The Villain Wants to Live

Chapter 122: The Hearing (2)

Chapter 122: The Hearing (2)

…I opened my eyes.

My view slowly widened, revealing a world wrapped in a dark red fog.

The feeling of being alone in the dark assailed me. But I wasn’t alone. Not far away, someone was calling my name.His tone was as thick as poison and pressured my heart. Unusual emotions rose from the bottom of my chest. It was a long-forgotten fear.

The only man Deculein feared, the father he hated, and the previous head of the Yukline family, Decalane. He looked down at Deculein with his dark red eyes as he spoke.

—Find a suitable bowl.Decalane’s voice, hand gestures, eyes, and atmosphere… all of those memories flowed through Deculein’s feelings.

My back stiffened, and chills ran down my spine.

My whole soul felt like it was trembling.

However, it was strange no matter how I thought about it.

Did Deculein have such a capability? Did there ever exist an institution that accepted fear within him?

Wasn’t Deculein a human whose brain was damaged to some extent so that he couldn’t experience that particular emotion?

So I doubted.This feeling was not caused by Decalane but was simply the result of an action. Specifically, magical brainwashing was caused by Decalane, who was called the Art Wizard of the Century.

I looked at Decalane, removing the fog that obscured his figure. I stared straight at him, buried as he was in Deculein’s unconscious.


My son.A man who resembled Deculein but somehow colder and sharper than him.

A figure that perfectly fit Yukline’s maxim, ‘Fear the devil.’

—Bring it to me.Deculein was afraid of him, and that feeling carried over to me as well, but…

“I am not Deculein.”

It wasn’t at a level that I couldn’t overcome.

No matter what kind of brainwashing was engraved on Deculein’s body before, it was just a fun trick for one with the body of an Iron Man.I approached him with no hesitation and grabbed his throat with both my hands.

At that moment, memories flowed into me, and a scene arose as if a switch were flicked on.Decalane wasn’t satisfied with either Deculein or Yeriel. What the incarnation of desire wanted…

“Did you want a new head?”

That was the thought that ran through my mind.

[Independent Quest: Family]

That day, I killed Decalane’s personality with Yeriel, but there was no message indicating the quest was completed.

That meant, Decalane’s test was—A clear mechanical sound awakened my consciousness.

The illusion disappeared, and reality filled its place.“It’s all over!”

It was Adrienne who made the announcement.

I stood slowly, looking at the cylindrical machine that was lying there.

“It’s not that big a deal!”

The official name was [Magic EEG Explorer].

It was a machine developed on the Floating Island to dig into the subject’s subconscious mind.

Adrienne had ordered this test in the name of personal verification.“Was it necessary?”

I approached her as I adjusted my clothes.

“It will be troublesome if the candidate is a spy from another country, is colluding with the Ashes, or is a supporter of the Round Table!”

“Can you tell with that?”

“Sure! Thousands of spies have been filtered out by this! Also, depending on whose mana it is operated by, the performance may change!”

“You used my mana!”

I looked at Adrienne with a slightly grim look. If, by any chance, my subconscious mind were passed on to the Chairman of the board…She grinned as if my concerns were correct.

“Don’t worry! I’m tight-lipped!”

I shook my head.The machine rang again for the second candidate, Ihelm.

“Oh, Ihelm finished too!”

He breathed roughly, covered in sweat. Did he also have a nightmare?Adrienne beckoned, and the two of us sat next to each other.

“The first test for personal verification is over! You both passed!”

Ihelm responded as Adrienne pocketed the EEG Exploration results sheet and looked at me.

“But, Professor Deculein?”

“I finally understood your thesis to some extent!”

Adrienne wore an amazed look, and Ihelm glanced sideways at me with a grin.

“Is that so? How was it, Professor Deculein’s thesis?”

“Indeed, it was great! With this much, the Floating Island will praise it even if it’s just a theory!”

The Chairman gave me thumbs up, causing Ihelm’s smile to grow even deeper.

“Again, let’s talk about the hearing!

The hearing schedule can grow longer or shorter, depending! In addition to the testifiers recruited by the two of you, there is also a common testifier invited by our board of directors!

I plan to re-examine both of your statuses and achievements.”

Ihelm answered, relaxed, and I just nodded.

“Then! Now, I’ll give you two more hours, so do your maintenance and come back!”

* * *

“The first strategy is as follows.”

As soon as Ihelm returned, they arranged for the hearing along with dozens of others, including professors, wizards, and prominent members of big families.

“Deculein’s poor thesis performance is the first. In the past four years, there has been only one paper that Deculein has submitted, and an interview with Adrienne confirmed even that is a theory that has not been proven by experimentation.”

The most effective method of attack was to scratch Deculein’s character.

“Therefore, that only validates the uncertainty of the thesis and bolsters the reputation of those who have served under Deculein in the past.”

Ihelm just listened, relaxed. He felt a bit sorry for those who had prepared so hard, but all of this was just a by-product.

The real trap was unknown even to them.

“Next, focus on the reason why Deculein is the head professor, but there are only three under him. That personality defect…”

The thesis that Deculein had already submitted, the Creation of Pure Elements and the Four Series Magic based on it.

Whose idea it belonged to, Ihelm already knew.

Not only that idea, but all of Deculein’s past papers belonged to that guy.

“…Therefore, we will attack by asking the testifiers about Deculein’s personality.”

Deculein had no choice but to fall, given this tactic.

If it were Deculein, who possessed self-esteem bordering on arrogance, he would hate the act of someone damaging his image more than anyone else. If it were that stalwart Deculein he knew, surely, he would step right into this trap…

* * *

Sophien headed inside the magic tower, but she hadn’t bothered to tell anyone.

A magic doll was set up in the Imperial Palace to take her place, and she disguised herself as a common testifier in robes.

She thought it would be more fun this way.

Sophien looked around the hearing.

The space was comprised of a total of four compartments.

On the right was Deculein’s camp, and on the left was Ihelm’s camp, with the front holding the board of directors’ decision room and the rear held the testifier’s seats.

Sophien sat at the testifier table among them.

By the way, Keiron has been pretending to be a statue against the wall of the hearing room since yesterday. Plus, Julie was walking around.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the guy who would become her husband.

“Now! Now! Now! Everyone, please take a seat!”

At that moment, Adrienne appeared, her loud and clear voice heralding her arrival. Sophien watched her enter.

“We will start the first hearing soon!”

Archmage Adrienne certainly felt different from a normal human.Adrienne and the directors were seated first as Sophien watched silently.

“Deculein and Ihelm! Both candidate camps, please come in!”

Then the door opened, and Deculein and Ihelm appeared. Ihelm arrived with a bunch of people, but Deculein had only one assistant professor following along.

“I knew it would be like this with that bastard’s personality.”

Sophien grinned. He was a poor guy who didn’t have a single friend he could trust or turn to, an arrogant guy who wanted to solve everything by himself. That was Deculein.

“The first step is Q&A with the testifiers!”

The hearing proceeded according to schedule. First, the common testifiers whom Adrienne had recruited sat in the center of the witness stand.

“Please introduce yourself!”

—I’m Astal from the Floating Island.Astal, who attended Deculein’s advanced lecture and served as spiritual support for the Floating Island’s Addicts, was up first.

“The Addict, Astal. I heard that you most recently reviewed Professor Deculein’s thesis.”

Ihelm’s camp asked him about matters related to Deculein’s thesis.


All of the papers that Professor Deculein has submitted for the past ten years have been reviewed by me.

“And you still haven’t reviewed the Professor’s recently written Invention of the Pure Elements and the Four Series Magic based on them?”

—I have seen the summary of the thesis, but there is still more to it. I’m looking forward to it.Sophien looked at Deculein.

Ihelm’s camp was so eager, but Deculein remained relaxed. Peaceful, like playing chess in the middle of a battlefield.

“How was it when you saw only the outline?”

—At first, I thought it was nonsense.

We got it!

Someone from Ihelm’s camp smiled.

-Yes. However, there was a strong guarantee from Chairman Adrienne.

“Yes, that’s right!The Chairman intervened.“The thesis isn’t nonsense at all! I can vouch for it! And anyway, within the month, the originals I checked will go to the Floating Island!”

Astal’s eyes lit up like stars. He smiled brightly, genuine happiness beaming through.

—I look forward to it!Ihelm’s camp sat back down without a further word.

Adrienne offered a glance to Deculein, checking if he wanted to ask anything further, but he remained still as stone.

On the other hand, the assistant professor by his side was restless like a dog wanting to go outside.

“If you don’t, then… next witness!”

After that, the Q&A was conducted by changing out the testifiers one by one. It was a very tedious process. Sophien, unable to stand it, began to yawn.It wasn’t fun.

No, it was boring. She hadn’t overcome her laziness at all, and there was a thing called inertia, so if she stayed here like this, she knew she would grow bored again.

“We’ll take a break!”

Meanwhile, the time for their break had arrived after 4 hours of questioning. Sophien had fallen asleep part way through only to awaken later to see it still going.

“I’ll just leave. It’s fucking boring.”

After muttering to Keiron, who would be listening somewhere, she stood.She was about to leave the hearing room, beelining toward the elevator.

“Are you going?!”

Someone caught her. It was a little kid; no, it was Chairman Adrienne.

“You should wait a little longer. Now it will be fun!”

“…Do you know?”

Adrienne tilted her head casually, causing a wrinkle to crease Sophien’s brow.

“Hihi! Still, stay a little longer! You won’t be disappointed! The highlight starts now!”

“I highly recommend it!”

The Emperor glared at her sternly, but the Chairman didn’t avert her eyes.When the elevator arrived, Sophien turned back to the hearing room.

* * *

Epherene watched the whole process thus far with wide eyes.

The crystal ball provided by Ihelm projected their progress.

—Did everyone have a good rest?!

Now, let’s call a witness from each camp!

Deculein’s testifier is Louina.As the head of the keynote department, she focused on Deculein’s fairness and the profit earned by the magic tower.

She meticulously described the materials he assisted with acquiring as well.

—…Professor Deculein made any needed sacrifices in the process-Ihelm didn’t have to attack Louina.

However, he stood and spoke to Adrienne.

—I acknowledge the competence of Deculein as the keynote manager.

So, we will now apply for a witness on our side as well.

Ihelm looked to Deculein.

A dark smile appeared at the corners of his lips, but Deculein paid him no mind.

A knock arrived at that moment.

The time had come.

Epherene put away her letters and opened the door. Ihelm’s attendant was waiting outside.She nodded without a word.Their footsteps echoed in the hallway.

With every step, her heart raced, and her nausea grew.Her steps halted.They finally reached the gate to the hearing hall. Epherene took a deep breath in front of the attendant.

“I will open it.”

Epherene adjusted her clothes, resolving herself. Ihelm’s attendant grabbed the door, and-

“…Ah. Here she comes.”

Through the gap in the door, she could see Ihelm. Glancing at her, he introduced Epherene with an elegant smile.

“First testifier, this is Solda Epherene.”

Many people were waiting in the hearing hall, all looking at her.Epherene walked in a straight line, not stumbling in the slightest. Swiftly, she reached the witness table.

“…Please introduce yourself!”

“I am… um, I am… Solda Epherene. I’m a teaching assistant under Professor Deculein…”

She looked into Deculein’s eyes. He was looking straight at her.

For some reason, her heart ached, and she felt a wave of sorrow wash over her, but Epherene didn’t avoid his gaze.

“…I am the daughter of Solda Kagan, who was Professor Deculein’s former assistant.”

Adrienne wore a mischievous smile as Ihelm approached from behind the stand.

“Solda Epherene, I know your father killed himself four years ago.”

Epherene clenched her jaw. Adrienne watched, amused, as Ihelm continued talking casually.

“I know the reason. I also know why you are here.”

Emperor Sophien quickly guessed the story.

Adrienne’s promise that she wouldn’t be disappointed appeared true, at least to some extent.

“The thesis that Professor Deculein submitted to the Chairman, what if the idea supporting that paper is not his?”

The directors’ eyes widened. There was a commotion both in the common testifier seats but also in Ihelm’s camp.

“And what if this isn’t the first time it’s been done?”

Ihelm smiled slightly as he looked back at the directors.

“What are you going to do?”

They bowed down as if to communicate with each other. Astal, Louina, and the other witnesses looked to Deculein. Director Drumman was the one to speak up.

“Then, are you saying that the thesis submitted by Professor Deculein is not his idea?”

Ihelm was quick to answer.

“Yes. The idea and the start of it belong to a completely different person.”

“Witness, do you have any evidence to support that statement?”

At that question, Epherene raised her head, and she took out the letter.

“I have a letter from my father.”

Until then, Deculein had not said anything. He had no excuses; he just closed his eyes.

“…Your father may have intentionally manipulated it, resenting Professor Deculein.”

“My father was… the origin of the thesis. That is, in some part of the circuit, he said that he had hidden a magic mark that was connected to his blood.”

Oho- Ihelm clapped his hands together!

After all, he was a great wizard who would not be beaten like this.

He had prepared a stepping stone that would surely destroy Deculein someday.

“A magic mark! That’s a good-“

“I understand that the hearing is not set to a one-day schedule.”

Epherene cut-off Ihelm.“I understand that the hearing is not a one-day schedule. You can reveal it… through fair investigation. I believe in my father, but…”

“Well! I see!”

Adrienne nodded and calmed the situation for a moment. The murmuring in the background was now bothersome.

“Professor Deculein. Don’t you have anything to say?!”

Epherene’s eyes turned to Deculein, as did the whole room. He looked up at Adrienne without a word, his gaze conveying his resentment.

“Do you have~ anything to say~?”

While avoiding that gaze, Adrienne eventually--burst out in laughter.

Epherene clenched her fists against her thighs.

“Why are you laughing…?”

Ihelm was confused for a moment. The same was true of the directors, who were confused by the sudden scandal.

“Yeah, well. Because we’d find out someday anyway!”

Epherene looked at Adrienne, who then cleared her throat with a cough.

“Then I will reveal it.”

It was a serious situation, so Epherene didn’t understand her sudden and cheerful attitude. Perhaps, they had already agreed on what to say. Or was she doing something seriously wrong?

“Professor Deculein submitted his thesis to me ten days ago, and after I finished the inspection, I delivered it to the Floating Island already.”

Meanwhile, Sophien crossed her arms. Deculein, Epherene, Ihelm, and Adrienne- she looked at the four of them in turn and smiled. She was very glad she didn’t leave in the middle.

“Deculein is the first author of the thesis.”

Ihelm smiled, and Epherene pinched her thigh. She felt like crying suddenly.

However, the very next moment:“However! There’s one more. In other words, a co-author.”

Suddenly, Adrienne’s voice fell softly. Her meaning was so bizarre that Epherene just stared blankly at her for a moment.

“W-What? Just now. A co- what?”

Ihelm stuttered. It was something that the Deculein he knew would never do. He’d rather die with the thesis in his arms. Deculein would never, as a co-author, ever—

“His name is…”

Everyone in the hearing room focused on Adrienne. Adrienne rejoiced in their interest and at the chaos that was about to unfold. She pointed at Epherene.

“Kagan Luna, your father.”


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