The World Serpent

Chapter 194 - 194-Naval Battle Above The Heavens

The hive interference location where the special elven squad got sent was one of the biggest ones. It consisted of at least hundreds of hive hatcheries that could produce hundreds of thousands of monsters per day. The danger of the hive interference was apparent. The elven nation of Elda would have to destroy them before they would make the efforts of the elven navy for naught. 

Currently, the reinforcements that were sent into the area where the special elven squad came from the Occidental Region, also known as the Nation of Azathoth. It was dozens of hundreds of flying battleships traversing in the heavens. It was a recently received reinforcement, and the battle against the hive interference was the perfect one for it. 

Above the heavens, within the southern outskirts of the Nation of Elda. Gloria stood upon a class 2 Battleship and was about to enter the battle. She looked upon the hive interference with a cold gaze and inspected everything from it. It didn't a long time for Gloria to have complete information about the area. With hefty amounts of information, it would be easy for her to strategize and bring victory to the Great Forest and to her Mother.

"About millions of ground-type monsters and hundreds of thousands of flying types in the sizes of 5 meters and 20 meters. They are quite annoying but not that hard to handle. I should simply prepare myself to not take unnecessary and dumb casualties." Gloria uttered with a monotone voice as she went back inside the bridge. 

After entering the bridge, Gloria walked towards the front window. The hundreds of thousands of flying-type monsters have noticed the fleet. It was about time for her to give her first orders. A smirk slowly formed on Gloria's face as she started ordering the fleets with her monotone voice. 

"Closed the windows and reinforced them. Prepare the AA Batteries. Activate Shields, and point the main armaments towards the hive hatcheries." As she ushered her orders, the windows of the bridge started to close. Neon lights then lit up within the bridge after the darkness enveloped it. The shields covered the battleships afterward, and the supreme radar system started booting.

The flying-type monsters started getting nearer and nearer. They were like an endless swarm of unstoppable insects. No wonder the defense of the elven nation swiftly lost after the future waves. The adapting army of the Calidus Desert was too hard to handle.

Silence then enveloped the bridge as a cold and calm atmosphere enveloped it. Gloria stood silently as the radar machine kept reporting the location of the endless and vast enemies. 10 Kilometers... 7 Kilometers... 4 Kilometers... 1 Kilometer... 200 meters...

It was then everything started vibrating. It appears that the enemy was doing everything they could to attack the fleet. Unfortunately for them, the shields were too strong for them to puncture. A familiar devilish smile then slowly formed on Gloria's face as she released the order to retaliate against the invading bastards. 

"Activate Defense Modules, Fire the Main Cannons, and Unleashed the Missile Salvos." Gloria finally released the orders as the AA batteries scattered all over the battleships started firing with all their power. *Brrrtttt!!!!* *Brrrtttt!!!!* *Brrrtttt!!!!* *Brrrtttt!!!!*

Along the gunfire was the thunderous sound of the Main Cannons. *BOOOMMM!!!* *BOOOMMM!!!* *BOOOMMM!!!* *BOOOMMM!!!*

Then the Missile got released from their tubes with a gush of wind. *SWISHH!!!* *SWISHH!!!* *SWISHH!!!* *SWISHH!!!*

It was rather chaotic and loud on the outside. Thousands of enemies were falling down from the skies as they were either skewered or were full of holes. The shells of the Main Cannons and the Missiles of the tubes on the other had finally hit the hive hatcheries, which was their target. 

Numerous bright lights then shone brilliantly afterward. What followed it was mushroom clouds and vast shockwaves enveloping all. With the vast shockwave was the sound of dozens of thunderous explosions. *BOOM!!!!!* *BOOM!!!!!* *BOOM!!!!!* *BOOM!!!!!* What was left behind were deep crevices and craters born from destruction and thunder.

Even though the hive hatcheries got destroyed, there were still millions of ground monsters and hundreds of thousands of flying monsters. They were quite annoying to deal with due to their numbers, but that wasn't much of a problem as they wouldn't be able to pierce through the defenses of the battleship.

"A Mass AOE Weapon would be needed. Nuclear Arsenal would be annoying to deal with, especially with them enveloping the fleet. Smoke Bombs or Poisonous Smoke Vents would be enough to keep them out and kill them quicker than AA batteries." Gloria uttered while observing the results of the battle. 

She destroyed the hive interference without any problems. The hive monsters were left without anything to lead them, so it would be easy for local elven forces to exterminate them. To be honest, Gloria had done a lot of research towards the Great Calidus Army. She had numerous information about them. 

The theory about them being unwanted foreigners outside the Realm of Piksyon. Their rate of monster birth. Biomass and Monster conversation rate. Command Structure. And finally, a list of all name monsters within their army. That was some of the information Gloria had gained from her Mother. 

"Should I make the fleet continue threading onto the Calidus Desert? It would be better to annihilate the source sooner rather than later. Their growth rate and the adapting rate are still a problem. Having a long battle against them is proven disadvantageous." Gloria started placing the reasons on why she should enter the Calidus Desert. 

"Hmm... Let's advance for now. I'll call my Sisters if something comes up." Gloria concluded as she throttled the whole fleet forward. The Swift and Small Naval Battle within the skies between Gloria and the Hive had ended under Gloria's victory. She already had a plan in mind, and that was advancing. 

Meanwhile, below the fleet was the special elven squad. They were quite shocked upon seeing the reinforcements, and looking at it caused more devastation than anything or anyone. The special elven squad instantly had known that the reinforcements weren't anything remotely elven. After all, the ship designs and the armaments were different from the elven navy. 

"What the hell was that fight? That was more like a massacre instead. I can't believe that entire hundreds of hive hatcheries got destroyed in one blow." One of the special elven soldiers uttered with a calm yet shaken voice. It was clear that none of them were taking it lightly. 

"It appears that the new reinforcements from the Occidental Region had reached the Nation of Elda. I thought that they would only send the Inquisitors. It seemed that I was wrong. They are even sending Battleships as if it was nothing. How strong are they economically?" The elven intelligence officer had tons of questions passing through her mind about the Nation of Azathoth. 

"What are we going to do, Captain? We don't have that much use in battle. The reinforcement fleet is even propelling itself deep into the enemy territory pridefully without any problems." A special elven soldier said as he sighed. The Captain looked at all the special elven soldiers and replied. 

"We'll have to report the situation and success of the attack first to the command." The captain was about to order the communicator, only for the elven communicator to reply almost instantly. "Command has ordered for a retreat. The Elven Navy will head into deep enemy territory along with the reinforce fleet." 

"It looks like they are also sending the elven navy onto the Calidus Desert. The identity of the one commanding that fleet must not have been simple. For the elven navy to jump onto the brigade of fleets, the moment they hear about it is quite strange. Unfortunately, the only thing we can do is wait for more information to get released."

The intelligence officer shook her head as she wondered what kind of information the intelligence bureau had about the Occidental Region, the Nation of Azathoth, and its forces. She would have to go back to the capital to learn more about the Nation of Azathoth.

"We'll retreat from the area for now." The special elven captain uttered as he started walking back to where they came from. The special elven soldiers followed the captain without any hesitation as the intelligence officer took a sneak peek onto the fleet above the heavens. 

It was still surrounded by thousands of enemies though it didn't appear to be damaged from the piercing attacks. The AA batteries continued firing with all their power as the numbers of the enemies within the heavens got lower and lower. The enemies below, on the other hand, got hit by a barrage of shells and missiles. Dust covered the barren wasteland below, and dozens of craters could be found.

Meanwhile, deep within the Capita of the Nation of Elda, Drya was having a meeting with the elven leaders. The offensive against the Great Calidus Army was a success. It wouldn't take that much time for them to go beyond the border, especially with the help of the reinforcement fleet from Azathoth. After talking with the elven leaders, Drya sat back and closed her eyelids. 

"Hmm... Gloria... The Daughter of both Senior Statera and Junior Persia. If the news about her escapes from the hold of the Great Forest. Chaos would envelop the Realm of Piksyon. Even then, I do want to meet her personally." Drya muttered with a smile plastered on her face. 

After the Great War between the Indra Region and Calidus Desert, Gloria would have to meet elven aunt. 


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