To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 146: Battle of Their Wishes

Chapter 146: Battle of Their Wishes

The three tornadoes are approaching. Even though it hasn't hit yet, the city barrier has made cracking sounds here and there, about to collapse.

Everyone screamed in fear.

"We are going to die!"

"NO! Anyone, please save us!"

"I shouldn't have come here!"

"The world is ending!"

Although not completely ended, but at least that's how they feel.

Meanwhile, in the east district. 

"Elizabeth, he is going to save us, right?!"

Veora couldn't wait. 

Elizabeth said that she got escorted by the man and he would save them. But until then, the man hadn't done anything to save them.

"Caster! Ready to blow the western and northern tornado! At least we have to save the west district!"

All of them are strong enough to face one tornado. But west district is not. Everyone who took shelter in it are ordinary citizens and lower-level hunters. So they have to be prioritized.

"Huuuhh~ It's going to take longer than before to repair. But at least I'll get one royal woman's pussy."

All the casters are in a position to fire Arts that strong enough to destroy a tornado. All the defenders stood behind them, except for Veora, to protect from the tornado or the possibility that the DKC would rise again.

"[Red Judgement + Three Dragon Sword]" 

Suddenly, in the middle point of the city, appeared a red light emanating from the electric current. The electrics current struck in three different directions, leading to the three tornadoes.

High-ranking hunters knew what source could emit that red electricity - lightning.

"[Red Strike, Lightning Conduct]!"

That is from Red Sky Spear. 

Red Sky Spear strikes its Red Judgement to the sky. Red Judgement split to three strikes and goes to three different to each tornado. 

The three lightning then strikes to the center of tornadoes greatly. It even creates a really loud rumble sound that is equal as the previous bomb rumble.

The city and the cathedral didn't really feel the effect of the explosion sound just now. But those outside, their ears tormented for the second time.

"He really saved us?"

Veora is still hard to believe, but that is the reality.

The tornadoes are gone. Leaving the ground level where their windsteps left them.

But suddenly, for no definite reason, the city's barrier shattered. The invisible dome that had a whitish yellow color broke into thousands of tiny pieces that got scorched in the wind.

Everyone felt goosebumps seeing this happen. Even though they had just felt hope. But something very serious like that has happened.

"Why?! Even though not strong anymore, at least the barrier can still last, right?!" 

Veora is the one screaming. How she was not? The Barrier is the strongest defense the city has.

If that got destroyed, it is like a child who is not given vaccine. Many diseases can easily enter the city.

But the barrier won't just break without any apparent reason. There must be the cause, and Veora found it when she looks at one certain point in the sky, where there is a man who strangely flying with riding a magic broom.

"What's that guy doing?!"

The guy holding a huge silver hammer. 

"Was he the one who just destroyed the barrier?!"

"Veora, calm down."

When they were in such dire straits, her leader, the city's Major, Sylvia, told her to calm down.

"How can I calm down?! Isn't he supposed to save us?!"

"Yes, he is. That is why he needs to break the barrier."


Veora confused, Sylvia is talking about something complicated again and didn't want to said the details.

Shortly after, something happened in the west district.

A red element slowly spreads over and envelops the west district, expanding into a square shape. A red bright barrier. 

"That element, is the same as the [Divine Red Tower Light]?"

Now Voera remember. The Divine Red Tower Light is made by Greedy Young Master. The man created an extremely powerful barrier, which protected the outside world from the danger of being destroyed by the Wrath Golem, which could last up to two days. 

Now the man creates the red barrier again, which becomes a new barrier for the west district.

Although it looks strong, it has a big drawback, which is very bright. Unlike the previous city barriers, Greedy Young Master's red barrier hurt the eyes. Especially the eyes of the people who were inside.

"But, why only west district?" asked Veora to Sylvia. 

"This place, can't be saved."

Sylvia admitted that without hesitation. Even though only Veora and Elizabeth heard it, it was still surprising.


Suddenly, the Greedy Young Master shouted an introduction of himself, without apparent reason. 


For some reason, his voice, not scream, sounded very clear in the ears of everyone in Land of Honor. His voice buzzed throughout the territory, and his statement shocked everyone.


After the statement, a wave of wind exploded and reached even to the end of Floor 2.

"[New Jurisdiction]," said Sylvia as she stands up. "When Jurisdiction is agreed upon, the Guild will provide Protection to the premises. Which now called Mutiara City."

Right after that, the red barrier slowly vanished. Not literally gone, but turns into the same invisible barrier but different color as the previous barrier.


Mutiara City / Guild Hall 

"Hey, look, the Guild Officers are back!"

The guild officers who had previously disappeared returned to their positions. That meant the Guild is active once again.


"That means the west district is saved now?"

Sylvia did not answer the question. She looks at one certain point vigorously, grasping Blue Sky Sword tight. 

"Take Elizabeth to Mutiara City."

Is her first order after getting up. 

That surprised Elizabeth. But she had expected that, Veora also gave her a chance -

"Why? Go-"


Elizabeth denied.

Sylvia didn't expect that rebel of her little sister. So she turned back and shows her silent questioning expression. 

That expression scares Elizabeth. 

"Big sister..."

And made Elizabeth's confidence drop a little.

"Maybe many have told you this. But I will say it again, and very clearly. This place is too dangerous for you. Go."

Just as she promised, the words are clear and Sylvia didn't look like she wanted to argue about it.

Even so, Elizabeth will still fight. She tries to lift her face and look at her big sister. For actual reason, her eyes started to water. She is about to cry because she couldn't bear the pressure that Sylvia is giving her.

As time passed and Elizabeth didn't seem like giving up, Sylvia finally relented.


Right after that order, Elizabeth sighed and gasped slightly. It seemed like she was holding her breath to maintain her courage.

"Please, I want to do it!"

That is became her first sentence to say. 

"Elizabeth, be more clear."

Veora tried to encourage her. 

"I, I want to stay. Please, let me stay!"

"For what reason?"

Sylvia's question came with another scary pressure. 

At that moment, Elizabeth turned silent while bowing her head, doubting. That's become a sign that she had lost.

With that, Sylvia turned her back. "Go." And ordered to leave the battlefield. 

"I want to speak!"

But Elizabeth suddenly shouts that intention. 

That made Sylvia has to turn back once more and face her little sister. However, right after she turns back, her little sister shedding tears, but strangely stood tall with a strong expression.

"I want to talk with him!" she shouted out loud. 

The scream drew the attention of the other female warriors.

"Him?" asked Veora, doubting her ears. "Wait, little girl, you want to talk about something with Sylvia, your big sister, right?!"

Elizabeth's request terrified her. She thought the little girl mention 'she' before. But it turned out to be 'him'.

"Him?" asked Sylvia. She strangely reflectively turned back to see to one certain direction. "That monster?"


'Wake up~'

That voice again. 

'Hey, wake up~'

Why are you in my mind again?

"Because I am your beloved one."

I opened my eyes slowly. Then I see her. A girl in yellow. 


"Yes, it's me. Your beloved Alice."

I don't recognize Alice to be this scary. 

"But I am still me. Your beloved one."

Why you are here? Aren't you...

"Shhh. Don't think about such complicated things."

She gently creepily, smiling at me. But I found it beautiful and made me happy.

"Hey, do you still want me to be by your side like this?"


"Good. In that case, I need you to wake up."

Why? Being with you like this is enough for me.

"But we are in the middle of darkness."

Ah, yeah, that's right. For some reason, every time I could be with you, it is always be in the darkness like this. 

"Because of that, I need you to wake up, and kill that woman for me. If you do, the next time we meet, we'll meet in a beautiful, bright place."


"He wakes up!"

DKC awakens once again. With darkness radiating stronger than before.


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