The Villain Wants to Live

Chapter 121 - The Hearing (1)

Chapter 121: The Hearing (1)

The darkness of the night was broken just before it melted, and the early morning blue light seeped through. Chairman Adrienne sighed.


The documents scattered across her desk were Deculein’s thesis and the agreements from the four pillars of the magic world. She pouted as she held

one of the documents.

[Bercht, Floating Island, Volcano, and Round Table, which form the balance of the magic world, have reached common ground for the first time since


The Volcano was an honorific name for the Ashes. No matter how much it demeaned them to be called the Ashes, it was true that their power played a

major role in the magic world, so their opinion was recognized as vital for this great event.

[…The magic progress shown by Adrienne Spartinza. Their search for truth, their perseverance of self-denial by walking the old way, respecting and

adoring their magical achievements achieved through hard labors…]

She skimmed through the parts dotted with rhetoric and read the last paragraph. She read the conclusion reached by the entire magical world about the

wizard Adrienne.

[Adrienne Spartinza is recognized as the second Archmage who transcends this magical realm and will remain immortal through the continent’s history,

The equivalence ceremony in the… ]

Archmage of the Eternal rank. After Demakan, the second such Archmage.

“…Adrienne ||?”

Adrienne called the puppy next to her.

-Woof! Woof!

She scooped him up as he came running quickly. She patted his back with a small smile,

“Now… I am officially no longer a human.”

Adrienne was recognized not only by Bercht and the Floating Island but also by extremely closed-off groups such as the Ashes and the Round Table. That

was, her pure magical talents, achievements, and power alone led to a common agreement reached by the entire magical world. The eternal Archmage

was, by nature, such a formidable being.

“People will be coming soon. They’re going to throw a lot of questions at me.”

-Woof! Woof!

“…I should be leaving soon. I can’t stay long.”

This world was so much fun. Deculein. Julie. Decolane. Louina. Glitheon. Sierra. Cynthia. Idnik. Rohakan. Zeit. Thelm. Kreto. Ganesha…

She recalled the many names and faces that once entertained her.

Adrienne approached the window and looked down to the ground around the tower. It wasn’t even six in the morning yet, but reporters were already

flocking in


She smiled brightly at Adrienne II in her arms.

T’ll come back soon, so wait for me-!”

-Woof! Woof!

He answered brightly.

Early morning.

Countless people from around the continent gathered at the tower. While the reporters were in the forefront, undergraduates, wizards, and knights from

the Imperial University all watched the scene from near and far.

-Is your term of office ending this year?!

“Yes! I think it will finish in winter or maybe spring; then I’ll hand it over!”

The only focus of those many cameras was the chairman, Adrienne. Officially claiming the rank of Eternal, she was now buried among people. Of course, it

was a procedure that everyone on the continent expected, but the experience of witnessing that historic moment with one’s own eyes was rare.

-We know of two candidates for the next chairman. Can you tell us about the process?

“There’s not much! I’ll just pick the better one out of the two!”

Solda Epherene watched the scene from the third floor of the tower. She could see it better from the inside than the outside, which was crowded with

swarms of people, and she could hear the interview.

-Mage lhelm’s recently published paper ‘The Quiet Investigation of Auxiliary Magic and its Reformation Path’ is a topic of discussion in the magic world

every day. Will such individual achievements be reflected in the selection of the next candidate?

“Oh! Yes, of course! I read that thesis by lhelm too! It was great!”

‘I also read that paper-,’ ‘I liked it-:’ Every time she said something, anything, the reporters were busy writing about it.

-Professor Deculein also has his thesis soon to be published!

“Oh-, yes! What?! Professor Deculein has already submitted it!”

At that moment, Epherene’s ears pricked up. She crushed the paper cup she had, thankfully, just finished drinking.

“He made sure to register as an author!”

Adrienne held back her laughter as she said so. The way she said it caught her ear, striking Epherene as unusual.

-How was it?

“Well! I didn’t quite understand it! The impact will be huge, but it’s just a theory!”

-Do you mean it isn’t that great…?

“No! Absolutely not! Thelm did a solid job, and Deculein….”

Adrienne thought for a moment as if choosing the right words before nodding,

“Oh, it has great potential! It’s still just a theory, but if this theory is real, the magic could be applied!”

Click-click-! Click-click-!

Continuous flashes from cameras lit up the crowd. To Epherene, focusing all her attention on Adrienne’s mouth, the countless sounds from the reporters

were just annoyances.

“If it happens!”

Adrienne raised her hand. At that moment, time appeared to stop as everyone focused on her. As she enjoyed the countless gazes, Adrienne paused a

moment longer for added drama before continuing.

“I think Professor Deculein is going to be an Elder.”


Elder. Epherene’s eyes threatened to fall out of their sockets. The wizards in the tower, who were watching the interview together with her, displayed a

similar reaction

-If you say elder, do you mean an Elder in the magical realm?


In the world of magic, an Elder served as the origin of a new school of theology – that was, they were the ones who created a new school of magic. For

example, the head of the Dukan School was lhelm, but the Elder was Dukan, who died 50 years ago.

-Are you saying that Professor Deculein will be the origin of a new school?!

“There is a possibility-! But the thesis is still very difficult! I still don’t understand it either! I have to go study!”

Epherene ground her teeth

…Elder? Did she hear that? Deculein would become an Elder? Was the Chairman sure about it? What kind of thesis was it? If even the Chairman found it

difficult to understand…

All those voices roaring inside the tower scratched at her nerves. The laughter and chattering between them aggravated her.


Epherene muttered the word blankly, drenched in her thoughts for a moment. If Deculein became an Elder, what if, while flying brilliantly with her father’s

achievements, his name were buried at the bottom? Just imagining it made her nauseous as if her intestines were being twisted.

Epherene pulled out a letter. The first sentence – ‘I prepared research for you-‘- was marked in her father’s handwriting. She read the sentence again

and stared through the paper with empty eyes.

“Yes! There’s something really special about that thesis! First, I will complete my inspection and submit it to the Floating Island-!”

The interview was still progressing. However, the research that her father entrusted to her belonged to someone other than them.

…Today, I was plagued by reporters from the moment I climbed into my car all the way to work, thanks to the rumors of submitting a thesis

that Adrienne had revealed.

-Are you planning to become an Elder?

-What are you going to name the school?

-As a strong candidate for chairman, please give me a word!

-The Round Table will not remain still.

Questions without context flew in from outside the car window, and I barely reached the 77th floor of the tower with rude cameramen rushing in behind



Allen, seeing me in the hallway, come running. I walked into my office without a word. Allen followed, holding a roll of paper.



When I turned to her while taking off my coat with Psychokinesis, she coughed – Ahem. Then

“What is your purpose in becoming chairman?”

I stared at her quietly. Allen glanced briefly at the paper she held.

“You are taking too long to answer.”

“…What are you doing?”

“These are the common questions from the hearing. I wrote it.”


“Yes..? Don’t we need this kind of preparation? Wizard lhelm is also preparing with the Imperial family.”

“You don’t have to.”

Maybe if it were the original Deculein, rather than preparing for this, he must have been more engrossed in his work to push lhelm into the abyss of ruin.


“I said enough.”

Knock knock

The door opened with a knock.

“…Professor. You’re here.”

It was Epherene. She approached me quietly and set her papers on my desk. The way she bowed her head and turned around immediately was different

from usual. She drooped like a water-drenched sponge, dripping with every step.

I wasn’t interested enough to ask why. I wasn’t interested at all. It must’ve been a personality flaw.

“Epherene. What’s going on…?”

Allen, on the other hand, was a little different.


“Oh, yes?”

She looked at me with a pretending to be worried expression

“Now go. I have work to do.”

“Oh, okay. And what about that… the expected Q&A.”

“T’ll check it out when I have time.”

“Yep! Fight on, Professor!”

Adrienne was the chairman of the Magic Tower. That was, she was the head of the directors. There were thirteen members, including the university’s

dean and an Imperial liaison, who took turns serving as the board of directors for the Imperial University.

“…Congratulations, Chairman.”

They offered the highest courtesy to the Chairman. For Adrienne, who was about to become an Archmage, the Emperor’s authority couldn’t even reach

her any longer. She would become an untouchable being, at least when she left the tower.

“Thank you! Please sit!”

Adrienne chuckled and asked the directors to sit. They were convened in the special conference room on the 100th floor of the tower under the theme of

hiring a successful chairman.

“helm and Deculein. Both of them are talented people who fit the position well, but the most powerful one is Deculein, who has been working for the

tower for nearly ten years.”

One of the thirteen directors, Drumman, came forward as a presenter. Adrienne nodded along,

“Yeah, well! That’s right! But you never know what will happen! First, we must complete the candidate evaluation after the hearing!”

“You are right. The hearing is scheduled for Monday in two weeks.”

“Hmm-, it’s good to do it quickly! If there’s anything bad, we’ll find that out right away! Call them out! Voting and the final meeting have to come after


Everyone appeared to agree. The Chairman continued happily.

“But, did the two candidates apply for a Testifier Application at the hearing?!”

“Yes, Wizard Ihelm applied for a total of three references, and Professor Deculein has none.”

“He doesn’t?!”

Adrienne wore her shock.

“Yes. However, at least one person is required, so I think Professor Louina or Professor Relin will come forward.”

“…Well. Give me that list.”


Director Drumman held out the envelope. Since it was to be kept secret, it was a magically sealed item.

“They can’t see who applied for whom as a reference, right?”

“Yes. It is a principle to be revealed on the day.”


Nodding, she looked through the list, checking the names.


Did she read it wrong? She rubbed her eyes and looked back. It was the same.


Adrienne looked at the board, pointing her finger at a particular line.

“Yes. We were quite surprised, too. Who would’ve thought that a newcomer who has been in the tower for less than a year would apply?”

At their words, Adrienne blinked a few times. Like a fish, she quietly moved her mouth up and down, then suddenly


Her smile came out of nowhere with a loud laugh.

“Hihi! Ahaha! This… pfffufu!”

Like a happy child or a deflated balloon, Adrienne read and reread the [Testifier Application),


The hearing schedule for the Imperial Magic Tower was also announced at the Imperial Palace.

“Candidates for chairman…”

Sophien rolled over in bed, looking at the document announcing the hearing for Deculein and lhelm. Keiron nodded.

“Yes, that’s right.”


The Emperor thought, stroking her chin.


What kind of politics and tactics would they use? What kind of attacks? What sort of mud would they throw? It would be a very interesting match, just

thinking about it.

“Good. I will go too.”


Sophien grinned at Keiron.

“I will also attend.”

“Ah. You mean as a cat?”

“No. Directly. Personally.”

Keiron was still not at all used to the current Sophien, who had recently started working outside.

“If it’s the next chairman’s hearing, it’s enough for me to attend. That tower used to belong to me, anyway.”

“…The presence of Your Majesty alone can unbalance the situation.”

Keiron expressed his objection energetically, prompting Sophien to squint at him.


“Because, of course, Deculein is Your Majesty’s teaching wizard.”

“Huh, right. Deculein is my teaching wizard, but lhelm is also a wizard directly under the Imperial family I’ve met dozens of times. What’s the problem?

Why shouldn’t my opinion be reflected?”

“The tower belongs to me. It’s mine, not anyone’s. Huh? It’s mine.”

“It’s about finding someone to rule over my belongings. Shouldn’t I be present?”

“…Yes. I didn’t think it through.”

Keiron nodded with a sigh. The lazy Emperor, on the contrary, didn’t revoke the decision once it was made.


Sophien smirked

…For those ten days, the topic of discussion at the tower was all about the hearing. Adrienne’s rise to the position of Archmage was a natural thing, so

the hearing of lhelm and Deculein, which was a little more uncertain, drew attention.

“Will it be lhelm coming out of nowhere or Head Professor Deculein? Now, 80% of the people say that Deculein holds the advantage.”

Julia mused while looking at the message board. There, the opinions of the magic tower wizards were being written.

“But I heard that lhelm is exceptionally confident. He applied for about three or four testifiers. Has he mobilized all his ties to the Imperial family?”

Epherene didn’t respond.

“Do you think Deculein has already been confirmed? He has only one testifier, and he doesn’t seem to have talked much with anyone.”

“So, if Deculein loses, it will be due to his carelessness. Oh-, what’s going to happen tomorrow? I’m curious.”

Epherene set down her pen and looked at Julia.



“I have no interest.”

“…Oh, y-yeah.”

Julia was startled by her unbelievably cold and chilly appearance, setting down everything she had been doing.

Epherene looked at the clock it was 7:00 pm. The hearing was tomorrow, and while they didn’t know how many days it would take, the preparations

started today.

“I’m going.”

“Y-Yeah. See you tomorrow!”

Julia waved, trying to read her expression, as Epherene boarded the elevator.


When she put the card, she received from lhelm in the elevator, the button for the special floor activated. Her destination was neither the 1st nor the 77th



The elevator rose steeply. The instantaneous pressure change blocked her ears, but she swallowed to release it.


The elevator halted, and behind the slowly opening door, lhelm appeared.

“Oh, you come.”

“That’s such a shame. This hearing would have been better if it had been public. Wouldn’t it?”

“Don’t be mistaken.”

Epherene stared at him. She hadn’t eaten anything recently, so her gaze was full of poison and hunger.

“I am not on your side. I can attack you, too.”

“…Right. I know.”

lhelm shrugged as he answered.

“Your situation and position are only favorable to me. I don’t want more than that.”

“If you get it, go ahead and wait. There is a separate waiting room for testifiers. It’s better than a 5-star hotel. I will call you when the time is right, so

take a rest.”

“Solda Epherene, please follow me.”

Either lhelm’s butler or secretary, she wasn’t sure which, approached Epherene. Epherene glanced at lhelm one last time before following him.

“Wait here, please. The detailed schedule will be announced at a later date.”

She sat on the bed and blankly stared at the wall.


The sound of the second-hand rang hollowly.


The sound spread throughout her.

“…It’s hard to breathe.”

Unable to bear the silence, Epherene pulled out her old and worn-out suitcase, picking at random one of her father’s letters.


She mulled over each letter he wrote, slowly calming herself,

“…Is this the right thing to do?”


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