The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 69: The Quest To Save Lily [11]

Chapter 69: The Quest To Save Lily [11]


Amon sighed.

He really didn't want to do this right now.

"Oi! You barman! Come and pour us a drink here!" The old drunkard raised his hand and called the barkeeper out.

The latter bowed to a customer at the far end of the bar corner and hurriedly walked up to them with a bottle in his hand.

The drunk man gestured towards the now empty glass and the barkeeper graciously poured some alcohol into the glass.

The old man smiled drunkenly and closed his arm more around Amon pulling him close. "Come here ya lad!" He exclaimed and picked up the glass that was filled with glass up. Amon's mind worked at lightning speed, thinking of ways to get out of this situation. The old man was definitely an unawakened.

And in some seconds, he finally found a way, a smile spreading across his masked features. The drunk man brought the glass close to his mask and with the other hand that was closed around him, tried to lift the mask.


The mask moved a little.

However, as soon as it moved, Amon reacted.

Grabbing the arm that was wrapped around him from his hand, Amon applied some force on his grip and spun his arm.

The unawakened old man's weight was nothing in front of his strength as he was spun in the air before being hurled towards a wall on the other side.


The drunkard crashed into the wooden wall, alerting all the people in the bar as their heads sharply spun toward the man.

He landed on the floor with a thud, his head and mouth bleeding.

Their eyes widened with shock and quickly spun to the other side, following the trajectory of his crash.

There, they saw Amon, who was now standing with his cane planted into the ground and his cloak covering his body.

Silence ensued in the atmosphere as the drunk and cheery feeling vanished instantly.

Contrary to people's expectations that the masked man would speak, Amon chose to remain silent.

And it wasn't long before the guards arrived.

"Unfortunately we require you to leave right now or we will have to use force." A guard informed and harshly gestured towards the door.

Understanding his actions, Amon nodded and walked towards the door, leaving the shop while everyone stared at him with various expressions.

Unfortunately, they failed to notice his smile behind the mask and the minuscule blood marble resting against the staircase wall.

The staircase that led down to the first basement floor.

They also failed to notice the tiny green blip planted at the edge of the stool where Amon sat before.


The guards at the entrance door didn't let him go until he wasn't seen in the same street anymore.

Taking a sharp turn, Amon settled into a secluded dark corner and quickly connected his vision to the camera he had placed on his stool.

His vision blurred and he felt his senses distort.

After two seconds, it finally cleared and he could see the area around the staircase leading to the basement.

Then, he tried to see around as much as he could using his skill and fortunately, he found no guard around right now or any person looking towards the staircase.

Disconnecting his vision, he came back to his present location 2 seconds later.

After the man tried to give him alcohol, Amon thought it was a good idea to make people's suspicion go away from him.

He knew that someone's instincts might have still caused them to be suspicious about the bell incident.

So, after he poured the alcohol into the glass, he secretly manipulated a micro marble of blood and rolled it over to the staircase after marking it with his skill.

And so, after a deep breath and activating his stealth skill again, he used [Voidteleport].

His vision instantly distorted before clearing again and he found himself on the staircase where the marble was planted before.

He peered down into the darkness and instantly saw two guards that were stationed in front of a locked door.

They were looking forward, unaware of Amon who was standing a couple of meters above


The latter gulped.

Not because he was scared, but because there was no way to go forward now without

confronting the guards.

After seeing their positions and the layout, he knew this would happen.

'Well, I guess I'm scared as well....'

He wasn't scared of fighting them.

He had fought worse and more ferocious-looking beasts.

He was afraid of killing them.

He could try knocking them out but it would only result in a bigger result that would end up

him being caught and then killed.

He was weaker than them after all. They were 2nd order clovists.

He took a deep breath again.

His stealth ability was running out and he had to do it fast.

[You have to face it, Amon.] Zephyra called him in his head.

His body twitched.

'I know.....'

[It's about survival. It's either you and Lily or them.]

He nodded silently.

It was true.

Killing for no reason was pathetic. He agreed.

However, killing for survival and other reasons was something he had to cope with in this


Hadn't he agreed to this from the start?

When he made the deal with Zephyra?

Then why was he backing down now?

He had to do it. For his sake. For Lily's sake.

He took on stance, with his body bent and his hand on the hilt of the nodachi.

Lightning coursed through his legs and right arm, covering the hilt of the nodachi

Human life was something to be taken very seriously and he agreed. It was nothing

something to be taken away without reason.

However, survival was that exact reason. The reason that disregarded all rules why life should

be appreciated.

His eyes opened, resolute and determined.

And with one forceful push, he launched at full speed towards the two guards.


His nodachi unsheathed in a clean motion and was instantly coated in a metallic sheen of


And as he was a meter away from both guards, he slashed his sword in a horizontal motion. The blade slashed through the air, producing a euphoric, clean, and silent pierce.

And in the next moment, it connected with the neck of the guard, cutting through it in a single


Within the very next instant, two heads flew in the air along with a fountain of crimson,

spraying on everything around it.

Amon's mask and attire were instantly covered in the bath of blood. However, his mind

wasn't on that topic right now.

His mouth opened and closed fast, his breaths coming out in deep gasps.

At that moment, he barely, just faintly felt two soft hands clasping his face and someone

hugging him from behind.

[You did good. There's no need to worry.] He heard a voice in his head.

However, his mind wasn't on that right now.

He had just killed two people.

'I....did that.'

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