The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 119: Planning for the Future

Chapter 119: Planning for the Future

So we went for a quick walk. I got a VIP tour of the whole castle. Turns out that it only made me jealous of how stylish it is.

Then we decided to take a break and play some chess. We did that on a whim after I said something about how a reading room would be the perfect place to play that game.

I had to teach him from the ground up starting with how to manufacture the board itself. Our host used magic to accomplish the task and the result is surprisingly amazing. It would put all the existing chess sets to shame.

That used to be one of my hobbies. I would walk along what we would call the old city back in the other world. It featured touristic attractions, little shops, and public entertainers. Some of these small shops would have custom-made chess sets.

One of them sold collection swords and was selling one such board with extremely intricate and awesome medieval-looking pieces. Of course, all of that was expensive as fuck so I never bought any.

At some point in this life when I finally get my own place, it is one of the first things I will commission. That and a pelt by the fireplace. Then I'll be able to personify that draw me like a French girl meme by the fireplace. Silly reason? I do not care haha.

I would only leave these kinds of shops as the night started falling. It was then that the coolest public entertainers would get out. The ones with the best sense of humor. With it being late they took more liberties assuming most kids would be sleeping already.

So yeah, I showed him chess and got my ass kicked. At first, I managed to use my knowledge advantage to grab most of his pieces, but I quickly realized that he was quickly improving until I finally lost.

Now he and Wolfie are playing some intense-looking match. I'm not sure whether to be proud or ashamed. My wolf is really awesome. I really want to shout: look at her she's my pet! But wouldn't that tell people that I'm worse than an animal on the intelligence spectrum? Quite demeaning. Oh well.

So what now? How do I busy myself while waiting for their game to be over? Might take a while given how proficient both are. Don't ask me how that's possible. I don't know.

Might as well go check on my other companions. I quickly locate them using my scouting ability. Didn't we just recently part? Yes, but this castle is big and confusing. Like a huge labyrinth.

As I push the door of the dining room I can see these guys.still fucking munching wow.

I'm not sure if I should praise the illusion magic or praise their dedication to eating. I mean I'm sure at least a few have figured the truth already no?

[You guys are still eating?]

"You are back! Wait?! Where is your wolf?!"

Isn't he the observant kind, as expected of the one leading them!

[Oh she's fighting against our host right now. They'll be busy for a while.]

"WHAT?! They are fighting we need to quickly go and help!"

Yet he remains seated pretending to devour something.

[Oh no, they are fine, just playing.]

"OH? That's good!"

[Aren't you guys bored of it already?] I point to the table.

"Of course! But it is too good!"

Tears of both joyand shame seem to be glistering at the corner of their eyes.

Okay, this is both funny and pitiful. Maybe I can do something about it. Dispelling hands activate!

I go near the man and gently slap him. He looks at me flabbergasted. Wondering why I suddenly hit him. Guess I'll give him a second.

"You monster! Give me back my pancakes! EH. I mean thanks."

Wow, that spell is super addictive it seems. Even now I can feel a lingering regret in him.

[So good news he knows how to get us out of here and will assist us.]

I can hear faint cheers!

"What is the bad news?"

[What? None really. I'm just wondering if I should stick here for a while to train a bit. With the infinite skeletons and all.]

He looks like he suddenly understood something.

"As expected, even seeing this world as a training opportunity! How wise!"

I mean kind of, but for any gamer, that stuff is a given. Grinding is a huge part of our lives.

"Oh, we'll wait for you however long it takes. There is something we'll need to do real quick back in the outside world, however."


"You know how we got ambushed by these assassins that were after our mercenary company?"

[Well obviously, that was only a few chapters ago.]


[Just a way to say it wasn't long since it happened. Keep going.]

"Well, we'll need to kill that group. We would most likely need to relay some information about them to someone. Someone I used to know. If I'm not mistaken the reason that attempt happened must be related to our common past in some way or another."

[Hum, so you'll be busy for a while? What about our deal?]

"I can guide you all the way or give you a complete refund and tell you how to reach your destination."

[Hum I guess I'll think about it. For now, these assholes are our common problem. They did ambush me and Wolfie. That should definitely be a priority and then we'll decide about what comes next.]

Alright, that sounds like a plan. I wander all over the room and dispel the illusion for all of them.

Then we all head to the tiny, small room where they are playing chess.

It becomes quickly crowdednot. Seriously even the smaller rooms here are vast.

This place must cost a fortune in maintenance. How many maids would one need to even keep it clean?! Waitnow that I am thinking about it if the maids are cute it might not be a bad thing. Get them a stylish maid outfit and bam you get a basic harem but without the associated complications. Wow, that is genius.

In every kingdom story, there is always political intrigue between the various concubines, but the maids usually aren't as much of a hassle. Yep, makes sense.

[About the exit to this place are you able to open it and close it on a whim? What if I want to go outside and take care of some business before coming back?]

He seems concentrated on his game, but he still nonchalantly answers me.

"Humdid I not tell you? The earliest I can open a portal leading outside is in 20 years."

Are you fucking kidding me?!

How are my companions supposed to survive that long without food or water?!

For water there is always that: better drink my own piss ultimate technique!

But what about food?! Even eating each other we are royally screwed here!!

I guess that was the bad news...


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