The Terminally Ill Young Master of the Baek Clan

Chapter 135: The Wager With The All-knowing Master (1)

Chapter 135: The Wager With The All-knowing Master (1)

-Right. Im certain. I dont know how you did it, but you managed to secure the Samgwis Bloodstone.

There was certainty in the All-knowing Masters transmitted voice. It didnt seem like a mere guess.

It would be ridiculous to abruptly sit up from the stretcher, so Yi-gang remained silent.

During the transfer to the Medical Hall, another transmission rang out.

-Yes, you are a martial artist, so its natural for you to covet the internal elixir But be warned, if you consume it, you will surely die.

It was obvious that the internal elixir of a yokai would be poisonous.

But that didnt seem to be his point.

-Once youre better, come to my place. It will be good for you. I swear on my name.

With these persuasive words, the All-knowing Master disappeared.

Yi-gang was taken to the Medical Hall.

He wasnt injured enough to need convalescence, but his condition was poor due to the depletion of his Innate True Qi.

Yi-gang spent about three days recuperating there.

The Murim Alliance must be quite wealthy. They seem to have used precious medicinal ingredients generously.

The Murim Alliance Medical Hall was recently established by the renowned physician known as the Heavenly Master Physician. Though he was no longer there, his medical expertise remained with the Murim Alliance.

A profound medicinal fragrance gently wafted through the air.

It was emanating from the medicinal soup in front of Yi-gang.

The physician who had diagnosed his pulse said, It doesnt seem like theres any internal injury and prepared a revitalizing herbal decoction for him.

Yi-gang drank the medicinal soup.

Gulp- Gulp


Good medicine tasted bitter.

Though the medicinal soup was not tasty, Yi-gangs expression was more refreshed than anyones. Even the Blue-Eyed Mad Demon would unwittingly find herself savoring it.

Does it taste good?


Yi-gangs complexion had improved compared to three days ago.

It wasnt just because he had been taking care of himself with such herbal decoctions.

It was also thanks to the cultivation of the Azure Forests internal energy technique, Wisdom Mind Art.

Yi-gang closed his eyes and concentrated on circulating his energy.

The Wisdom Mind Art was a rare internal energy cultivation technique in Jianghu that trained Innate True Qi.

Its drawback was the slow speed of energy accumulation. Therefore, it wasnt possible to reach the internal energy of a martial master quickly.

However, for Yi-gang, it was the best technique since it allowed him to replenish his Innate True Qi.

After sitting in a cross-legged position, the proper posture for energy circulation involved raising both palms upwards.

It involved receiving natures energy through the palms central point, then circulating it through the bodys energy pathways.

However, Yi-gang was only able to circulate energy from his right palm to the Qihai acupoint.

By falling into a state of selflessness and regulating his breathing, his internal energy slowly increased.

Furthermore, the Wisdom Mind Art stimulated the middle dantian.

The purest part of the accumulated internal energy surged up to the chest area.

It was a tiny amount, just the size of a sparrows tear, but his Innate True Qi also increased.

If only you were in better condition, you could have elevated the Heavenly Thunder Bell to over four stars.

The Blue-Eyed Mad Demon said this with a hint of regret.

However, Yi-gang was satisfied with the two-star prowess of the Heavenly Thunder Bell. The ability of the Heavenly Thunder White-Tailed Fox, the Heavenly Thunder Bell, was not originally meant for humans.

Since he used Innate True Qi instead of yokai energy, two stars were Yi-gangs limit.

How far did you get it in the past?

When I was overwhelmed and nearly died, I used up to the eighth star of the Heavenly Thunder Bell. Though it turned my hair white.

Even with just two stars of power, he had demonstrated tremendous speed. Yi-gang wondered how powerful the Blue-Eyed Mad Demon was in her prime.


Just then, the door leading to the corridor burst open.

The person who appeared smiled broadly upon seeing Yi-gang sitting on the bed



It was Peng Gu-in. He brought a bowl filled with dried jujubes and pumpkin sweets.

I thought you might be craving something tasty. The food in the Medical Hall is famously bland. Uhahaha!

Werent you disciplined?

Peng Gu-in had hidden his identity and applied for the selection exam.

Even though he intended to voluntarily withdraw later, he had still deceived the alliance. Punishment was inevitable.

That little punishment, just a bit of hardship, is all. Also, So Woon passed the test safely.

Peng Gu-in spoke lightly.

So Woon passing the selection exam was quite happy news.

That guy, he looks frail, but hes actually quite sturdy.

Thats good to hear.

So Woon, who was injured by an arrow, recovered even faster than Yi-gang and left the sickbed.

He didnt forget to express his gratitude to Yi-gang.

Hehe, its all thanks to you, brother.

He was surprised when he heard that Peng Gu-in was Peng Mu-ahs older brother. Yi-gang thought he would be disliked because of how much Peng Gu-in doted on his younger sister, yet he even considered becoming sworn brothers.

However, Yi-gang spoke seriously.

About that sworn brotherhood thing.


I dont think we are quite in a position to become sworn brothers. Lets think about it more slowly

Yi-gang had no intention of serving such a bandit-like figure as his elder brother.

He spoke with feigned indifference. It was easier to flat-out reject him, even if it seemed a bit harsh.

But Peng Gu-in didnt seem hurt or offended.

Hmm indeed.

He nodded his head as if convinced, stroking his chin.

There are ways to become family even without being sworn brothers.


Yi-gang squinted, puzzled by his words, but he didnt get an answer.

Because someone else appeared.

Yi-gang! What are you doing, Brother Gu-in!?

It was Peng Mu-ah and Baek Ha-jun.

Peng Mu-ah seemed to misunderstand Peng Gu-ins attempt to hand dried jujubes to Yi-gang.

She dashed like lightning and rammed her shoulder into Peng Gu-ins abdomen.


Peng Gu-in was thrown back, tumbling across the floor.

It was unlikely for him to be sent flying by his half-weight younger sister unless it was a real fight.

It seemed more like an expression of affection among the Peng Clan martial artists.

Its a misunderstanding! I was just going to give him some dried jujubes.

Really now.

When Peng Mu-ah heard that the Peng Clans Twin Tigers had been following Yi-gang around, she was furious.

The sight of the two burly brothers being awkward around the small Peng Mu-ah was quite amusing.

If Peng Gu-in hadnt praised Yi-gang to the skies, Peng Mu-ahs anger might not have subsided.

As soon as she turned to Yi-gang, her expression quickly turned to one of concern.

Are you feeling alright?

Yes, Im fine.

Did my brother bother you?

He didnt bother me.

Despite Peng Gu-ins pleading look, Yi-gang couldnt say he was bothered.

During the three days Yi-gang was here, the sun and moon continued to rise and set.

The successors gathered at the Murim Alliance were busy with their own affairs.

Yi-gangs eyes widened upon seeing Baek Ha-jun.

Whats that, so old-fashioned.


There was something like a golden button on his collar.

The ornament looked a bit old-fashioned for a piece of jewelry.

Peng Mu-ah answered on his behalf.

He ranked within the top five recently.


Apparently, Baek Ha-jun had fought in five duels over the past three days.

Those who wanted to challenge the name Iron-Blooded Genius were all successors.

With three external successors. And Qingchengs Divine Wind Sword, and Diancangs Lightning Flash.

Among them were two successors from the Dragon-Phoenix Conference as well.

Did you win?

I won them all.

Well done.

Baek Ha-jun hadnt lost a single match.

Naturally, he was within the top five out of thirty.

When Yi-gang looked at Peng Mu-ah, she, unasked, waved her hand and said, I intentionally didnt rank within the top five. Its not that I couldnt.


She wasnt wearing the same ornament as Ha-jun.

She spoke as if making an excuse, but her expression was serious.

I heard that when entering the Five Elements Tomb, they divide into five groups. The top five each lead a group.


Yeah, it seems important to find people in the same group first.

Whether there were five entrances or if the five groups entered in order was unclear.

However, if they were divided into groups to enter the Five Elements Tomb, it would be best to be with trustworthy people.

At least those who could stand back to back and protect each other. Or, considering unreliability, those who were useful and strong.

Lets make sure we enter the same group.

Alright, lets do that.

Yi-gang nodded for now.

There were none more trustworthy than Baek Ha-jun and Peng Mu-ah.

She cautiously began to speak, But, that Jegal Seon is making a move.

Jegal Seon and Yi-gang had a martial arts duel scheduled.

Making a move?

He promised a duel, right? It seems like hes gathering spectators.

Yi-gang gave a wry smile. Why were there so many eager to gather spectators before a duel?

They all firmly believed they would win in the martial arts duel.

Many people were unaware of how strong Yi-gang had become.

Even those in front of him, Peng Mu-ah and Baek Ha-jun, and even Yi-gang himself, couldnt accurately judge his strength.

So just stay in bed for one more day. Ill take on Jegal Seon in the duel today.

Peng Mu-ah clenched her fist and spoke earnestly. Her ulterior motive was quite obvious.

Surely he wont refuse the duel. If he does, Ill make sure to break him

No need.


Let him gather as many people as he wants.

This wasnt the first time he had faced such a challenge.

If Peng Mu-ah helped, it certainly wouldnt go as Jegal Seon wished.

Yi-gang could avoid the nuisance.

If I just help you

There will be more of these situations in the future.

But he couldnt always rely on others.

He must tie his own knots. That was the fate of a martial artist in Jianghu.

You said you were going to meet Jegal Seon this evening?


Tell him well have the duel tomorrow.

After saying this, Yi-gang got up from his seat.

His body had already recovered. Before the duel tomorrow, he planned to visit the All-knowing Masters residence.

Thats the spirit of a true man!

Peng Gu-in supported Yi-gang while munching on pumpkin sweets.

Apparently, the All-knowing Master was also in a difficult situation.

It was to be expected after such a major incident.

His Three Ghosts Bronze Cauldron was tampered with, and the successors nearly lost their lives.

It was an incident that occurred right in the heart of the Murim Alliance, damaging the Alliances reputation.

The All-knowing Master hadnt left the pavilion assigned to him. It must have been upsetting for him too.

My Three Ghosts Bronze Cauldron has turned into a lump of scrap metal.

The All-knowing Master was sitting on an ornately designed chair.

Being small in stature, he almost seemed engulfed by the chair.

He was crossing his legs and resting them on a bronze cauldron.

The Three Ghosts Bronze Cauldron, which used to scatter ghostly energy, was now just a holed pot unfit for even boiling soup.

The All-knowing Master rose from his seat and kicked the Three Ghosts Bronze Cauldron with a thud.

Bang- Clang

came the rough sound as it hit the wall.

Was this some sort of show of force to Yi-gang?

Of course, such things didnt frighten Yi-gang.

Its not a big deal. It was my capital, but the Murim Alliance agreed to pay the price.

The Murim Alliance promised to compensate for the loss of the Three Ghosts Bronze Cauldron, whether in money or other benefits.

Yi-gang spoke as if genuinely congratulating him, Isnt that good? If the Murim Alliance helps.

What? Hahaha.

The All-knowing Master laughed as if the idea was absurd.

Thats only natural! It was because of the Murim Alliances poor management that this happened.

Didnt you hide the true danger of the yokai Samgwi? It would have been troublesome if someone had died.

Revealing all my secrets? Thats a thiefs mentality.

The All-knowing Master glared at Yi-gang while fuming.

However, as Yi-gang maintained his expressionless face, the All-knowing Masters anger soon subsided.

Actually, it seemed like his anger was feigned from the beginning.

So, you cant return the Samgwis Bloodstone?

The real value of the Three Ghosts Bronze Cauldron is the yokai Samgwi, right? Regardless of whether I really possess the bloodstone.

The value of the Three Ghosts Bronze Cauldron lay in the yokai that dwelled within it, creating essences. Yi-gang knew this.

So you are a disciple of the Azure Forest. Do you know a bit about Treasures?

The Murim Alliance agreeing to pay for the Treasure means they include the value of Samgwi and the bloodstone, right?

Yi-gang was correct. The compensation the All-knowing Master would receive was not lacking in comparison to the value of the Three Ghosts Bronze Cauldron.

The All-knowing Master laughed, showing his teeth.

I dislike fools.

In that regard, you seem to have a working brain, so I dont dislike you.

The All-knowing Master twisted his goat beard as he spoke.

Yi-gang faced the All-knowing Master squarely.

What a truly disgusting old man.

This voice echoed from the ring. The Blue-Eyed Mad Demon was residing within the ring.

Long ago, Yu Su-rin sensed the presence of the Immortal Divine Sword using the Insight Eye technique. The spiritual energy of the Immortal Divine Sword was tremendous, but a sensitive person using a spell could sense something clinging to Yi-gang.

However, when residing in an object like this, even the Taoists of the Azure Forest couldnt detect the presence of a spirit.

You wont just hand it over, will you? That internal elixir looked really impressive.


Yi-gang had a lot of thoughts about the Samgwis internal elixir.

If it really couldnt be consumed, he thought it wouldnt be bad to just hand it over to the All-knowing Master.

Then, the All-knowing Master made an unexpected proposal.

Fine. Lets make a bet.

A bet you say?

If I win, you return the bloodstone. If you win, Ill stop talking about that bloodstone.

His tone sounded generously favorable.

For Yi-gang, it was a better deal than before.

But Yi-gang was not satisfied with just that.

Thats not enough.

Not enough?

Tell me why I shouldnt consume that internal elixir and how to use it if I cant. If I win.


The All-knowing Master abruptly stood up, sweeping the tabletop with his billowing sleeves.

Utensils on the table clattered to the floor.

On the cleared tabletop, he placed something with a thud.

It was an hourglass.

Why delay any further? Lets make it a riddle.

A riddle?

If you solve my riddle within the time, you win. Any problem with that?

Of course not.

The bet seemed one-sided.

If the All-knowing Master asked an impossible question, it would be no different than Yi-gang being at a disadvantage.

But the All-knowing Master flipped the hourglass with a wicked smile.

Consider this a penalty for daring to play with a far superior senior.

Red glints of bloodlust flickered in the All-knowing Masters eyes.

Unfair as the conditions were, this was Jianghu. Those lacking power couldnt speak of fairness.

Yi-gang furrowed his brow.

It seemed like if he didnt accept the result, the All-knowing Master was prepared to forcibly take the bloodstone.

Isnt this hopeless? Should we just knock him down and run?

Keep quiet.

Hes definitely going to ask an impossible riddle!

That was likely.

Then, the All-knowing Masters thin lips twitched.

This riddle comes from the far west. In the great desert, an ancient hero faced a huge monster!

Yi-gang paused for a moment, a hint of recognition flashing in his mind.

It sounded like an introduction he had heard somewhere before.

The riddle posed by the All-knowing Master was not just familiar to Yi-gang, but almost clich.

Now, in the morning it walks on four legs, at noon


With a sigh that spoke volumes of his disappointment, Yi-gangs attitude seemed to throw the All-knowing Master off balance.


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