The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 725 - A Finest Wine To The Table

Nikun got ready and left with the villa towards the city center. He was curious and also wary thinking about it. He gave up the idea of asking Aaron who will never spoil his wife's plans.

At some point, he noticed the driver check his mobile and take a U-turn. So he asked, "Where are we going right now?"

"To a hotel, Mr. Morris." The driver responded respectfully but didn't mention a name.

HIs mobile beeped. It was a message from Aarvi, [Brother Nick, make sure you keep the case details confidential.]

'Weird,' he thought. Why would he speak about the case with anybody? 

He shrugged his thoughts and patiently waited. If Aarvi arranged something, then it must be worth the wait. He believed it.

The car slowly came to a stop in front of Mocon's most luxurious seven-star hotel. If Nikun was just anybody, he would have taken a glance around, but being a son of a hotelier, this hotel was like nothing.

Going inside, Nikun didn't know what to do or where to go. So he was about to call Aarvi, but a middle-aged manager noticed him and reached him. "Mr. Morris? Just now we got a message and you are coming here." He pointed towards the elevator, "This way please."

This wasn't the Morris hotel or the hotel acquired by Morris so Nikun was confused with such VIP treatment. But he followed as it was arranged by Aarvi.

The manager continued to speak with a polite smile on his face, "Why don't you take a rest in your suite first? We could speak later or in the morning, of course."

Nikun didn't know what was going on. 'My suite? Like in hell.' Instead of paying a two days price for a presidential suite in that hotel, he could easily get a cozy apartment in the city.

Well, he played along, "Yeah, sure."

The manager gave a nod, "That's fantastic. What about the dinner, Mr. Morris? Would you like to have it in your suite or the restaurant? I would recommend you try the nineteenth-floor multi-cuisine restaurant. It gives a good view of the city." He was very enthusiastic.

'Yeah, yeah, rip me off, you salesman.' Nikun forced a smile on his face. If Aarvi hadn't paid for all these, he was going to haunt her every day.

He was about to respond, and a person in the waiting area caught his attention. "Excuse me…" He brushed them away and took a few steps back to have a good look at the man. A smile crept up his face, "I guess, I will have dinner in the restaurant you suggested if your other guest honors me." He was ready to throw all his money on a meal to eat with his mentor.

The manager assumed it must be a beautiful sexy lady. His mind started running wild thinking of different plans like candlelight, live music to make the dinner special and rip the rich man off.

With high hopes turned to where Nikun went. A sexy smirk he expected on Nikun felt different. Nikun looked like a favorite son of his father when he took a long stride to reach the person. Manager's lips twitched. He said he thought too much and the person was an old man. He stood aside to wait for them.

Seeing James Crawford, Nikun threw every logic out of his head, mind, heart, and body. He forgot that Aarvi had arranged a surprise for him also. All he could see was the master who taught him how to be the best among the rest.

Nikun was considered as the naughtiest yet the sharp apprentice under James. Despite James scolding him to be serious, it never went overboard. James wanted Nikun to continue working for him but Nikun was no ordinary student from a common background. He had his dreams and visions to follow, so both parted ways.

"Nikun Morris, reporting Sir." Nikun sounded like a soldier reporting to duty.

Nikun got the attention of whoever heard him. James's eyes were on the tab, in which he was reading about the files sent by Leon and the current situation. He didn't have to look for the man to identify. His hyper, energetic and humorous apprentice didn't miss to leave an unforgettable mark. He smirked but didn't lift his head, "Nikun Morris, grown-up." He chided Nikun.

"Getting old is mandatory, growing up isn't. I Nikun Morris object to follow the rule." He countered, still waiting for James to look at him. 

James's other apprentice tried to be serious but the smile on their face was too obvious. When James kept the tab aside, everyone's smile vanished excluding Nikun.

James still had that stern look on his face. "Behave. None will take you seriously if you behave like this."

Nikun shrugged. James's rule was 'be mysterious and unemotional.' None should know how you are going to strike. Well, that followed in his real-life too. People often forget James had a life other than law and practice. They treat him like he was interrogating them for simple questions too. 

Nikun was different. His rule was, 'Confuse them by being childish.' His work will speak itself, now how he behaves.

"Master, are you going or coming? Why didn't you tell me you are in the country? I am in Mocon for a few days. Would you like to grab dinner? I am starving." He lied. He wasn't starving but a reason to spend time with his master. James would prefer to stay alone in his room than entertain anybody.

James was sitting so he had to crane his neck to look at Nikun. Hearing Nikun ignore his words, he looked like he was going to harshly scold him. Then James was speechless by hearing those questions.

Suddenly his eyes glinted mysteriously. He stood up and turned to his assistant, "You guys settle down. I will collect my keycard later." His voice was plain. 

Nikun was shocked seeing James accept to have dinner. James doesn't like to share his time so easily, that too dinner. Assuming it could be because they were no more a master and apprentice, he felt like he succeeded in a big case. 

The hotel manager was the sad one there. If there was a girl, the expenses would have skyrocketed. Now he could only pop expensive champagne or wine. They didn't look like drunkards so only one bottle. He sighed internally but flashed a smile at the two, "Mr. Morris!?" He wanted to confirm where he had to guide them.

"Nineteenth-floor. We need the finest wine to our table for my master." Nikun instructed walking with James.

"We will serve our best, Mr. Morris." The manager pointed to the front as he added, "This way please."

Nikun spoke a lot while James hardly opened his lips. Yet Nikun knew James enjoyed at least one speak with him, unlike other apprentices. For Nikun, he was used to Aaron speaking less, James became an updated version of Aaron. Hence he was cool.

Once everyone seated and ordered, James asked, "What are you doing in the hotel?"

Nikun and James clinked their glass and sipped wine before he responded casually, "I got some work in Mocon, Master."

James placed his flute down and continued to sound casual, "Are you well known of this city, people, culture?"

Nikun nodded vigorously, "Actually my family is from Mocon. We moved to Coasta, a neighboring city just a few years ago. So Yes, master, I know the city very well." He offered without reading much into James's questions, "I can be your tour guide. Just say it."

James's eyes shifted to the glass wall. His eyes brushed over the skyscrapers of the city and his eyes glinted when it stopped at a tall building. He picked the glass and sipped again, "The city is bigger than what I thought it to be." He tried to build the air.

Nikun sensed nothing. He looked out at the busy city and hummed, "Yes Master. Mocon has always been a business city of the country."

James came to the main point, "Is that also a hotel? The tallest one there? The hollow between the buildings looks cool." The architecture of the Skylar headquarters was obviously cool.

Nikun, who had sold his brain, responded by shaking his head, "No, it's a company called Skylar Industries."

"Never heard before. New money?" There was contempt in the tone to provoke Nikun.

Smart Nikun had turned dumb.. He didn't realize James was fishing out information about Aarvi and it's unlikely of James to get interested in knowing a random person.


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