The Wife of Hades

Chapter 112 - Seducing Me

An Luxia's eyes widened as she jumped up from the chair, "Stabbed?! On the head?!"

Mo Han was surprised by her reaction as he slowly nodded, "Yes. . ."

"How is that nothing much?!" Just thinking about it made An Luxia shudder. No wonder why there was a bandage wrapped around his head.

"What about your legs?"


"Shot?!" An Luxia screamed even more loudly, scaring a flock of birds in a nearby tree as they flew away, "Shot by a gun?!"

Mo Han nodded, getting a little scared that his little wife might suffer from a heart attack. He had not died, so it would be very unfortunate if she accidentally died from hearing about him almost not dying! 

An Luxia sat down, still processing the information as she quickly jumped up again, opening the balcony door and pushing Mo Han back into the room, "Why are you outside then?! It's so cold! Who even is that doctor? So unprofessional."

As she pushed him back into the room, Qi Yu cleared his throat a little awkwardly, "Sister-in-law, I am Qi Yu, the best doctor in the entire Country A. Of course, not many people know that since I only serve specific people."

An Luxia blinked a few times, a little embarrassed as she chuckled awkwardly and closed the balcony door, pushing Mo Han over to the large bed.

"Get onto the bed and rest," she commanded, pointing towards the bed. 

Mo Han, who would never listen to Qi Yu if he had told him to do that, obediently went onto the bed and sat there like a small child, afraid to even move.

"What have you been eating all this time?" An Luxia asked, wondering what foods he could possibly eat in this situation.

Mo Han thought back and shrugged, "I haven't been eating for the first few weeks," he said, pointing towards the IV drip connected to his arm.

"Recently, I have been eating some porridge."

An Luxia looked towards the kitchen in the suite and stood up, "Do you have ingredients here? I'll go make some porridge for you."

Mo Han's eyes lit up, having not eaten her food in a very long time, but he quickly remembered that there was absolutely no food here. 

An Luxia realized this too as she pulled open the fridge door and found it to be completely empty. She blinked a few times and turned around, reaching for her bag, "I'll go out and buy some food. Stay there and don't move." She ordered commandingly.

However, Mo Han did not want his wifey to leave his sight for even one second after not seeing her for so long, "It's okay, you stay here. I'll have Qi Yu go and buy some food."

He turned around slightly, as much as his body allowed him to, and pushed a red button. In no time, Qi Yu came tumbling in, his face filled with annoyance, "What now?"

Mo Han raised one eyebrow, not pleased with his attitude, and Qi Yu's back immediately straightened.

"I want to eat porridge. Go buy the ingredients for me." Mo Han ordered impatiently.

Qi Yu's mouth fell open, "Excuse me, there are chefs here in the hospital who can make the porridge for you, or you can just order from outside. Why do you need me, a doctor, to go out and buy food for you?!"

Mo Han frowned deeply, "I don't' want to eat the porridge made by those dumb chefs, now hurry up and go."

  Qi Yu clenched his fists together as he scrunched his nose together before turning around and marching off, repeating in his head how much he wanted to go home.

An Luxia watched this entire scene go on and was not very surprised. It was just like how Mo Han bossed Qin Wei around! 

"Now you, sit here," Mo Han ordered, pointing to the chair next to the bed. Then, after a few seconds, he shook his head and then pointed to the empty space next to him on the bed, "Here."

An Luxia looked at the bed and then at herself and put her bag down, "Let me take a shower first. I came here straight away after getting off the airplane, so I am still very dirty."

Mo Han raised one eyebrow, "Why did you come so suddenly? I told you that I would be back soon."

An Luxia looked at Mo Han and scoffed, "You? Back soon? Ch! By the looks of it, there would still probably be another month. Plus, I was sca -"

An Luxia immediately stopped herself. Of course she could not tell Mo Han she was scared that he was up to no good outside! He would certainly get mad at her! Just thinking about it made her mad at herself right now. Of course Mo Han would do nothing like that.

"Never mind, I'm going to go take a shower," she said, shaking her head as she ran into the bathroom. She quickly took off her dirty clothes, piling them on the ground as she hopped into the warm shower.

The feeling of the warm water against her bare skin finally calmed down her running heart. It has been over one month, and her guesses had been right.

Before he had left, she had a bad feeling about this trip, but she did not think that he would get injured so horribly. She opened her eyes and began washing her hair, thinking that there was no way she could leave him here alone.

After all, she was his wife and it was bad enough that she had not been with him when he had first got injured and was recovering, so there was no way she would leave now.

She would have to call the school and request a longer break. . .


An Luxia stepped out of the shower and grabbed a nearby towel, wrapping it around her dripping wet hair. She then looked around and gasped, remembering that she had come into the restroom in such a rush that she had forgotten to grab clothes to change into!

She looked around, pressing her lips together thinking that she was so stupid. Finally, she pushed open the door slightly and whispered, "Mo Han?"

With no reply, she spoke louder, "Hanhan?"

Finally, there was a reply as Mo Han asked in his hoarse voice, "What is it?"

An Luxia cleared her throat a little awkwardly, "Um. . . I forgot to grab my clothes to change into. Can you open my luggage and grab the nightgown inside. It should be on the top."

Mo Han was just about to push himself off the bed when he suddenly stopped and a tiny smirk crept up his face. He leaned back against the bed and stretched his back, "Baby Xiaxia, did you forget that I am injured? I can't just get off the bed and go flip through your luggage."

An Luxia thought about it for a few seconds and realized that he was right, and her expression worsened, "Um. . ."

Seeing that he was still not getting it, Mo Han decided to add in another spark, "It's okay. It's not like I haven't seen all of you before.  Just come out and get it yourself."

An Luxia scrunched her nose up, debating inside her head before she finally pushed the door open a little further and stepped out, peeking her head out of the door first. She looked around for her luggage and saw that it was next to the bed, right in front of it so Mo Han could look straight forward and see it.

An Luxia frowned, saying, "Close your eyes."

Mo Han raised one eyebrow and did not do anything.

"Mo Han, cover your eyes!" After all, it has been over a month already and walking in front of him completely bare was still quite embarrassing and weird. 

Mo Han grinned, shrugging, "I'm injured. I can't lift my hand up -"

"Mo Han!" An Luxia commanded, glaring at him annoyedly. Mo Han finally lifted his one hand up, covering up his eyes.

An Luxia quickly ran out of the bathroom, bending down in front of the luggage and unzipping it as fast as possible, flipping through it aggressively in search of her pajamas.

She found her nightgown and quickly stood up, glancing at Mo Han to find that there was a gap between his two fingers, and his hand also did not cover the smile on his face.

"Mo Han!!" An Luxia screamed, glaring at him and throwing his pajamas at him, hitting his chest. He chuckled softly, grabbing the nightgown and completely uncovering his eyes as he lifted up the nightgown, looking at it.

An Luxia pursed her lips out and bent down, reaching her arm out, "Give it to me."

Mo Han waved it, saying playfully, "Come get it."

An Luxia glared at him angrily, but Mo Han only continued to smile, waving the nightgown at her almost mockingly. An Luxia finally hopped over to the edge of the bed next to Mo Han and reached her arm out to grab the nightgown.

However, Mo Han did not let go but instead pulled on the nightgown, in turn pulling An Luxia down so she landed straight on top of her.

Mo Han hissed slightly in pain as she had landed on his legs, and An Luxia immediately gasped in fear as she tried to push herself up. However, Mo Han had no plans of letting her go as he looked down at her gently.

"An Luxia, you are seducing me," he said in his deep voice, which had just gotten even more hoarse.

An Luxia's lips twitched, "Huh?"


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