The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 724 - One Faces Their Level Of Problems

After watching James Crawford, Aarvi felt the need to find a strong assistant to Nikun. She closed her eyes and breathed. She believed Nikun could handle this yet.

"What's wrong, Cupcake?" Aaron looked out of the window. His eyes narrowed at the man who was walking between five men. He was in his early fifties, the suit on his body and upright posture made him look younger. He was wearing golden rim glass that gave a stern look to his face. He identified the old man as he got closer. "James Crawford!?" His voice reached her ears. 

He sat back and looked at her complex expression. For a moment he thought she might want to meet him, "Cupcake, he is Nick's mentor. Do you wanna meet him?" 

He suddenly paused. Aarvi didn't hire him, there are no major cases in Mocon. So what is James Crawford doing in Mocon out of all the cities?

Suddenly the little frame leaped on him, "Ronron, you are the solution to all my problems." 

'Muah,' She pecked him hard on the cheek and sat back.

Aaron and Roach: "..."

One had no idea what he did and another one couldn't believe they became more shameless day by day. He felt the need to think if he should follow the couple to country S.

Aarvi typed a string of numbers as she gave a green signal, "Let's not make them wait."

Roach understood and drove out with the Shadow team keeping a safety check.

Aarvi assigned a new task to her team once they responded, "Guys, James Crawford, a lawyer from country U reached Mocon just a few minutes ago. I want you guys to find out his schedule and useful information."

[Roger that.] Aarvi heard three voices in unison before the call ended.

Aaron wanted to ask her what was going on, Aarvi called Nikun Morris. He pulled his sly wife's cheek guessing her plan. "Ronron…" She rubbed her cheek.

[Aarvi!?] Nikun's voice sounded.

"Brother Nick, I have a surprise for you." She sounded excited and cheerful.

'More like a deathly shock.' Aaron thought. Although he trusted his friend's capability, his friend would have a mini heart attack after knowing he has to fight his mentor and win on him. The mentor knew every weakness of Nikun and holds enormous experience.

Nikun became curious instantly, [And what is it?]

Aarvi didn't reveal the ninety-nine percent probability of James being the lawyer of Leon. "I said it's a surprise, Brother Nick. Get ready quickly… in casuals. You should look stylish, confident yet carefree."

Nikun had spoken to Mehak just a few minutes before. So he was careful, [I am not going to meet any girl, Aarvi.] Else why should he appear as she said?

"Ohhh…" Aarvi sounded in disbelief, making Aaron slap his forehead at her voice acting. "Brother Nick, what are you thinking? Should I call Sister Mehak?"

Nikun: "..."

Aarvi chuckled, hearing nothing, "It's not about any girl, Brother Nick. It's about a surprise. Get ready, please. I will send you the address soon. The driver will get you there."

Nikun hissed in suspicion by hearing her sweet words, adding please and all. He was wary of her antics now and guessed this surprise of hers might blow his mind. [Why am I getting chills? Aarvi, what are you being so mysterious with me?]

Aarvi shrugged in the car, "For your good, Brother Nick. We will see you later." She hung up the call.

Aaron smiled helplessly. If she tells Nikun about his mentor, by the time he could reach James, he will guess the reason behind James's presence. He will be nervous. It would be the first fall of Nikun against his mentor.

Now Nikun will excitedly meet James and have a conversation without thinking of Leon. By the time Aarvi reveals it to him and directs him, James will have to think and be double careful of Nikun's confidence.

Extra care could be dangerous too as they will tend to make mistakes. But, James had a top-notch team to rectify. It was going to be hard on Nikun.

"Any plans to meet James Crawford?" Aaron asked as she had said they will meet Nikun later.

Aarvi shook her head, she had no plans to meet that man who rejected her without giving her a chance to speak with him. 

Her expression turned serious. She didn't want to scare Nikun hence she tried to keep it light and cheerful. "It will be very tough for Brother Nick. I want to see how confident he could be after meeting James. If his confidence is not the same or higher if he wasn't driven to fight against, then…" It means they lost before the two armies met on the battlefield.

Aaron was confident in Nikun but he didn't say anything to Aarvi. Anything could happen after Nikun meets James. Arvi's choice of bringing Nikun to face his mentor before the courtroom was well thought. He chose to let his wife analyze her part without the pressure of his opinion.

"I will help you look for another lawyer who could be on standby." 

Aarvi nodded with a hum and hugged his arm. Aaron and Rivas Industries' reach was too vast than hers. He was her husband so she didn't deny his help.

Aaron made her sit and turned to her, "Don't you get tired?"

Aarvi tilted her in confusion. She took so much rest that she doubts how he could work nonstop.

"You have company to manage, Leon's case to handle, everyone's safety to think about, your friends to worry about, a big family to take care of, and me to give some time." He poked her head, "How does the little brain here keep everything track?"

He just mentioned what she did today, from morning to evening. First, she went to Skylar, then handled those kidnappers, went to Harmon Industries, gave a check on everyone if they were doing good, arranged flowers on behalf of Jordan, and stayed with him to make him less worried. With all that, she made sure everything is going smoothly. 

Aarvi sat away from him. "Ronron, why are you trying to scare me?" Doing it didn't feel difficult but listening to him put everything separately. 

What he meant to say was, she should take a break and rest.

Aarvi briefed, to tell him she was privileged compared to so many women in the world, "Most of the women always handle many things every day. Do you know? Middle-class families always handle everything on their own whereas we have maids and workers to take care of many miscellaneous jobs, like cleaning, paying bills, grocery shopping, budget management, vehicle service, and so on.

Now that more women are working, they also take care of the household. They have high pressure to handle their expenses, make some savings, and emergency measures are far higher than us. Most of the men just go to work and demand to get served at home. Women have no choice. It's very rare to see women and men sharing household work."

Roach smiled when he listened to her. He was from a middle-class family, his father did exactly what she said, Probably he also did the same as he was in the military. He had seen his mother manage the house so well. On the surface, it feels like nothing, but hearing Aarvi, he realized they were doing so much work every day.

But he had none to tell him he smiled for the first time in all these years. 

Aaron sighed. He was worried about his wife and she was normalizing everything as if it was nothing. "If that's a lot of work and difficult for them, do you think they could handle what you do? Everyone faces their level of problems."

Aarvi nodded in understanding, "Everything apart, I have you to rant about." Aaron covered her lips with his hand before she could start her over-dramatic ranting and raving in front of Roach.

Although he didn't accept Roach's plan to follow them to country S, he knew Roach was the best one to keep his wife safe in his absence. He would not think twice to shield Aarvi with his life and never harbor ill thoughts against her. Aaron was selfish when it came to Aarvi. So he avoided Roach from knowing his wife couldn't just be childish, but super crazy, drama queen.

Well, somebody else knew how crazy she was. At the other end, Nikun was in shock looking at the message on his mobile and James Crawford in front of him.. 'Aaron Rivas, your wife has gone insane.'


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