The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 318: 318: A Kiss Will Make the Pain Go Away

Chapter 318: Chapter 318: A Kiss Will Make the Pain Go Away
(Chapter Four)

After arriving at Ye Xiaoli’s place at the school, Yang Qingyin took Luo Ziling straight to the bed and ordered him to lie down in an indisputable tone.

Having no other choice, Luo Ziling obediently sat on the bed and countered, “Let’s take care of the wounds on the front first, otherwise lying down will really hurt.”

As for the wounds on the front, Luo Ziling could handle them himself.

Luckily, he had brought along the bag that contained medical equipment and medicine when he left home that day.

While walking the streets with Yang Qingyin under an umbrella, he once felt that carrying the bag was a burden.

Unexpectedly, the items he brought turned out to be useful at a critical moment.

Luo Ziling cleaned his shoulder wound by himself, removing the clotted blood and washing the wound, and then he applied medicinal powder. Fortunately, he had dodged quickly when he was stabbed, so the wound wasn’t too deep.

For the wound on his back, Luo Ziling asked Ye Xiaoli for help.

But when Ye Xiaoli wanted to step up to help, Yang Qingyin stopped her.

“Let me do it,” Yang Qingyin said, knowing Luo Ziling was afraid that she would get nervous or dirty, but she didn’t care about any of that and took the initiative to tend to Luo Ziling’s wounds.

Ye Xiaoli stood by to assist.

Under Luo Ziling’s guidance, Yang Qingyin carefully disinfected his wounds, cleaned away the dirt and then applied medicinal powder.

Seeing such a large wound on Luo Ziling’s body, and the fact that he didn’t even frown while treating the wound, tears started rolling in Yang Qingyin’s eyes. But in the end, she forced a smile and joked, “It’s too bad the military training is over, otherwise you could have asked for leave and skipped it.”

Before Luo Ziling could say anything, she added, “Let’s go to the hospital to have a look, anyway. Get a tetanus shot just to be safe.”

“It won’t be necessary,” Luo Ziling said with a smile, shaking his head, “This is a secret medicine made by my grandfather, containing various medicinal ingredients such as hemostatic, antibacterial, and wound healing agents. By tomorrow, the wound will have scabbed over, and in a few days, it will be completely healed.”

Seeing tears glimmering in Yang Qingyin’s eyes, Luo Ziling quickly reassured her with a smile, “Senior sister, don’t worry. There was a time I fell from a mountain and was much more seriously injured than this; a wound more than ten centimeters long healed just like this without leaving any scars. Don’t forget, my grandfather is the Contemporary Divine Doctor, and I am a young Divine Doctor. If I couldn’t even heal my own wounds, wouldn’t that be a real trouble?”

Although Yang Qingyin believed what Luo Ziling said, she was still worried.

“All right, there’s nothing to worry about anymore,” Luo Ziling said with a smile, patting Yang Qingyin’s cheek, “Go wash up and change your clothes; you’re covered in blood.”

“I’m fine,” Yang Qingyin shook her head, “I’m not the one who’s injured.”

Having her cheek touched by Luo Ziling in front of Ye Xiaoli didn’t bother her; she didn’t even utter a word of complaint.

“I’m hungry now; we haven’t had dinner yet!” Luo Ziling said with a smile, patting his stomach. “Shall we go out for dinner?”

“We won’t go out,” Yang Qingyin shook her head and then instructed Ye Xiaoli, “You go buy us some dinner, make it a generous portion. And get Ziling a set of clothes; his are torn.”

Ye Xiaoli naturally agreed and went to do so immediately.

“Okay then,” Luo Ziling didn’t object and complied with Yang Qingyin’s arrangements.

“Junior, why don’t you lie down and rest,” Yang Qingyin came forward to help Luo Ziling get undressed, “Your clothes are torn, and covered in blood; take them off first. I’ll get some warm water to wipe off the dirt. You can’t lie on your back, so why not rest lying face down? We can prop a cushion on your chest to avoid putting pressure on your wound.”

“Uh, aren’t you fussier than your grandma?” Luo Ziling couldn’t help but tease, “Last time we went to the Summer Palace, I warned you about a few things and you told me I was fussier than your grandma!”

“If I’m fussy, so be it,” Yang Qingyin hummed, ignoring Luo Ziling’s banter and forced him to take off his clothes.

Suddenly, with Yang Qingyin’s help, Luo Ziling was bared from the waist up.

Two big wounds on his back, along with a body of sturdy muscles, were now exposed to Yang Qingyin’s view.

The sight of those two wounds was harrowing, causing Yang Qingyin a pang of heartache; when her eyes accidentally fell on Luo Ziling’s robust muscles, her face flushed red.

It was her first time seeing a man’s body up close, and it was a boy with whom she had developed a rather intimate relationship; the well-defined muscles undulating across his build, skin whiter than most men, and the distinctly masculine scent quickened Yang Qingyin’s heartbeat and breathing.

Seeing Yang Qingyin’s pretty face turn pink and her eyes flicker, appearing hesitant to speak, Luo Ziling couldn’t resist teasing again, “Hey, I’m all exposed without my clothes. You’ve been getting an eyeful for so long for free. I’ve been taken advantage of; I must look back sometime.”

Already feeling exceedingly bashful, Yang Qingyin blushed even more at Luo Ziling’s words.

“You annoying junior, if you keep talking nonsense, I’ll ignore you,” she said, turning her back on him in a huff.

“You’re ignoring me, so let me pay attention to you then,” Luo Ziling, still shirtless, peeked over her shoulder and took the chance to plant a kiss on her cheek. “Don’t be mad, alright?”

To her complete surprise, Yang Qingyin was caught off guard by Luo Ziling’s sneak attack, and her face turned even redder with embarrassment and annoyance, swiftly turning around only to find herself enveloped in Luo Ziling’s embrace.

Her hands instinctively pushed against his chest, touching his firm muscles and inhaling the strong masculine scent from his body, which made her heart flutter and her body go weak.

Accidentally touching one of Luo Ziling’s wounds, Yang Qingyin heard him let out a soft cry, at which point she realized she had hit his injury and instantly snapped back to reality.

“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” The bashfulness immediately vanished, and Yang Qingyin looked truly panicked.

“It killed me,” Luo Ziling put on a pained expression, seeing Yang Qingyin’s worried face, “Ow!”

“I’m sorry, it was an accident,” Yang Qingyin was more scared now, quickly helping Luo Ziling to sit down and apologizing; she then softly asked, “Does it hurt a lot? What can we do about it?”

“It hurts, of course, it hurts,” Luo Ziling stifled a laugh, giving her a pitiable look, “You owe me one.”

“I… It was an accident. How about I take you to the hospital to get it checked?” Yang Qingyin grew even more anxious.

“No need, just one kiss from you and the pain will disappear.” Luo Ziling said, betraying a smirk of triumph.

Yang Qingyin finally realized that Luo Ziling had been pretending all along to tease her, and she became indignantly embarrassed.

After pinching him hard, she said with vexation, “That’s for scaring me, that’s for scaring me, I’m not talking to you anymore!”

However, after she pinched Luo Ziling, she still lowered her head and took the initiative to kiss Luo Ziling.

Just as Luo Ziling thought he had succeeded in his ruse, greedily enjoying Yang Qingyin’s proactive kiss, she suddenly bit him with some force, eliciting an agonized yelp from Luo Ziling.

Seeing Luo Ziling in pain and clutching his mouth, Yang Qingyin couldn’t help but laugh with joy.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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