The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 70: The Quest To Save Lily [12]

Chapter 70: The Quest To Save Lily [12]


Amon kept panting, deeply and fastly. His eyes widened so much that they looked like they would fall out of their sockets any second.

'I shouldn't look back. I shouldn't look back.' He kept repeating himself.

But he knew that he had to. This wasn't the first life that he would take in this world.

This was just the reality. He couldn't ignore it.

And so if he needed to progress and take more lives, he had to first eradicate his fear of looking back at his actions.

The consequences of what he had done.

So, he turned back.

And right there, in front of him were two headless bodies slumped to the ground, a large pool of blood forming around them.

And right behind the bodies, were the heads of the two guards.

Their expressions were distorted, almost at the edge of confusion and surprise.

They had been taken by surprise, completely unaware of what hit them.

Amon's soul trembled at the sight but he held it in and kept looking at the bodies.

Suddenly, his eyes widened even further and moved towards his body.

'N-no....' Amon thought.

His hand which was holding the bloody nodachi, his chest, his whole body.

They were completely motionless. Unafraid.

As if this was not the first kill they had done.

'H-has this body killed before?...' Amon thought with surprise.

He realized even further at the moment that there was no repulsive action from his body, which would be normal in such cases.

His soul might have been afraid right now but his body was used to it. Also explaining why his hand didn't tremble even till the last second when he was taking the lives of the guards.

'Has the past Amon murdered before?' The thought ran through Amon's head.

[We have a mission to accomplish right now Amon.] Zephyra quickly brought him back to the present.

He quickly shook his head to shake off such thoughts and quickly ran towards the bodies of the two guards.

His expression was still repulsive but he controlled himself for the sake of the mission. He stored the blood inside his spatial ring while storing the bodies and heads in [Inventory].

He silently closed the doors through which he entered.

He was one floor away from reaching Lily now.

Taking a deep breath to calm down his racing heart, he looked around and found himself on a floor made of concrete stone this time.

A contrast to the upper floors that were made of wood.

There were four doors on this floor now, two on each side.

Out of 4, only one led to the lower floor where slaves were kept.

The other 3 stored various materials, such as equipment for the guards and mana cores for the building.

As much as he wanted to hoard some things right now for his plans, he knew he was running on limited time.

It was only a matter of time before the guards' disappearance would be noticed and an alarm would be issued in the whole building.

However, there was another problem.

The only staircase that led down to the lower floor had 3 pairs of guards that he could never avoid.

Before teleporting himself to the staircase, he had marked another object.

With [Voidteleport], he could mark 2 objects at most, and each mark would last for 5 minutes.

In that way, he now only had 3 minutes before he needed to grab Lily and get out of this building.

If he failed, then he needed to face every single guard to get her out of here.

So without wasting a second, he shot toward the door and opened it, unveiling a lengthy and narrow staircase, shrouded in darkness.

And within that darkness, he instantly spotted the three pairs of guards on the narrow step of stairs.

His stealth ability was still in cooldown so he had no option but to face them head-on.

And so, he shot forward towards the first pair of guards, who noticed him instantly.

Both of the guards shot forward as well, one of them shrouding their arm in fire while the other quickly manipulated wind to launch a gust.

However, fighting them was not the plan right now.

Even if there was some way to defeat them in this narrow area, his time for the mark would


So, his eyes instantly glowed in an aubergine color.

'[Eye of the Void]'

The amethyst eyes contacted the guards' eyes and instantly both of them were halted in their spots, disrupting their attacks and mana flow.

With their bodies halted for a couple of seconds, Amon reached them instantly.

His hands touched their bodies and immediately manipulated the blood inside their bodies.

It was nearly impossible to do it at a distance. Especially for a 2nd order clovist. But after touching them was another case.

Bringing their body blood close to his hands, Amon sent jolts of electricity running through their bodies.

Their bodies spasmed with pain as the blood inside their bodies revolted at such high


It wasn't enough to halt their movements, but [Eye of the Void] was already doing its job.

With just a few seconds left, Amon pushed them back, sending their bodies crashing down toward the other pairs of guards that were hurrying up toward him.

And before they could do anything, he extended his arm towards them.

In the next moment, a river of blood formed and emerged in the space in front of him, crashing down towards the guards.

Following that, he connected his hands with the blood and with as much mana he could muster, sent electricity coursing through the blood.

The blood that just touched the guards and kept flowing down the stairs was electrified, and with it, so were the guards.

[Eye of the Void] was now on cooldown but the guards were still unable to move toward Amon with the raging onslaught of the blood river and the electricity that continuously spasmed

through their bodies.

Taking his hands off the blood, he stopped channeling electricity and realized that it was his

chance now.

He immediately used [Voidstep], appearing 10 meters down on the set of stairs, near the


Without wasting any moment, he unsheathed his nodachi and slashed towards their necks.

However, they were just a bit faster as they slightly moved at the end, making the blade only

slightly graze their necks.

Thought it wasn't what Amon had planned, it was enough.

He immediately used the first ability of his weapon.

'[Bloodborne Symphony]'

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