Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 189: Where did the photos come from?

Chapter 189: Where did the photos come from?

Chapter 189: Where did the photos come from?

Mia was the first to notice something off about Lorenzo on the ground, mainly because she couldn’t get a word in with the drama unfolding around Alice, so she kept a wary eye on Lorenzo, suspecting he might pull another stunt.

The moment Lorenzo cracked a smile, Mia got goosebumps and quickly tugged on Ryan’s sleeve to alert him.

Ryan looked over at Lorenzo, who had resumed his usual demeanor, though now he was just hanging his head low, looking half-dead.

“Lorenzo, you’re saying Miss Alice did this, and your proof is these photos?”

“And where exactly did you get these photos from?”

Before Dante could speak, Rocco, fuming with anger, interrogated Lorenzo. He was particularly proactive about this matter.

He was already considering just killing Lorenzo right there,any slight misstep and he would do it, determined to ensure Lorenzo’s words died with him.

Rocco knew he’d be suspected, and eventually, everyone would know it was his doing.

But as long as he denied everything publicly, no one could touch him—that’s the privilege of those in power.

As for Lorenzo’s life or death, he was just expendable, and Rocco couldn’t care less.

“Mr. Russo, every word I say is the truth,” Lorenzo gasped out, struggling to speak with his limbs broken,speaking at all was a feat.

Ryan, seeing Lorenzo still trying to frame Miss Alice in such a state, felt he should have knocked him out completely earlier.

“I stake my entire family’s lives on it.”

“I have no personal grudge against Miss Alice. I’m just devoted to our brothers in the gang, stepping forward to secure our livelihood.”

“This is about Alice kidnapping Mr. Russo’s granddaughter, a grave matter. How could I dare lie about it?”

Lorenzo wriggled on the ground, his arms and legs broken, making it impossible for him to sit up.

His voice was feeble and shaky, like a rat in the walls, annoying to listen to.

Dante clicked his tongue and signaled to someone near Lorenzo, who immediately helped him up.

They propped Lorenzo up on a chair like a punching bag, and everyone could then see the extent of his injuries.

He looked like a leather bag stuffed with shredded flesh and blood.

“Ah, Lorenzo, your righteousness is commendable,perhaps I was too harsh on you.”

“Miss Alice… don’t say that, I didn’t mean it like that.”

Lorenzo said meekly, eyes downcast, a stark contrast to his earlier demeanor, which only made him more repulsive.

He was a smart man, knowing how to survive.

Provoking Alice to lose her temper, then taking control of the pace.

His limbs could be reattached in a few months, but he intended to make Alice fall into hell today, with no chance of redemption.

“Where did the photos come from?”

Alice snorted coldly, asking succinctly, trying her best to ignore Lorenzo’s infuriating demeanor.

She was utterly disdainful,if she hadn’t done something, she hadn’t done it. Accusers need to exhaust themselves crafting lies, but the accused only need to remember their innocence.

“The photos show your people kidnapping Mr. Russo’s granddaughter.”

“The man’s name is Travis Crowe. I happened to see him during the kidnapping, captured him, and tortured him. These photos were found on him.”

“He confessed everything under duress, claiming he was acting under Alice’s orders.”

Lorenzo spat out another mouthful of blood, looking at Dante with genuine fear, his head trembling non-stop.

“Travis Crowe,” Alice remembered the name,Hannah had recruited him last month.

She had met him once during the interview, but afterward, Travis only followed Hannah’s orders,he had no direct contact with Alice, let alone receiving orders from her.

“If you’ve already rescued the child, why didn’t you bring her here instead of just bringing photos?”

Ryan caught a suspicious point and didn’t think too much before asking.

Although Dante was annoyed by Ryan, he had to acknowledge Ryan’s sharp insight.

“I’m worried that Alice will keep sending people in secret, and my few guys definitely can’t protect Mr. Russo’s granddaughter well enough.”

“So, I put her in a safe place, planning to contact Mr. Russo after the meeting.”

Lorenzo’s excuse was a bit of a stretch. If he was really worried, he should have told Dante straight away and let him handle it. Dragging things out like this just seemed shady.

But now, it was too late for regrets. The situation had already shifted to this guy named Travis Crowe. Without finding him, Miss Alice couldn’t clear her name.

“Miss Alice, you can reach Travis Crowe, right? Why not call him over and clear things up face to face?”

Lorenzo looked up at Alice with a sly smile, but it was fleeting, quickly replaced by a look of cowardice.

Alice felt a twinge of unease. She realized there was a trap here.

If Lorenzo was bold enough to bring up Travis Crowe, chances were that Crowe had already turned on them. The man in the photo was indeed Travis Crowe, and he was behind this mess.

Even if she confronted him, it would only make things worse. Alice couldn’t just kill Travis Crowe, that would make her look guilty.

Alice stared silently at Lorenzo, while Rocco, standing beside her, was sweating bullets but visibly relieved as the situation seemed to improve.

Lorenzo had a backup plan. To avoid being too passive, he had already bought Travis Crowe over.

Alice’s camp wasn’t solid,she had known that, but having someone turn traitor now was the worst-case scenario.

“Miss Alice, what’s wrong? Maybe it was just a rash action by your subordinate, not under your orders.”

Rocco was in high spirits, taunting Alice. The more she stayed silent, the more excited he got, and even Lorenzo started looking better to him.

Causing trouble for Alice was the best help he could get.

Dante watched the factions squabble with a cold eye. All he really cared about was his granddaughter’s safety. As for who fell and who rose, he couldn’t care less.

“Miss Alice, call him over. If it’s just a mistake by your subordinate, everyone can understand.”

Dante rubbed his fingers on the arm of his leather chair, speaking up as the standoff continued. His statement was pretty much the final word.

The crowd around them buzzed with speculation, and public opinion started to turn against Alice.

“Is Miss Alice trying to dismantle the gang?”

“My business has already suffered losses, isn’t that Miss Alice’s doing?”

“Shh, keep it down, do you want to be the next Lorenzo?”

Doubt, slander, fear — a cacophony of voices filled the air, grating on the ears.

Ryan frowned, watching Alice’s reaction. Travis Crowe had definitely turned, and if he showed up, he’d likely side with Lorenzo.

It was Ryan’s first real lesson in the power of public opinion — sometimes, lies were more potent than bullets.


A lightbulb went off in Ryan’s head as he suddenly had an idea, though implementing it would be tricky.

“Miss Alice… call him over.”

Ryan leaned close to Alice, whispering in her ear.

Everyone else’s opinions didn’t matter to Alice,the only thing that mattered was how Ryan saw her.

If she called Travis over, her guilt would be all but confirmed.

Others kicking her when she was down was one thing, but why Ryan too?

Alice felt overwhelmed for a moment, her body swaying slightly as she felt dizzy. If even Ryan didn’t understand her, what was the point of her struggle?

Her heart was in turmoil, a shadow passing over her eyes as she quickly turned away.

Unexpectedly, Ryan’s gaze was clear and confident, as if he had a plan.


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