This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role

Chapter 251: The Will

Chapter 251

Chi Yan approached to examine her complexion, not forgetting how pale Chu Yang had looked after performing her magic earlier. "How are you feeling? Any discomfort?"

Chu Yang shook her head, "I'm fine. My magical power now is different from before. Don't worry."

"That's good." Chi Yan kissed her hand. "Thank you."

Chu Yang smiled and shook her head, "No need to thank me. We're one."

Chi Yan smiled too, "Mm-hmm."

About two hours later, Chi Bai's eyes moved slightly, and his fingers twitched. Then he slowly opened his eyes. Chu Yang immediately noticed and pressed the bell to notify the doctor.

"Grandfather's awake."

Chi Yan looked over, "Grandpa! Grandpa!"

Chi Bai didn't speak but smiled at Chi Yan and reached out his hand. Chi Yan immediately grasped it, his eyes reddening, "Grandpa, you're finally awake."

Chi Bai nodded.

Soon after, the doctor came to examine him.

Meanwhile, Chu Yang was calling Chi Xin and the others, "Grandfather has woken up."

"Good, good, we'll be right there."

After the examination, the doctor told Chi Yan and the others: "He seems to be recovering well. He needs to rest properly, and if he continues to improve, he might be able to stay awake for longer periods."

"Alright, thank you, doctor."

Before long, a large group of people surrounded Chi Bai's bed.

Chi Xin and Chi Feng stood on either side, softly calling, "Dad, are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?"

Chi Bai didn't speak but shook his head.

Zhao Yun said, "Dad just woke up, let him rest properly."

The old man didn't have much energy now, so everyone agreed.

"Chi Yan, you should go to the company first. Your father and I will stay here," Zhao Yun said to Chi Yan, then told Chi Xin and Chi Jin, "You two stayed overnight yesterday, go home and rest. Chi Yan's father and I will stay here, and you can come back in the evening."

Everyone agreed.

As for Chu Yang, since she had nothing else to do, Zhao Yun arranged for her to accompany Chi Yan to the company.

That evening, Chu Yang met her aunt-in-law who had been stationed abroad thousands of miles away. She had known that the aunt-in-law couldn't return even for Chi Yan's wedding but had sent a grand gift.

The uncle and aunt came together.

Wearing a black suit and carrying a briefcase, the aunt looked very much like a career woman, but when she saw Chi Yan and Chu Yang, she smiled warmly at them, "Chi Yan has grown so big, and this must be little Chu. She's so sweet."

"Hello, Aunt."

"Oh, I came in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts. I'll make it up to you next time."

Chu Yang shook her head, "It's fine."

Two days later, Chi Bai finally felt a bit better and could speak, but his first words were: "Call the lawyer."

After the lawyer arrived, to everyone's surprise, he talked about the will.

The three Chi brothers immediately exclaimed: "Dad!"

Chi Bai waved his hand, speaking slowly, "I know my own body. While I'm still feeling okay, I want to resolve everything I can."

Chi Xin spoke first: "Dad, I don't need your things. I can earn my own. Just give everything to big brother and second brother."

Chi Lei said: "Dad, I don't need it either. Qin Qin and I have been away for years and haven't been able to take care of you. It wouldn't be right for us to take anything."

Chi Feng was about to say something but was interrupted by Chi Bai, "Don't speak. I know how to arrange my own things. The will has long been drafted, I'm just informing you now, not asking for your opinions."

Everyone fell silent.

The will was simple: He owned 50% of Chi Corporation's shares, of which 40% would go directly to Chi Yan, and 10% to Chi Jin, because Chi Jin wasn't involved in company management and might be moving up in the future, so it wasn't good for him to have too much. As for the others, they all had shares in the company, albeit small ones, but the annual dividends from those small shares were more than enough.

Then the old family house would also go directly to Chi Yan, as he was the heir to Chi Corporation.

No one had any objections, as the company would be Chi Yan's responsibility in the future.

As for other assets, including shares in some other companies, they were divided into several portions, one for each person, including Chu Yang.

After the assets were divided, no one had any objections, and they signed and pressed their fingerprints.

"In the future, you must not fight among yourselves. You must stay united, discuss any issues that arise, and only then will our Chi family advance further. Don't be blinded by small profits, understand?"


"Alright, that's it. I need to rest now. You all go out first, Chi Yan and little Chu stay behind, I have some things to instruct."


Chi Yan walked to Chi Bai's side and crouched down, holding his hand, "Grandpa."

Chu Yang also came over.

Chi Bai took her hand and placed it together with Chi Yan's, "You two must take good care of each other. I won't be able to see your children being born, but remember to bring them to see me in the future."

Chi Yan's eyes were filled with tears, "We will."

Then Chi Bai took a deep breath, "You must never bully little Chu, understand? If there are any difficult issues with the company, you can discuss them with your uncles. You know what's most important in doing business."

Chi Yan nodded, "I know."

Chi Bai looked at Chu Yang: "I'm troubling you to take care of the Chi family."

Chu Yang knew what he meant, "I understand, Grandpa. I will protect everyone. Don't worry."

"Good child." Chi Bai patted their hands, "You two go out now, and ask your uncle to come in. I have a few words for him."


After Chi Yan and Chu Yang went out, they called Chi Xin in.

Not long after, Chi Xin came out with reddened eyes, and then Chi Jin went in...

After instructing everyone, the old man was tired and rested peacefully.

Everyone continued their normal work and life. Chi Yan went to the company every day, and in the evening, he would accompany Chu Yang to visit the old man at the hospital, returning home to rest later at night.

Chi Feng, Chi Xin, and Chi Lei took turns watching over the old man at the hospital, and on weekends when everyone was free, they would gather to keep him company.

On this day, while Chi Xin was accompanying the old man to sunbathe, he received a call from his good friend, Police Chief Li Yong.

"Chi Xin, I need your help with something."

Chi Xin: "What's up? Does your police station need bodyguards?"

Li Yong's expression was somewhat grave: "No, it's not that. You know Lingqiu Mountain, right? People are saying there's a monster in the undeveloped areas of Lingqiu Mountain. Someone saw what they described as a black, long-haired monster. Some people who went mountain climbing on Lingqiu Mountain accidentally entered the undeveloped area and disappeared. Someone said they saw them being dragged away by a black, hairy monster."

Chi Xin: "You want me to help find people?"

Li Yong: "No, that's not it. We've already sent people to search and found them. When our people went to search, they indeed saw the monster and almost got dragged away. Even shooting at it had no effect, and those who were caught had black claw marks on their bodies. It's too bizarre. Don't you know Daoist Mingwu? Could you ask him to help?"


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