This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role

Chapter 36: Elementary School Incident

Chapter 36

Chu Yang was thinking it would be better to come a little later, so she was about to slip away. Chi Yan happened to glance around just then and saw a familiar figure, so he immediately made a pause gesture and ran over. "Chu Yang, you came!"

Everyone around immediately looked over.

Chu Yang: ...Too late to slip away now.

Chu Yang pretended to be calm on the surface and greeted him, "Hi."

Wei Feng and the others also saw it was her and gathered around. "Big...uh, hello Chu."

"Did Chu come to find Yan?"

Chu Yang greeted them, "Yeah, I have something to discuss, sorry to interrupt you all."

Yuan Zhi waved his hand, "No problem, don't worry about it. Why don't you sit on the sidelines and watch us play basketball for a bit Chu? We'll finish up soon and then we can all go eat together. B University has pretty good food. We'll have Yan treat you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

They chatted very amicably. The girls watching around were gossiping amongst themselves. "Who's that girl?"

"Yan and Zhi are both talking to her!"

"She seems really familiar with Yan and the others."

"Do we have someone like her at our school?"

"That girl is from A University next door." The girl speaking was the one who had seen Chi Yan and Chu Yang together on the bus before.

"What? Someone from another school poaching our guys?"

"She's not even that pretty." This was from a jealous girl.

"Although...she's prettier than you." Another girl rolled her eyes. "I know we're not thrilled when guys we like have a girl around, but let's not trash talk her." She was just as pretty as their school belle after all.

Over with Chu Yang, she ended up sitting in a chair at the edge of the basketball court with Chi Yan's jacket and water bottle next to her.

The basketball court soon livened up again. As Chu Yang watched, she had to admit it was quite a feast for the eyes to watch the energetic, testosterone-filled hunks play basketball.

After about half an hour, practice ended. Chi Yan came over and sat next to Chu Yang. He took a drink of water first, then used a towel to wipe off some sweat. Picking up his jacket, he said to Chu Yang, "Let's go eat."

Chu Yang: ...She just wanted to ask Chi Yan about something from elementary school.

But she didn't want to ruin everyone's mood, so she went along to eat with them.

The school cafeteria had private rooms. Chu Yang followed them into one, then realized...she was the only girl at the table.

But they were very considerate of her, letting her order first. Chu Yang randomly picked two dishes, then the rest ordered a ton more. The appetite of a group of male college students who had just exercised could be imagined.

They chatted while eating, all tactfully not talking too much with Chu Yang. After all, it seemed like she had come to find Chi Yan. Only Chi Yan chatted with her occasionally, sometimes even using his chopsticks to put food in her bowl.

After eating their fill, it was already evening. They all tactfully left, except for Chi Yan and Chu Yang. Yuan Zhi and Wei Feng made meaningful eye contact with Chi Yan before leaving, silently saying "tempting beauty" with their eyes.

Chi Yan who understood: ...

It was cold in the evening. Chi Yan put on his jacket and was also holding a basketball. He walked alongside Chu Yang.

"That's right, did you come find me today for something important?"

Chu Yang had been wondering how to bring it up to him. With him asking, she quickly said, "Yes, something very important."

Chu Yang's expression became serious. "Yesterday when I passed by the kindergarten near your residential area, I felt something was off. So when I got back to my dorm, I 'looked' and saw that tomorrow, or maybe the day after, a man will rush into the elementary school with a knife."

They could all imagine what would happen if someone rushed into a school with a knife. Chi Yan also instantly became serious. "What?"

"But I don't know how to prevent this. That's why I was looking for you to ask your opinion. Since it's a school near your residential area, a lot of the students are probably from your complex right?" Chu Yang analyzed.

Chi Yan nodded. "Right, a lot of the kids from the complex go to school there."

Chu Yang looked at Chi Yan. "It's urgent, but I have no way to handle it. I can't just rush over and say a bad person will come tomorrow, or directly call the police saying someone's planning to attack XX Elementary School. If I did that, I'd probably be the prime suspect arrested."

Chi Yan understood. "I know, I'll think of something. Leave it to me. I'll resolve it. Don't worry." In just those two minutes, Chi Yan had already thought of several plans.

To put Chu Yang at ease, Chi Yan said, "I'll stand guard at the school entrance tomorrow."

Chu Yang looked at him. Although she could tell from his muscular outline when he played basketball that he was pretty fit, still... "Won't that be dangerous?"

Chi Yan shook his head. "It's fine. I'll find people to come with me. Anyway, leave this to me. I promise I'll handle it properly."

Seeing Chi Yan's sincere gaze, Chu Yang decided to trust him. "Alright. Thank you."

Chi Yan: "No need for thanks. Maintaining social order is a responsibility for ordinary citizens too."

When Chu Yang heard him say that, she found it quite funny and laughed. "Didn't expect you to be so civic-minded."

Seeing her laugh put Chi Yan at ease too. During dinner earlier, seeing she wasn't in high spirits, he had felt somewhat bad thinking maybe he had been too "forceful" making her come eat with them.

Fortunately that wasn't the case.

Chu Yang saw it was getting late. "I'll head back first then."

Chi Yan immediately said, "Wait, let me take you back. It's not safe for a girl out alone this late. I'll find a little sheep to take you."

Chu Yang looked around and didn't see any shared bikes nearby, so she agreed.

Then she followed Chi Yan and walked to the bottom of the male dorm the little grove at the base of the building. There were many couples there, and Chi Yan suddenly felt a bit awkward. But Chu Yang didn't think anything of it, pretty normal in her opinion. Same as when she was in college in her past life.

Chi Yan quickly rode over on a little sheep. He was wearing a blue helmet and also handed Chu Yang a blue one. Chu Yang sat directly behind him, and Chi Yan rode her through B University's streets. He introduced some of B University's sights as they went. "Over there is Qinglong Lake, legend says a blue dragon used to live there...The trees lining the paths here are cherry blossoms. It's really beautiful during cherry blossom season, I'll take you to see it next time...

Chu Yang made occasional sounds of acknowledgement.

Chi Yan chatted on and on, he didn't even know he could say so much.

Leaving B University, they entered A University. Following Chu Yang's directions, they arrived at her destination. Chi Yan had been to A University no less than 10 times, and while he wasn't super familiar, he did know some of the famous spots. But he still said, "I don't think I've ever properly toured A University before. Could you show me around next time I come over?"

Considering Chi Yan was helping her out, Chu Yang of course didn't mind doing this little thing for him.


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