The Wife of Hades

Chapter 113 - Old Mo Han

"An Luxia, you are seducing me," he said in his deep voice, which had just gotten even more hoarse.

An Luxia's lips twitched, "Huh? Me?"

She blinked a few times in confusion, "Excuse me, Mr. Mo?! Me?! Seduce you?! Can you get your facts straight, okay?"

Mo Han's smile widened as he placed his hand onto her smooth and soft back, which was almost like touching fire for him as Mo Han immediately felt a spark ignite inside him.

"Luxia. . ." He called, his voice scarily hoarse and deep. That tone was all too familiar to An Luxia, and she immediately knew what he was thinking of.

"Mo Han, Mo Han," she called, trying to push herself away, "Stay calm! Don't forget that you are still injured. Control yourself!"

Mo Han licked his lips as he breathed in, not letting her run away, "It's okay, you can be on top this time."

". . ." An Luxia immediately felt her cheeks warm up as they became red as a tomato. It has been too long since she had last faced Mo Han's shameless words that she was getting not used to it.

"That. . . That isn't the problem," An Luxia said softly, looking down.

At this moment, they both suddenly heard a voice and footsteps getting closer and closer. An Luxia gasped as she immediately began moving more aggressively, "Mo Han, Mo Han! Let me go! It must be Doctor Qi!"

Mo Han knit his eyebrows together tightly as he looked down at An Luxia's body and then let her go, "Hurry and go change."

An Luxia glared at him angrily as she snatched her nightgown away and sprinted into the restroom just in time before Qi Yu opened the door and walked in.

Qi Yu seemed to be very proud about his journey to the supermarket as he walked in while humming and holding two full bags of groceries. However, the first thing to greet him was Mo Han's cold and slightly angry face.

Qi Yu blinked a few times, raising one eyebrow to make sure he wasn't seeing things. What did he do wrong now?!

His good mood was immediately shattered as he cautiously put the two bags of groceries onto the chair and quickly left the room. As he walked out, the restroom door opened and he saw An Luxia, whose face was weirdly red.

An Luxia glanced at Qi Yu and smiled faintly before walking back into the room. She looked and saw Mo Han, who seemed to be in a very good mood and wondered why Qi Yu seemed to be so moody.

She then looked at the bags on the chair and smiled, "I'll go make some porridge for you."

She then quickly grabbed onto the two bags and ran into the small kitchen. There was everything inside, including a fridge, stove, and everything needed to cook.

Because the rice has to be cooked, it took over an hour before the porridge was ready and An Luxia carefully carried out one large bowl.

When she reached the bed, she noticed that Mo Han had fallen asleep. Seeing how deep of a sleep he was in, An Luxia did not want to wake him up and she gently set the bowl down onto the nightstand table next to him, sitting down in the chair herself.

She looked at his long eyelashes, which did not move at all as he laid there silently, his chest rising up and down steadily. It had only been one month yet so much had changed. What had happened to him?

Although he had told her why he had gotten those injuries, he had not told her specifically what type of mission he was on. Who had caused those injuries? What was he doing?

However, she was not in a fit position to ask those questions, as the HLX was no small business after all, and he was not some normal boss.

An Luxia sighed and laid her head down on the bed, closing her eyes as well.


When Mo Han blinked his eyes open, the room was dark already. He looked towards the balcony and saw that the moon was high up in the sky already and the stars dotted the dark sky.

He then looked down and saw the little kitten bent up near him, her head buried inside her two arms. He then looked towards the bowl of porridge on the nightstand, and it was probably cold by now.

He sat up on the bed, trying to not make any sound, but it was hard to move with all the injuries. An Luxia was woken by the movements and she looked around a little confusedly before realizing where she was.

She looked at Mo Han and rubbed her eyes, saying, "I'll go open the lights."

Mo Han watched as she ran over and opened the lights, flooding the room with brightness immediately. An Luxia squinted her eyes together, not used to the light yet.

She then looked at the porridge and frowned, "It's cold already. I'll go pour you another bowl."

"It's okay. You can just heat it up," Mo Han said with a smile but An Luxia did not listen as she entered the kitchen and got another clean bowl to pour another bowl of porridge that was warm from the pot.

Sitting down, An Luxia blew gently at the porridge inside the bowl before reaching it forward to hand it to Mo Han, who raised one eyebrow, "You are not going to feed me?"

An Luxia blinked a few times, "Your arms are injured too?"

Mo Han grinned and pursed his lips out pitifully, nodding his head. An Luxia sighed, glaring at him before carefully using the large spoon to feed the porridge to Mo Han, who ate it obediently.

He smiled after eating, nodding his head, "My wife's food is still the best."

Hearing that, An Luxia smiled as she continued to feed him until the entire bowl was gone. Mo Han patted his stomach satisfactorily and looked towards An Luxia, who stood up to put the bowl into the sink.

"What are you going to eat?" Mo Han asked, knitting his eyebrows together.

An Luxia shrugged and stepped into the kitchen, "I'll just eat another bowl of porridge. You go to sleep. It's so late already."

Mo Han frowned. How could he go to sleep while his wife was on an empty stomach? 

"Come eat out here," Mo Han commanded, waiting until An Luxia walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of porridge herself. 

"Are you sure you just want to eat porridge? I'll get Qi Yu to go out and buy something for you."

An Luxia thought about it and shook her head, "It's okay."

Doctor Qi seemed to be in a pretty bad mood earlier, and it wasn't exactly fit to ask him, a doctor, to go out and buy food for her. Porridge would do for now.

After watching her eat and waiting for her to get ready for bed, Mo Han finally agreed to sleep as they slept on the same bed together after several weeks.

An Luxia covered her body with the blanket and moved over to Mo Han, carefully placing her hand on top of his stomach gently. 

She closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep without saying anything, as she was very tired from the flight and everything that had happened today.

In less than a minute, she was fast asleep already, and Mo Han did not say anything as he stared at her, kissing her on the forehead one last time before going to sleep himself as well.


This night was the best sleep Mo Han and An Luxia had in a while, and they both woke up way after the sun had woken. It was long past dinner time and the two of them were still sleeping soundly.

Mo Han opened his eyes and saw that a pair of large and round eyes were staring straight at him. He smiled and moved closer to her, resting his hand on her waist, "What are you looking at?"

An Luxia tilted her head slightly towards the pillow, murmuring, "Maybe you should just stay bald forever."

Mo Han furrowed his eyebrows together and chuckled, "Is that a compliment?"

"Mhm," An Luxia nodded.

Mo Han scoffed and shook his head, "It makes me seem too old."

At this moment, there was a knock at the door and Qi Yu walked in with a nurse behind him. Mo Han sat up straight on the bed routinely and An Luxia also pushed herself up, wondering what they were doing.

The nurse started setting things up as Qi Yu performed a few tests on Mo Han, making notes on a clipboard. After a while, he sighed and put the clipboard away.

"I told you to bring her over sooner. See, it has only been one day and your condition is already getting better."

Mo Han raised one eyebrow, "Are you even professional?"

Qi Yu's lips twitched as he suppressed his annoyance, "Of course I am! Ch! Whatever!"

Then, he turned around and marched out of the room dramatically. The nurse had finished setting the pills Mo Han had to take on the table and she quickly left too, staring at the ground the entire time.

An Luxia watched the nurse leave and then hopped out of the bed, grabbing her phone.

"What are you doing?" Mo Han asked.


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