The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 118: Epic Fight of Apocalyptic Proportions!

Chapter 118: Epic Fight of Apocalyptic Proportions!





Oh no, I'm about to be defeated!

Not yet!

There is no fucking way I will admit defeat so easily!

Do you think I'll let some guy crush me that fast? No way in hell.

I will crawl my way to survival. So what if it is a pointless endeavor.

So what if I cannot come back from it?

He has the obvious advantage right now.

I am being pushed to my very limits.

I will at the very least make him waste his time.

I will make him remember that I might be weak but that I will not simply kick the bucket!

My will is stronger than my skill. Way stronger.

"How about you simply give up. It won't hurt that much. It will be over before you know it anyway."

[Ah! Nice try, you think I will easily be goaded into such a thing? I am no quitter! Come and get me]

"This is getting old; we have already been fighting for a few hours now. You are obviously losing how about making it painless and surrendering?"

[How about YOU surrender! I may not be that great, but I have confidence in my stamina. No matter how long it takes I will be standing.]

"Oh? Is that so? You want to compete in endurance with one such as I? You should know I have been slumbering here for a long time already."

[So what? Slumbering is slumbering, this is a battlefield!]

"It might be, but it doesn't change the fact that we could do this for ages, and I would still end up victorious. You have no chance of success. At all."

[That is what you think haha. I just need to keep wasting time until I wear you down!]

"What wear me down? It is literally impossible for you to win this."

[Or is it?]

"It is."

[But what if it's not?]

"But it is you see."


"You don't even have a plan. Just give up already. Please!"

[I just need to hold on. What if I suddenly get some enlightenment!]

"You think such a thing is that common?"

[Nope, but one can hope right?]

"You are willing to bet everything on that?"

[Of course!]

"Fine let's keep going then. But seriously this is getting tiring."

[HA! HA! You are getting tired how about admitting defeat!]

"That is a figure of speech! I can do this for decades!"

[Bring it on then!]

"No, you bring it on!"

[I'll bring it on so much that you won't believe it!]

"I'll bring it on so much that you wouldn't even dream about it."

[I'll bring it on so much that my bringing it on will defy the very laws of this world and physics!]

"I'llwait what's that physics thing you talked about?"

[Hum it's the study inner workings of the world pretty much.]

"Isn't that magic?"

[I guess it kinda is in this world. Hum let's just say some things happen even without any magic involved.]

"Like what? Everything is related to magic somehow in this world."

[Hum what about gravity?]

"Gravity magic what about it?"

[Even without magic if you drop something it will still fall to the ground, right?]

"Yes, that's because this whole world has gravity magic applied to it."

[Don't think so. Gravity can be created from anything having a heavy mass.]

"What do you mean?"

[If something is heavy enough it will drag things in the surroundings toward it.]

"Are you sure?"

[Not really I've never been good with that stuff.]

"Oh, that's a shame. Now die already!"

[No way! Screw you! I am very much in perfect condition!]

"What are you talking about in perfect condition?! You almost lost everything already!"

[I don't see what you are talking about!]

"I see it! Even your wolf at the side sees it!"

[Don't drag Wolfie into this! This is a one-versus-one duel between us! We agreed on these terms!]

"I'm not dragging her into it I'm just saying you should give up already!"

[Wolfie do you think I should keep fighting!]


"Seriously?! He is so doomed!"

[See that! I should keep fighting! Wolfie believes in me! There is no way I will lose now!]

"How is that related to you losing or winning?! Her cheering you on won't change a single thing!"

[Ha! That's what you think! Don't you know the greatest warriors all have a cute fan club following them around! I have the cutest Wolf there is cheering me on! I am invincible!]

"That's not"


"That's not how any of."


"That's not how any of this works!"


"We get it already!"


"*Sigh* Fine let's keep at it! Your demise is all but assured anyway!"

[No your demise is all but assured!]

"Actually if we keep at it won't we both run out of lifespan before this game is over?"

[Oh? Is your resolve wavering? It's perfectly fine to give up you know?]

"There is no way I would!"

[If you give up now it will be painless you know.]

"That was my own argument."

[Then you can't deny it's a good one right?]

"Ah screw you."

[So what if you get angry it won't change the fact that]

"Checkmate! HAHAHAHAHAHA. You were so focused on trash-talking that you completely missed my stratagem. Who's the best? Who's the best?"


"I can't hear you!"

[You are!]

"And ?"

[You are a master of strategy and I should not have bet against you in the first place.]

"And ?"

[I only agreed to say that much! Anything else wasn't part of the bet!]

"Haha, fair enough. It was fun."


"Want to do another game?"

[No, I'm fine]

"Of course, it would be pointless. You would just instantly lose wouldn't you."

[What no way?! I just don't feel like it.]

"So you are not mad about losing to a complete beginner that didn't know the game at all? You are also not mad about losing that first game? That's great!"


"Hum maybe I should play against Wolfie, she would probably be a worthy opponent."

Am I getting dissed right now? He legit just said a wolf would be a stronger chess opponent than I am. Then again Wolfie is super smart.

Chances are that

And they already started playing.

Am I some kind of side-character?

Should I go on the side to cry a bit or just stay here and cry a lot?

*Sigh* Life is harsh sometimes.


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