This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role

Chapter 35: Playing Basketball

Chapter 35

Chu Yang reported to the police and then ignored it. She just received a customer payment afterwards, which was not bad.

After school started, Chu Yang continued to work as a tutor. Her student got good grades last semester, so the employer gave her a raise this semester.

Near the residential area was an elementary school that Chu Yang often passed by. She usually came here for classes on weekends, and when she was about to go back to school after finishing teaching, she ran into Chi Yan again in the residential area.

He was wearing sportswear inside, with a coat outside, and holding a basketball. When he saw Chu Yang's back, he smiled and ran over to pat her on the shoulder, "Happy new year."

Chu Yang saw it was him, and also greeted him, "Happy new year."

Chi Yan walked beside her and asked, "Are you going back to school now?"

Chu Yang nodded, "Yes. Are you going to play basketball?"

Chi Yan dribbled the ball as he walked, "Yeah. Going back to school to play ball. Do you want to watch?"

Chu Yang let out an "Ah?" and said, "Go to B University?"

Chi Yan nodded, "Yeah, you haven't been to our school yet, although it's next door. The food in our school cafeteria is pretty good. Do you want to come? I'll treat you to a meal."

When Chu Yang heard him say he would treat her, she thought of the snacks he had given her. She had taken a whole month to finish them... Moreover, she had shared some of them with others.

As Chi Yan walked with her towards the exit of the residential area, they passed the road at the entrance of the elementary school. There were no classes on Saturday, so the elementary school was quite quiet.

As they walked to the entrance of the elementary school, Chu Yang suddenly stopped and looked inside with a frown. Something was very wrong!

Chu Yang looked again and again. Chi Yan beside asked, "What's wrong?"

Chu Yang thought she would take another look when she got back to the dormitory, "Nothing, I'll go first."

"Oh, okay. Do you want to watch me play basketball?" Chi Yan looked at her expectantly.

Chu Yang was lost in thought, "No, I have something to do at school."

"Oh, okay." Chi Yan was a little disappointed inside, thinking he would ask her again at the school basketball game next time.

The two got on the bus. There were quite a lot of students on the bus, most of whom were on their way back to school.

As soon as Chi Yan got on the bus, he attracted the attention of many people. It could be said that Chi Yan was quite famous in the entire university town, but Chu Yang did not know about this.

"Yo, it's Chi Yan!"

"Wow! So handsome!"

"Full of youthful spirit!"

"He's going to play basketball today. Do we want to follow along and watch?"

"Let's go, let's go. We must go."

"Who's that girl next to him?"

"Don't know. Damn, Chi Yan is actually being chatted up by a girl from A University!" The two gossiping girls whispered at the back of the bus. Chu Yang and Chi Yan standing at the front did not hear them.

After getting on the bus, Chi Yan took a look around and found no seats, so he stood holding onto the handrail. Chu Yang stood next to him with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

Chi Yan took out his wrist guards from his pocket, then handed the basketball to Chu Yang, "Help me hold this for a bit. I need to put on my guards."

Chu Yang took it very naturally, even cushioning the basketball a little. If they weren't on the bus, she would have patted it.

"How are you at playing basketball?" Chu Yang asked.

This question caught Chi Yan off guard. No one had asked him this before. People who saw him usually said he must be very good at basketball, and he was indeed very good.

It was a little embarrassing to boast about himself, so after putting on his guards, Chi Yan hugged the basketball at his waist and said, "People say I'm pretty good."

Chu Yang nodded, "I'll go watch next time. I have something to do today."

Hearing her say this already made Chi Yan very happy. "Okay, next time I play basketball I'll invite you."


Suddenly the bus slammed on the brakes. Afraid that Chu Yang might fall, Chi Yan put a hand on her shoulder to steady her. Chu Yang also wanted to grab the handrail, but she was too short and stretching for it felt uncomfortable.

Chi Yan said, "Why don't you just hold onto my coat?"

Chu Yang thought that could work, so she held onto the sleeve of his coat with one hand.

The two gossiping girls behind widened their eyes!

"Who is that girl!!! "

"Could she be Chi Yan's girlfriend?"

"Definitely not. They're not holding hands."

"They seem very familiar with each other."

"Didn't they say Chi Yan doesn't care for girls? That he has average interest in females? That he doesn't have female friends?"

When they arrived at the stop, the two gossiping girls followed Chi Yan and Chu Yang off the bus, then trailed behind them as they walked.

When they finally parted ways at the gate of B University, and Chu Yang entered the neighboring A University, the girls exclaimed: "Our school hunk from B University got picked up by a girl from A University! Damn!"

When Chu Yang returned to her dorm room, she immediately went to her bed with the crystal ball, drew the curtains, and started scrying. To avoid anyone suddenly coming in, she had decided to do all her fortune-telling with the crystal ball on her dorm bed from now on.

After a momentary ripple in the crystal ball, Chu Yang opened her eyes, put away the crystal ball, and kept frowning. She had just seen that something big and outrageous would happen at the elementary school this coming Monday!

She saw a deranged man walking in there with a knife...

But stopping this would be tricky!

Chu Yang thought about it all night but couldn't figure out how. The next morning, she was still thinking about it while playing with her raven, and even considered asking the raven for help. Then she thought of Chi Yan. He lived nearby, plus he knew of her abilities. She decided to ask him for help.

In the afternoon, Chu Yang sent Chi Yan a message: "Are you busy? I have something I want to ask you about."

Chi Yan was just about to go play basketball with his roommates. They had a basketball tournament coming up, so they were training a lot recently.

He immediately replied: "No, I'm not. What's up?"

His roommate Wei Feng was already rushing him, "Bro Yan, let's go!"

With his phone in hand, Chi Yan grabbed a bottle of water and headed out.

Chu Yang: "I'll come find you in a bit."

Chi Yan hurried back to the dorm again, then checked himself in the mirror. His roommate Wei Feng said: "...Bro Yan, what are you doing? You're handsome enough already. A bunch of girls come watch you play basketball every day. What, still not confident enough?"

Chi Yan ruffled his hair, "Coming!"

Chi Yan and Wei Feng went to the basketball court on campus. Then he sent Chu Yang his location: "I'm at the east court playing ball. Just come directly over."

"Got it."

Chu Yang grabbed a small bag and headed out. She had never been to the neighboring B University before, so she navigated her way there. The east court at B University wasn't too far. Chu Yang just rode over on a shared bike.

Half an hour later, Chu Yang arrived at the east court at B University. Before she even got off the bike, she saw a group of girls crowded over there, unable to see what was inside. Chu Yang only glanced over briefly.

After parking her bike, Chu Yang looked around. There were several basketball courts, all with people playing, but she didn't see Chi Yan anywhere. Finally she decided to just head towards the bigger crowd.

As she got close, she could hear "Ahhh so handsome!"

"Oh my god! Did you see that? His abs!!! Ahhhh!"

"Explosion of masculinity!"

Chu Yang: ...So crazy! Can't be here right?

Chu Yang went to a less crowded spot and peered inside... Indeed, Chi Yan had just scored a 3-pointer! The girls outside shrieked again!

Chu Yang plugged her ears, feeling like she had come at a bad time... Maybe she should just slip away...


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