The World Serpent

Chapter 193 - 193-Elda Southern Region

Deep within the Indra Region, in the southern outskirts of the Nation of Elda, where the operation known as Scorch got approved. A squad of special elven soldiers was passing through the dense jungle leading to the borders between the territory of the Calidus Desert and the Great Forest. They had a special mission which was to investigate hive interference near the border. 

As the bushes and faunas rustled along with their footsteps, the Special Elven Soldiers traversed through the jungle by using its branches to sprint in the high ground. It was a common tactic for Elven Soldiers within the Nation of Elda as there were trees everywhere in the region. Though, that was what made the Great War harder for the Nation of Elda. The enemy seems to grow and multiply through biomass. The Indra Region was a perfect breeding ground for them.

They held their armaments with their slick and pale arms. Their beautiful and radiant complexion and long ears were the main images of the Elves within the Realm of Piksyon. Though, there wasn't only a single type of Elves. From the Rivers or Lakes, Deserts, Forest, Plains, Mountains, and Seas. There were tons of types of Elven Species living in unity under the Nation of Elda. 

"We need to complete this mission no matter what. Or else, what we had seen before would come across all over the Indra Region." The Special Elven Captain uttered with a serious voice. While traversing through the southern outskirts, the Special Elven Soldiers had seen a lot of things that were bloody and dreadful. 

The burning forest, the crumbling villages and cities, the barren wasteland, and the gigantic hive hatchery, such were the scenes they had seen. No matter what, they didn't want to see such a scene ever again. Even though they seemed calm about it, their wild beating heart was telling a different story. 

"As I said before, the mission is about gaining more information within the borders and the hive interference on it. Despite stopping the defensive and beginning the offensive against the invaders, there have been quite a lot of things stopping or resisting the Elven Army. If we had information about them, we could take the appropriate action without any problems."

"The Area we are currently in is known as the Paradise Area. An Area unaffected from both the Hive and Scorch Operation of the Elven Navy. Due to the mountainous regions scattered all over the southern outskirts, it wasn't that easy for our enemy to gain all of the biomass. Or else, we would have lost before the Scorch Operation began."

"During the entire time we are traversing through the southern outskirts, We have reported at least 21 hive hatcheries within the devastated elven villages and cities. According to command, they have destroyed them, and they ordered us to continue and relieve information from the battlefield. That is the current situation, for now... Any questions?"

The Special Elven Captain questioned as the special elven soldiers around him didn't react. He was about to continue speaking until one of them spoke up. "Captain, have you heard about the reinforcements from the Occidental Region? A Small Army that is known as the Inquisitors of the Occidental Region?"

It appears that the news of the Inquisition had reached the Special Elven Forces within the southern outskirts. As the topic about the Inquisitors got brought up, numerous special elven soldiers started talking about them. The information about the Inquisition was rather vague and was mostly rumors. Some thought that it was some false rumors. Though, the intelligence department would have stopped it from spreading if it was false ones. 

"I heard about the Inquisitors. They are the main weapons in the front lines. One of them destroyed a group of hive hatcheries on her own. They are monsters that seemed to be trained personally by the Great Ruler of Azathoth herself." Now that one of them had spoken about Persia, they began talking about her instead. 

"The Great Ruler of Azathoth, the newly appointed supreme of the Great Forest. There were rumors about her fighting against the Spirit Lord Statera. She was also the cause of an entire continent falling into the Great Forest. She was incredibly powerful as before she got appointed into a Great Ruler. The Great Ruler of Azathoth forced Spirit Lord Statera to use the first stage of her Origin."

All of them nodded in understanding at the same time. They also had the same rumors in their head. The Nation of Azathoth, a powerful rising nation within the Occidental Region. Along with the news about the Destruction of the Great Army of the Plains and the fact that the Great War in the Occidental Region had already concluded. From the rumors, the new Occidental Region seemed to be rising at a fast never seen before speed. 

"That makes the Great War a lot safer than before. After all, long before, only the Four Supremes fought in the Great War, which concludes a hundred Great Rulers. It was fortunate that they managed to come back alive even with their great power." The Special Elven Leader uttered with a calm voice.

"Correct, with the help of the new forces within the Occidental Region. The Remaining Fronts would have their stress reduced by a good margin." The intelligence officer within the Special Elven Forces said with a calm voice. The reinforcements were a good thing as casualties might get lowered, Especially when the reinforcements were treasured and elite troops. 

The squad of special elven soldiers continued traversing through the branches of the giant trees in the jungle. After a while of sprinting through the branches, they have finally arrived at the fringes of the jungle. They were about to enter the Scorch Zone. A Vast Barren Wasteland of Ashen Biomass. 

"I never get used to this scene." One of the special elven soldiers uttered with a monotone voice. Everyone turned their gazes towards him as they couldn't help but agree with his words. Before, this place was a lush and evergreen forest. Now, it was simply a wasteland to prevent enemies from growing evermore. 

"Let's continue." The special elven leader said as the special elven soldiers around him nodded in agreement. They hopped onto the barren ground and started walking through the wasteland. The pungent smell, the ashen mist, and the burning crimson flames. Such were the things they had seen and heard in the wasteland. Sometimes, they might even hear screams from the distance. 

As they walked through the barren wasteland for hours, they had finally seen their target. The hive interference, The one that caused trouble to the Elven Army. The Elven Forces didn't have much information about them other than the strange interference method. Affecting both electronic and mind, they were quite dangerous.

The special elven soldiers stood quietly from afar. They started digging a ditch while one of them observed the hive interference. While gazing upon the hive interference, the soldier in charge of watching it discovered something incredibly bad. It was a mass gathering of the Calidus Army. 

"What the- How could there be so many? I thought that the Scorch destroyed most of them by now?" The soldier couldn't help but utter in shock. The special elven leader sighed and replied with a calm voice. The ones we had eliminated and fought were mostly monsters created from the biomass of the Indra Region. We haven't fought the strongest part of the Great Calidus Army for now."

"Their numbers are quite surprising. They have about 2 million bastards gathering in this one spot. That's not even the most surprising thing. According to Command, there are numerous hive interferences all over the border which could only mean one thing." The elven intelligence officer said in disbelief. 

"All the hive interference might have millions of bastards laying in wait and waiting for the command to invade. They are preparing for their next wave, and this wave might destroy the Scorch Operation. Especially after seeing that things over there." The intelligence officer pointed at the sky above the hive interference. 

There were at least hundreds of thousands of flying monsters above the hive interference. Just like before, the Great Calidus Army adapted its tactics to the situation. Since the elven forces conquered the skies, the Great Calidus Army would do the same as well. It appears that the situation became graver. 

"Send this information to HQ now!!! And warn them." The special elven leader said towards the elven communicator. The communicator started giving its messages towards the Elven HQ near the front lines. After a while, the special elven team had finally heard the answer of the Command. 

"The HQ said to wait for reinforcements. They would arrive in a minute and will assist on the destruction of the hive interference." Upon hearing the words of the communicator, the special elven team couldn't help but get shocked. Reinforcements arriving under a minute? Assisting in the destruction of the hive interference with hundreds of thousands of flying units? They had numerous questions within their mind. 

"The only thing we need to do is to wait for the reinforcements. Let's observe the hive interference for now." The special elven leader gave his orders as the special elven soldiers nodded in agreement. A lot of them had doubts about the news of the reinforcements, but they couldn't do anything but lay and wait.

"The flying units started moving in our direction." The special elven soldiers were shocked as they felt a shadow looming over them.. Upon turning their heads upwards, they could see hundreds of battleships traversing onto the heavens and propelling themselves towards the hive interference. 


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