Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 188: The plot was too obvious

Chapter 188: The plot was too obvious

Chapter 188: The plot was too obvious

“Break Lorenzo’s arms and legs.”

Alice’s firm command hit everyone like a boulder, shocking even those who were used to such bloody affairs.

Deciding someone’s fate so casually, Miss Alice’s methods were ruthlessly efficient.

Lorenzo, lying on the ground, clenched his teeth and looked at Dante, the only one who could stand up to Alice now.

Lorenzo had been too successful in his recent endeavors, forgetting his actual place in the scheme of things.

He remembered a rumor from a few months back when Alice first took over the gang. Many opposed her, and many wanted to use the opportunity to rise to power.

But those with ulterior motives all disappeared without exception.

“Miss Alice, is this a sign of guilt? Are you afraid to confront them directly that you have to resort to this now?” Dante ignored Lorenzo on the ground, his eyes fixed solely on Alice.

Alice had always been diplomatic with him, maneuvering between different powers.

But now, she seemed different. Was it because of the recent altercation with her assistant?

However, this didn’t mean he was scared of Alice, just that it was time for a change of tactics.

“Is breaking arms and legs considered going too far? He slandered me, so according to you, Mr. Russo, I should just take it?”

Alice scoffed at Dante’s words, waving her hand to signal her gang members to carry out her orders.

Lorenzo was pinned down by three burly men, not dragged away but brutally crippled right there in front of everyone.

Even if he survived today, he’d be broken.

His eyes blazed with fury, his mouth bloody, a terrifying sight.

Like a vengeful ghost, he stared intensely at Alice and Ryan, his limbs shattered, yet he didn’t scream.

When a wolf retreats, it’s for one reason: it’s waiting for the next chance to strike, to fatally snap its enemy’s neck.

Dante’s face turned ashen. He turned back to his chair, snorted coldly, and then gave Rocco a meaningful look.

“Miss Alice, about the evidence…”

Rocco quickly stood up, having been whispering to Dante about Alice’s recent odd behavior, trying to prove she was behind the kidnapping of Dante’s granddaughter.

Now, he didn’t dare delay, knowing that from the moment Lorenzo spilled the beans, only one of them could leave unscathed.

But before he could finish, Lorenzo’s limbs were broken. Alice, acting as if nothing had happened, turned to look at Ryan, her eyes softening.

“Does it still hurt?”

What was Miss Alice talking about?

Everyone around was stunned by her words.

Now, Alice looked like a doting wife, which matched her beautiful face.

But the problem was, she had just ordered Lorenzo’s limbs broken, and her hands were still bloody.

The gang members around were more shocked by this than by Miss Alice’s thunderous methods.

Everyone’s gaze turned to Ryan, curious about the identity of Miss Alice’s new assistant.

“Uh… no, it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Ryan, feeling awkward under so many stares and slightly afraid of Alice reaching out to him, quickly stepped back, rubbing his head and chuckling.

“You’re lying.”

Miss Alice snorted coldly, her tone icy yet somehow coquettish.

People around nearly passed out from shock. Was this really their leader, Miss Alice, known for her decisive killings?

Ryan leaned in closer, whispering in Alice’s ear, “We should really focus on the important stuff now, right?”

But in Alice’s eyes, ‘important stuff’ seemed to have its own definition.

“Go, slap that guy.”

Alice seriously instructed Ryan, and now it was his turn to be shocked.

It felt like a kid getting into a fight and then calling an adult to take their side.

“Miss Alice, let’s not lose sight of what’s important.”

Dante couldn’t stand it anymore. Alice knew he was desperate, yet she acted this way. It wasn’t just Lorenzo’s face she was slapping,it was his.

Ryan, under Dante’s glaring eyes, knew better than to actually hit Lorenzo. But looking at Alice’s expression, Ryan realized she was serious.

She even frowned slightly, wondering why Ryan hadn’t moved yet.

Although being protected by Miss Alice felt somewhat exhilarating, Ryan was sweating profusely. Finally, with no other choice, he took a deep breath and approached Lorenzo on the ground.

Having already offended Dante, who had just tried to take his life, Ryan figured he might as well go all in and vent some of Alice’s frustration.


The crisp sound echoed through the conference room. Dante’s fingers whitened as he gripped the edge of his seat tightly.

If it weren’t for Lorenzo’s false accusations, Dante wouldn’t have lost his temper. Lorenzo was the root cause of it all.

Surprisingly, after delivering the slap, Ryan’s headache seemed to lessen, and his mood lightened considerably.

“Not bad, see? You could do it.”

Miss Alice nodded in satisfaction at Ryan, then beckoned him back to her side.

The recent events had taught her a lesson, and she vowed not to let Ryan get hurt again.

“Miss Alice—can we move on now?” Dante’s voice dragged on, pushed again to the brink of anger by Alice.

But Alice had already moved on, stepping forward to examine three photographs.

The first photo showed a distant view of an elementary school gate, apparently just as the kids were being let out.

In the center stood a little girl with a red backpack, wearing a dress and red shoes, looking adorable yet unhappy, as if waiting for someone.

The second photo, taken closer and from inside a car, showed a man leading the little girl away. She looked back, puzzled by the change in her usual pick-up.

The third photo, which had driven Dante to rage, was taken in an abandoned factory. The girl was roughly tied to a concrete pillar, her white dress stained with blood, her eyes filled with tears of fear.

After reviewing the photos, Alice exhaled softly. The framing was crude but straightforward.

Ryan and Mia leaned in to look. Alice glanced at Mia, then pushed the photos towards Ryan.

Mia puffed up her cheeks, furious like a pufferfish, glaring at Alice before unconsciously clinging to Ryan.

The gang members were numb, unsure why Mia was involved.

Handling one Alice was tough enough, and though Mia had a special status, no one underestimated her. Was she also here to protect Ryan?

Did Ryan save the universe in a past life?

“Miss Alice, explain this.”

“My granddaughter’s school is under your control, and the man in these photos looks like one of your people,” Dante said, his voice calm but his eyes burning with anger.

He couldn’t believe this young woman thought she was his equal.

“Mr. Russo, you’ve dedicated your life to the gang, and it’s understandable that you’re overworked and susceptible to deceit in your old age.”

“If I were behind this, why would I need to take these photos?”

“If I wanted to threaten you, I’d just say your granddaughter was in my hands. Would you not believe that?”

Alice’s words made Ryan break out in a cold sweat. Her sharp tone was necessary,being too polite now would only show weakness.

“Such a crude method is unlike me. If it were my people, why would Lorenzo have the photos?”

Alice calmly pointed out this inconsistency, which was the biggest issue. If Lorenzo hadn’t handed over the photos, Dante would have already broken ties with her.

The plot was too obvious, almost designed to raise suspicions.

Rocco’s face turned pale. He had planned to send the photos anonymously to Dante, but Lorenzo had exposed them.

He had entrusted Lorenzo with this task, not expecting him to know more details. His fists clenched tightly as he glared at Lorenzo, lying on the ground like a dead dog.

If Lorenzo hadn’t kept a backup plan, he was truly in danger.

Lorenzo had been silent since the beating, and some might have thought he’d passed out from the pain.

But now, he moved. Buried in his arms, the blood he spat out soaked the ground and stained his face a gruesome red.

Despite his dire state, his mouth twisted into a grotesque smile.


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