Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 446 446: Raen Pissing Contest I

Chapter 446 446: Raen Pissing Contest I

"we do not have time for this Cole, we should get the fuck out of here while we still can."

Cole could not argue with that, they had a lot of ground to cover and lot of bodies to drop, so in retrospect, wasting times dealing with all these soldiers who should know better than to stand up to them, was really all just a waste of time.

He raised his hand and pushed back, releasing an extremely powerful wave of [Gravity] infused a bit with his auxiliary [Telekinesis]. Using an auxiliary was stressful, because this was not full skills but rather the idea of a skill that empowers and gives effects to the skills attached to the stats they're gained from.

Cole shook his head as they quickly found the service entrance that had been part of the information packet the president had given them. Their targets in the world Council, thankful could be found in a general area as most of them were allies, so Cole was going to make like a terrorist and have a mass execution of world leaders….

"Wow! Even in my head that sounds so messed up."

"huh?" Neral who was running besides Cole asked, but all he gave in response was a shake of his head…..Cole was very bothered about what he was about to do, and yes they all just told him to keep his conviction and killing? He's killed too many people already than to feel so squeamish about offing 50 people in live broadcast across the bloody fucking cosmos!

That was most definitely taking his madness to a whole other level. He just couldn't help but feel that there was a better way to deal with this. The problem though was that once this is done, then that would be his life, the world will only ever see him or remember him for such a act, and yes he had a plan and he was going to use his dominating power to do it, but then who's to say after everything everyone will get along and just work together.

This was humanity they were talking about, and Cole was as human as they came. Humans loved to put you on a pedestal then pull your right back down, they loved to be oppressed because that's the only way they can give their mundane lives validation and a spark. A reason for them to pull you down and make you just as miserable as they are.

Not that their opinions could touch him though, he was doing this for them. After everything he's learned here he was once against busting his ass for people who don't deserve it, and they'll see him as a monster and yet still benefit from it at the same time.

"If it's such a problem, then why do it? No one's asking you or putting a noose around your neck and forcing you to be self righteous and murderous. Why are you doing this Cole?"

Cole shuddered as his eyes widened and he came to a stop. That voice just now, he heard it in his head but he could almost swear with every fiber of his being that it was his grandmother that just spoke.

But even if it was her or not, this has forced him reevaluate his entire reason for being here, why was he here? He needed bodies before himself and the incoming wave of enemies? Revenge? There's no way in hell everyone here would have been a party to the attack on the Night family estate and as for his grandparents his Uncle killed them, and himself too. So why the fuck were they here?

Cole couldn't help but feel as if he was being manipulated by someone or something, what it was…..he really couldn't tell, but his instincts were without a doubt screaming at him, so he placed a hand on his Aunt and Brother's shoulder.

"Don't you get the feeling that we're being manipulated. I've got a really terrible feeling in my gut, I've never been so questioning of my own conviction in my entire life. I did not even give a shit when people were dropping like flies On the first floor, now I care,. I care way too much.

But beyond that is taking fucking unnecessary risks when we all know we aren't invisible, at least not in these bodies….our human bodies. Everything has been a haze of thought and anger, but no focus, just moving from one place to another and scheming."

It was obvious they took had felt the same thing that Cole had felt too. And now that he's questioning it, they could not ignore said feelings and leave it at the corner of their minds where they had relegated it. Now what came along with was a sense of danger, one so intense they could almost touch it in the air.

"Someone wanted us here and has gone to great lengths to ensure that we do. We should leave now." Kaito said as he began making his way back to the hanger, there had to be a craft that they can use to escape as the one they had used to come here had already been blown up….. someone had set and extremely elaborate trap for them and even had enough power to manipulate their thoughts…..they all knew this wasn't an enemy they were ready to face yet.

"Oh come on you came all the way here for a party! Are you just going to walk away, master Cole! Come see what I have done in your name!"

A holographic screen popped up as a Raen showed up in front of it. Cole recognized this person immediately, it was Aleron Highwater, the pirate who was now a major power in space and also the man with the capabilities of traveling through and from the soul realm.

But Cole had destroyed that machine, but also he wasn't sure he remembered ever seeing him as a Raen. And from the look of things he was a high level Raen, and extremely powerful, Cole couldn't make sense of it. What Aleron looked like was a step up the evolutionary ladder, but unique.

[Your Progenitor Title Is In Danger Of Being Usurped By A Higher Leveled Raen! You are Now In A State Of Challenge! Defeat He That Would Challenge You Sovereignty! Reward: one Random Stat Raised To Diamond Rank I]

Well isn't that weird. This was not even a quest, just a full blown system prompt on earth, in a place with a severe lack of energy. Something was seriously off about this Aleron guy, and whoever the fuck is sending this messages, that damn subroutine of a subroutine.

Cole was feeling more and more like a pawn as the seconds passed, and the more he was feeling it, the angrier he was getting. He shifted his gaze back to the hologram as Aleron moved back with a flourish, spreading his hands out wide as wind seemed to ruffle his blonde hair.

"I've got them! All of them! The fucking world leaders! One got away of course, but my men should be paying her a visit right about now, thanks for single handedly destroying her entire security systems,. Should make it easier for them to string her up, along with those beautiful children of her's …..yeah a crucifixion on the city gates of her capital city.

And there's the rest of them look at them…..and their families too! All of them a sacrifice! To-You-oh-great-Raen-Father! Cole! FUCKING! RAEN NIGHT! Hehehehehehe whooo! I'm excited aren't you excited? Don't worry, you will be. I'm sending a transport over, they should get you to my location soon enough, after all we can't have a sacrifice to honor your ascension into godhood without the Lord Of Chaos himself…..see you soon father."

The hologram went off and plunged the tunnel they were in into darkness. Even the soldiers that had been chasing behind them had all stopped in shock, as they looked at each other.

"First off I have few things to say about this guy. 1! He is coo-coo as hell, batshit mad hatter on platter with a Joker crazy! And believe me I've seen crazy, I mean look at you master, I thought there was no one more deranged than you, then there's this guy!

I say we should just turn the fuck around and get the fuck out of here. All in a quick woof woof! I'd say." Neral said as he moved around seemingly trying to chase his tail. Cole knew what that meant, the Cyber Dog was nervous. And say what you will about Neral and his loud mouth, the damn dog had the sharpest instincts out of everyone around him.

"He can't leave, none of us can. If someone is manipulating master, whatever the end results of this situation might be, it would definitely not be good for Raen Valley and every other Raen living there. This is an enemy, Raens don't suffer enemies to live, this man needs to die before the sun rises!" Delarosa said as she turned in the direction of a gunship heading their direction and flying a comical white flag.

"Well our ride is here, come along Neral, let's go and see who's the bigger villain of this new era…..Aleron Highwater Or Cole Night!"

"Ahh! So we're all going to die for some Raen pissing contest. Lovely…..just lovely."


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