Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 447 447: Raen Pissing Contest II

Chapter 447 447: Raen Pissing Contest II

As the gunship, Ai driven and controlled of course. Moved through the tunnels Cole couldn't help but marvel at the extent of the underground megacity that had been built here. Humanity was in the hundreds of billions in terms of population seeing as how many lived amongst the stars themselves, enough to have even built civilizations of their own in the last 300 years.

So there were a lot of humans not really accounted for in that equation. With so many hidden factions now, it actually was really hard to tell how many humans they are. But seeing the size of this city, Cole was sure millions lived here, and he doubted they all just started doing so. After all he was told that this place had been built over the course of the tenure of many presidents and world leaders, this place was also their retirement plans too.

The gunship came out of the tunnels into a much wider city, it was always with lights while massive holographic screens projected the view of what seemed to be an assembly house. Many of the leaders on the world Council were in various states, thankfully it did not seem as if any were dead. But then again they were inconsequential , a means to an end.

Besides Aleron Highwater was not here for anything else other than to have his revenge against the world council he feels had betrayed his family and stolen what they had built. Cole was sure for him, there was no way this conflict news ending unless it's with the deaths of the people he thinks are responsible for his family's predicament.

Plus it would be good to mention that the government or the members of the world council who had been complicit in fucking up the Highwater legacy were either dead or very dead. But in the end revenge is not always rational.

The gunship flew them over the skyline of the underground city as Cole burned it to memory. Long elevator like tunes dotted the city scape, it made it seemed as if Cole was in a cage and the tubes themselves were the bars to it. But it connected and supported the mountain above their heads, or rather the mountains that they have built and hollowed out.

They passed the city and went into another tunnel. It didn't take long after traveling through this tunnel that they came up on another city. The architecture was different even the way this cavern was built was different. Soon enough there was another tunnel and another city, and then another before the came on a city bigger than the previous ones they had just left.

There wasn't a single tunnel, so it's obvious the other tunnels probably led to other cities. It was a marvel of technology and architecture, Cole could only hope that he would get the chance to build something like this sometime in the future.

The Gunship flew towards the center of the city, were two massive statue/buildings had their hands out in a shake. Weird statue, but most definitely the location of the assembly house he had seen, making this statues building a government house.

The Gunship landed on top of the head of one of the statues. There were soldiers waiting at the top of the building, gun at the ready as Cole and his team stepped out, with a rather bored look on their face.

"the longer you delay us here the more likely he is to slaughter your leaders mindlessly and in front of all their citizens. So let us through." Kaito said to them as the soldiers stepped back in fear once he started speaking.

"How can we trust you! You guys came here to do the same thing he's about to do! You think we're fools!" one of the soldiers asked, practically roaring at Cole and the others. Cole raised his hand s in the air and nodded his head, the weird gesture was enough to silent everyone as he said.

"That guy is a terrible liar, diplomatic relationships is why I am here. I wanted to World Council to recognize the Sovereignty of my patent pending The Great Raen Federation, or I kill their fathers, burn their mothers and then strangle their babies with their own umbilical cords! You know just standard biblical stuff." Cole said with a smile as his Aunt face palmed with an audible groan. Kaito on the other hand leaned over and whispered.

"The name is different this time than what you said the last time?" Cole nodded and whispered right back.

"I know, I just don't remember what it was that I said. Don't worry, just go with the flow, I did say Patent pending didn't I? "

Kaito shrugged as the soldiers looked at each other baffled by how nonchalant Cole and his brother seemed about the whole situation. The leaders of the universe were being held hostage and could be killed any moment and these people were people so lackadaisical about it. Cole's Aunt took a step forwards and said.

"Get out of our way or we will kill you all. Is that clear enough for you or should I rip out you esophagus before you know I'm not fuckin around."

Silence, but the soldiers moved aside none the less. The woman was fierce Cole had to be honest, hard to imagine she was his father and uncle's sister. Both men were very much like their father, calm, not rough and very soft spoken. Kind of a theme with all Night men, Kaito too, but she….she was wild and rowdy and passionate about everything. Too emotional, Cole doubted the matriarch was very fond of her when she was still alive.

They made their way into an elevator that led them down to the assembly hall that was conveniently built in the areas of the statues that were shaking hands. Getting out of the elevator they were treated to a sight of bandits or rather the Highwater Pirates all pointing their weapons at the elevator as Cole stepped out.

Top rankers all of them, all aspirants and all serving Aleron. This guy was playing a whole other different game than what they were, and he was making advancements that frankly speaking Cole could not keep up with. Cole played a game, he thought this was still Titan Rising Online….. but it's not, it never was, that was just a bloody title for the medium with which sierra Corp used to drag people into the system universe to grow stronger.

Aleron did not play games like the rest of them, instead he approached like it ought to be approached. Real life with a lot of consequences of you don't take all the advantages for yourself. Without a doubt Aleron just put Cole and the entire of their reality in Check!


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