, Sylvia. But you're the one who has to look after Elizabeth."

For one reason, Veora put her sword in the sheath. Looks like she doesn't intend to use that as she holds her shield with both hands.

"I saw that greedy man hit DKC with a big silver hammer. The blow able to put DKC to sleep from before until he woke up now."

Now Sylvia remembers. The time that greedy man saved her before, that man also hit DKC by some kind of weapon, that knock out DKC for quite sometime. 

Sylvia understood Veora's intention.

"Do you think you can do the same as him?"

"I can't, but I think we all can do that and Elizabeth will help too."

At that statement, Sylvia looks at her little sister. 

The little sister looks at the front while grasping her staff steadily. She fully prepared for the fight. 

"Then, I'm off!" 

Veora runs to the forefront. Leaving the big sister and the little sister to try to protect each other. 

Arriving at the forefront, Veora confronted by DKC who stood silent while bending over.

"Ready your weapon, girls!"

The east district female warriors are ready once more to fight against DKC. 

Meanwhile, behind, Sylvia still doubting her little sister's ambiguous intent. 

"Just what are you planning to do? He not longer someone you know."

With a body that has turned into a demon, of course DKC is not someone Elizabeth once knows. 

However, Elizabeth doesn't care about such little things.

"Even so, I can still recognize him. Because we keep on searching for the same person."


'Then, wake up, my hero.'



DKC roars powerfully. His roar sent out waves of wind that are able to shake the legs of the female warriors slightly.

"Guh, it seemed like his strength had grown stronger than before!"

Veora doesn't lie if she feels scared because DKC is getting stronger. 

When the man was still getting up, even though they had knocked him down three times. They already exhausted and haunted by the fear of infection.

"He's coming!"

DKC shot towards them - to be precise to Sylvia, who is behind them - with an even stronger aura of darkness.

Out of reflection, Veora activated a Defend Barrier Arts.

"[Immovable Pillar]!"

Then she realized an Arts have no effect on DKC.


From the side, the Priests gave Veora the Protection Arts buff.

DKC hits Veora's shield.

Veora got pushed a little, but her barrier didn't disappear.

That turns out DKC was crashing his head to Veora's barrier, and his head got bounced back a little. But right after that, he straightened up and raised his right demonic hand.


Right at that moment, the Archers shot their arrows to stop DKC.

Another explosion that created a dust space created.

Veora jump out from the space then quickly ready her shield. Such a simple attack wouldn't work on that demon guy.

Sylvia even had to exert her swordsmanship to a high level to be able to deliver the Blue Clarity. But two slashes weren't enough to beat him.

Suddenly, a strong wind wave came from DKC's position, clearing the dust covering him. He created that wind wave using his wings. Two demonic wings that bloomed horrifically.

"In the name of The Lord!"

The casters try to shoot Arts to DKC. But DKC quickly shot forward. 

Veora gets ready to receive DKC's arrival. But unexpectedly, DKC jumped high past her.


There's nothing else they can do to stop DKC. Now only Sylvia could fight against that man.

"Don't go forward until he knocked out."

That became a message for Elizabeth before Sylvia stepped forward.

DKC landed and immediately looked at Sylvia hatefully.


At Sylvia's challenge -


DKC sped up.

Sylvia activated Blue Clarity. She didn't hesitate to slash that demon man again for the third time.

But suddenly, a bright red barrier appeared in front of her. 

DKC without doubting scratching his right demonic hand to the barrier. Unexpectedly, the barrier could withstand DKC's right demonic hand that possesses anti-Arts dark flame.

"Don't compare Dragon Arts with Commoner Arts."

The one who speak is the Greedy Young Master. He suddenly appeared to stand in front of Sylvia arrogantly.

Sylvia could realize that the barrier - which is made of swords array - is made by the greedy man.

"Now-now, don't force yourself to break through my great barrier."

At Ars's taunt, DKC felt challenged and scratching the red barrier stronger. The dark flame on his demonic right hand was getting louder as he scratching faster.

After several tens of scratches, the red barrier is destroyed, and DKC can move forward. But in an instant, silver big hammer going right at his head, then, boom. 

Sylva protected Elizabeth at that explosion. 

Ars pull out Hinayan Pride Warhammer and strikes DKC. But his pride insulted when he sees DKC holding back his attacks with his wings.

"Ohho, looks like you can control your ugly wings, great."

Even though he could hold it, DKC seemed to have a hard time keeping the hammer on top of him.

There, Ars store Hinayan Pride Warhammer to help DKC. 


Then he put out Hinayan Pride Warhammer once again when his right hand in midair, then he swing the warhammer to strikes DKC. 

DKC holds the punch with his wings. But he still got crashed, dragging his feet to the ground so as not to get far.

"Why are you helping us?" asked Sylvia.

It's not like Sylvia doesn't want that man's help. It's just that the man's actions now are not in their contract.

"He caught my attention. Plus, don't be happy just yet. Killing him is easy, but you want to talk to him, right?"

That question was for Elizabeth.

Elizabeth vigorously stares back at Ars to give her answer. 

There Sylvia immediately understood the situation. Not only was she the one who bind a contract with the greedy man, but her little sister too, and it seemed the contract they had signed is more complicated than hers.

"Plus, don't forget about that wold outside."

Ars' statement came at the same time as many large shadows covered the eastern district.

Veora is a little afraid to look up, but she finds that there are lots of giant ice that has fallen into the east district.


The order was for the casters to immediately cast Arts to destroy the giant icicles.

"Rain Fireball!"


"Laser Beam!"

The casters fired all the Fire Arts they could. But all of that is not enough to finish off all the giant icicles that have fallen.

Therefore, all they could do is to prepare for all the ice falling by taking protection.


Sylvia didn't have a shield or mastered a Defend Arts, but she still had to prioritize her sister's safety.

Under a protection, they closed their eyes waiting for all the ice to fall.

Then a rumbling finally occurred, indicating that the east district had been ravaged by the giant hail.

Surprisingly, Sylvia didn't feel any attacks hitting her body. She opened her eyes and found that the greedy man is protecting them within his barrier.

"It's arrogant for me to ask this, but, you can protect this district from being destroyed, right?"

"Rebuilding is easier than repairing."

"Is that so?"

If he had said that, Sylvia couldn't ask anymore.

Suddenly, their barrier got attacked by a missile which exploded quite strongly. Not just once, but twice, thrice, until they could see who is shooting the missile.

At the insult, Ars got angry. "Don't you understand the word 'you can't'?"

Ars removed half the barrier, then created a wing made of several Sinaga Swords. Those Sinaga Sword then launched at DKC like missiles that bombard DKC. 

Ars attack created another roar that was no less intense than the previous giant hail.

"Don't hurt him like that!"

Suddenly, Elizabeth hit Ars' head with Staff of Hope that made a sound 'tuk'. It made Ars burn with rage and looked back with bright shining eyes.



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