The Terminally Ill Young Master of the Baek Clan

Chapter 134: The All-knowing High Formation (3)

Chapter 134: The All-knowing High Formation (3)


Cho Myung-hwi let out a painful groan.

But Yi-gang ignored it and tightly tied his shoulder. His arm was covered in blood. Immediate treatment was necessary.

It seemed even worse than the injuries So Woon had suffered.

If only we had some disinfectant to treat it right away.

Im okay.

You are not okay. If you dont get proper treatment, your limbs could rot.

Even a bite from a mere beast can fester if not treated properly.

And wounds inflicted by yokai, which looked dangerous at a glance, were undoubtedly more serious.

As soon as we get out, make sure to get treated.

I will do so.

Cho Myung-hwi had hidden his identity when registering.

He denied being a spy for the Unorthodox Union, but there must be a reason he concealed his identity. Moreover, So Woon, who was carried away by Peng Gu-in, was said to be the son of a lord.

Ordinary sects did not use the title of lord.

Even if you pass this test, it would be best to rest.

Such injuries wouldnt heal easily. The Murim Alliance likely wouldnt pass Cho Myung-hwi either.

Cho Myung-hwi looked distressed.

So Woon also didnt know that Cho Myung-hwi was sent by his father.

I will disappoint my lord.

Being alive is what matters.

You wont ask?

Yi-gang, who was squatting, turned his head while looking at the gradually clearing sky.

About mine and So Woons identities.

Even if So Woon was an exception, Cho Myung-hwi claimed to be a disciple of the small sect, the Heaven Sword Sect. Moreover, he was actually learning the martial arts of the Heaven Sword Sect, which was suspicious.

Yi-gang said nothing, but Cho Myung-hwi willingly spoke up.

The sect leader of the Heaven Sword Sect received a favor from my lord. Thats why he passed down that sword technique to me.

I thought so.


No matter how small a sect is, its hard to steal and learn their martial arts, and since the Heaven Sword Sect is still thriving, you couldnt have stolen it forcefully. If you had stolen it, you wouldnt have mentioned it here.

Yi-gang recalled Neung Ji-pyeong while looking at him. His sect, the Shadowless Sword Pavilion, was almost destroyed because one of its disciples had stolen a secret manual from the Wudang Sect.

The All-knowing Master and the inspectors of the Murim Alliance were also deceived by Cho Myung-hwis identity, so it must be true.

Whether they are sworn brothers or whatnot, only the orthodox guys do such foolish acts. Otherwise, its those sweaty ones like the Green Forest.


Yi-gang had guessed it earlier. The one acting arrogantly in cahoots with Peng Gu-in couldnt possibly be a spy from the Unorthodox Union.

Cho Myung-hwi had a somewhat choked-up expression.

Were we the same age?


Yi-gang wore an ominous expression.

As expected, Cho Myung-hwi brought it up.

But I cant be compared to you. I shall acknowledge you as my elder brother.

Second elder brother!

Trying to form a brotherhood while covered in blood, Yi-gang forcefully pushed down Cho Myung-hwi.

My brothers!

And then, the person who instigated this returned.

Peng Gu-in also appeared in a wretched state. He had kept his promise to return.

Cho Myung-hwi shouted, Elder brother!

The Left Guardian and the Guardian Squad members are coming! Ooh!

Peng Gu-in, who had brought a long sword, was flustered as he drew his blade.

S-surely, you didnt defeat it!

It was because the giant goblin lay shattered into pieces.

For Peng Gu-in, who had been ready for a bloody battle, it was an anticlimactic moment.

Cho Myung-hwi laughed bitterly and said, I did nothing. It was Brother Yi-gang who defeated it alone.

It was you, Yi-gang!

Peng Gu-in, who had just heard about the situation from Cho Myung-hwi, laughed heartily.

Uhahaha! As expected! I knew there was something extraordinary about you. Amazing!

While I was dealing with the dogs, I heard a loud noise and glanced over, only to find that monster already collapsing. It was surprising!

Excellent! Truly a man! Your fame will now resonate throughout the martial world!

Yi-gang stepped back from Peng Gu-in, who was about to give him a bear hug, and grimaced.

Am I supposed to say I killed that thing alone?

Eh? Of course. Thats how youll build a great reputation!

Lets say that the two of us were barely holding on, and then Young Master Peng intervened and killed it.

I didnt do anything! I cant say that!

While Peng Gu-in was burning with righteous indignation, the sounds of people running could be heard. The shout of someone yelling, Its over there! also echoed.

Yi-gang, feeling anxious, shouted out loud, If its said that Young Master Cho and I killed it together, we will surely be suspected.

But if you say you defeated it alone

If I claim to have broken the All-knowing High Formation alone, do you think people will believe me?


Yi-gangs point was sharp.

Cho Myung-hwi had hidden his identity. While some might believe if the Peak expert Peng Gu-in claimed to have defeated the goblin, many wouldnt believe it if said that Yi-gang alone, or both Yi-gang and Cho Myung-hwi defeated it.

Furthermore, Yi-gang and Cho Myung-hwi would be suspected of hiding their true abilities.

Warmth filled Peng Gu-ins eyes as he looked at Yi-gang.

Not only is the second one smart, but he also has a deep heart!

Why am I the second?

Peng Gu-in hastily smeared blood on the sword.

Just as Yi-gang was about to collapse, people from the Murim Alliance arrived.

They were astonished by the corpse of the giant goblin.

It cant be a human. Is it a monster?

Look at this iron club. It must weigh at least a hundred geun!

Just the three successors managed to kill this thing?

Despite the inclusion of the Peak expert Peng Gu-in, the reaction was intense.

If they hadnt followed Yi-gangs suggestion, suspicion might have replaced admiration.

The Left Guardian praised Peng Gu-in.

As one of the two tigers of Hebei, youre truly remarkable. Gu-in! The Clan Head of the Peng Clan will be delighted to hear this.

Its thanks to our combined efforts! It would have been impossible alone.

Peng Gu-in, having said this, sneakily winked at Yi-gang.

Yi-gang pretended not to see it.

Although everyone was happy about the survival of the successors, there was one person who was not.

It was the All-knowing Master, the owner of the All-knowing High Formation and the Three Ghosts Bronze Cauldron.

He scowled upon seeing the Samgwis corpse.

Its fierce but it was still a useful creature!

He grumbled about getting the value of the Three Ghosts Bronze Cauldron decreased from the Murim Alliance, blaming them for the unforeseen accident due to their poor management.

He rummaged through the corpse of the Samgwi, deep in thought.

As Yi-gang spied this, the Left Guardian approached him.

So, you are Baek Yi-gang, the Sage of Henan?

I am called by an overly grandiose nickname. My name is Baek Yi-gang.

As Yi-gang stood and performed a formal bow, Left Guardian Iron Mountain Old Man extended his hand to make Yi-gang sit.

He scrutinized Yi-gang with sharp eyes.

Then, he laughed.

I thought the Baek Noble Clan only had Iron-Blooded Genius, but my view was narrow.

Holding two dragons in his arms, Im starting to envy Master Baek. Uhhahah!

It was just luck.

Yi-gang humbly bowed his head.

Iron Mountain Old Man, watching him with satisfaction, then tilted his head, noticing Yi-gangs pale complexion.

Hmm, have you sustained internal injuries?


Yi-gang hadnt sustained internal injuries. It was just that his physical condition was poor due to the extensive use of Innate True Qi.

It was at this moment, as Yi-gang was about to shake his head in denial, that the All-knowing Master, rummaging through the corpse of the Samgwi, let out a scream.

Where is it! Where is it?

Why, whats the matter?

The All-knowing Master grabbed the collar of a member of the Righteous Heaven Guard and shook him.

The inner elixir of the Samgwi! There must have been a bloodstone! Hey, you there! The bulky guy who killed the Samgwi!

Are you talking about me?

You talking about me, you brat, watch your mouth!

No matter how high the All-knowing Masters rank was, he wasnt in a position to speak rudely to Peng Gu-in.

Peng Gu-ins expression soured, but the All-knowing Master didnt care.

Did you take it?

I dont know what nonsense youre talking about, but there was never such a thing!

Lies! How much I fed the Samgwi to Damn it!

The All-knowing Master, rambling, suddenly stopped speaking as if he realized his slip of the tongue.

Then, he glared around.

The moment his eyes locked onto Yi-gang.

Yi-gang instinctively touched his forehead.

Keuk, I seem to have sustained an internal injury.

Internal injury, but why the forehead Oh.

As Yi-gang suddenly collapsed, the Left Guardian was startled, seemingly confirming his suspicions.

Guardian Squad! Carry Henans Sage on a stretcher!


The guardian squad members placed the collapsed Yi-gang on the stretcher.

The All-knowing Master kept glaring at Yi-gang, but Yi-gang only looked at the sky.

The fog had almost lifted. It was clear that the formation was naturally dissolving.

Youre good at faking sickness.

I didnt even realize I was.

You could join a circus troupe. Keke.

The Blue-Eyed Mad Demon chuckled with delight.

Yi-gang, carried on the stretcher, pretended to have lost consciousness and closed his eyes.

The test for selecting external successors was halted.

It was an obvious decision, as it was impossible to proceed with the second stage of the test.

However, it didnt mean that those who couldnt take the test left; that wasnt the case.

The area around the second stage testing ground was bustling with people.

Step back!

Move away!

If the Murim Alliance inspection squad members hadnt fiercely maintained order, chaos would have ensued long ago.

Of course, not everyone obediently followed the instructions.

Let me in! I will rescue them!

The burly martial artist, Peng Gu-hwi, was shouting furiously.

If this hadnt been the Murim Alliances territory, he seemed ready to knock down the inspection squad members to get in.

No matter that youre a warrior of the Peng family, we cannot allow it! Step back!

Aaack! Damn it all!

The Left Guardian has already entered, so please wait!

Peng Gu-hwi was furious, but there was nothing he could do. Even his anger was a spectacle to the onlookers.

The successors were trapped in the Qi Men Formation created by the All-knowing Master.

It was said that inside had monsters even Peak experts found difficult to handle.

Yokai? How can there be yokai right in the middle of Kaifeng?

Havent you heard about the All-knowing Master? If its something that old monster did, its certainly possible.

Some ill-natured individuals even quietly placed bets.

I bet theyre all dead.

Some must have survived. With the Righteous Heaven Guard Squad and the Left Guardian there.

Amidst their giggling conversation, someone interjected, Id like to bet that they all come back alive. Cough.

The one who interjected was an old man in shabby clothes, his head covered in a dirty cloth.

The martial artists betting frowned.

It was because of the foul smell coming from the old man.

What move aside.

Why, cant I bet?

No, its just that

Then, a comrade of the martial artist interjected with a sneer.

It doesnt matter. I dont know who you are, but it would be fun to bet together.

That young man over there seems to know something.

Alright, how much will you bet? Do you have money?

Theres a saying in the martial world to be wary of children and the elderly. However, its not easy to be cautious of a shabbily dressed old man.

Well, I happen to have a little money on me.

Lets see

The face of the successor turned stiff.

What came out of the old mans dirty red robe was a filthy gold nugget.

What is this

Uhhaha! Ill remember your faces. If you fail to settle the bet later, think of it as forfeiting your happy afterlife!

It was a resounding, ear-splitting laugh.

Even the inspection squad members turned their heads to look.

While the martial artists were frozen in place, the old man casually walked towards where the inspection squad members were gathered.

When he removed the cloth from his head, his symbolic bald head was revealed. The successors might not have recognized him immediately, but the inspection squad members were different.

Murim Alliance Leader!

G-greetings to the Murim Alliance Leader!

Grand Master Mu Myung, the Murim Alliance Leader, who usually never left his residence, had appeared in the outer garden.

The inspection squad members simultaneously bent one knee in respect.

If we had known in advance, we would have escorted you directly

Stand up, I was just taking a walk and stopped by. Hehe.

The guardian squad members

Do I really need guards within the Murim Alliance?

No matter how unassuming he looked, there were few in the entire Murim who could dare harm such a Divine Monk.

The inspection squad member respectfully bowed his head.

The successors who had just received a gold nugget from the Divine Monk were still frozen in their positions.

It seems my bet has won.


The inspection squad members momentarily did not understand the Alliance Leaders words.

They were gathered at the exit of the All-knowing High Formation, near the Life Gate.

The formation was gradually dissolving, but the inside was still not visible due to the fog.

Look, arent they all returning safely?


The Divine Monk picked up a long pole that had been rolling on the ground. It was one that had supported a tent.

Since theres no fan

Then, as if a high monk were wielding a fan, he swung the pole down to the ground.


Everyone in the hall felt that heavy impact.

How much immense energy must have been contained in that seemingly light movement?

Instantly, a whirlwind spread in all directions.

As people lowered their hands from their faces, the fog within a radius of five zhang was completely cleared.

And those who had escaped the All-knowing High Formation appeared.

The Left Guardian Iron Mountain Old Man, guardian squad members, All-knowing Master, Peng Gu-in, and including Cho Myung-hwi and Yi-gang, who were on a stretcher.

The Divine Monk greeted them with a wrinkled smile.

Hehehe, as far as I know, passing the test within a single hour by breaking the formation was the condition.

Yi-gang and his group had been inside for over an hour.

The onlookers were startled by the Murim Alliance Leaders words. They had not expected a discussion of pass or fail in this situation.

Was he considering failing Yi-gang and his group?

Since they didnt just pass the formation but actually broke it, it seems fitting to consider them as having passed What do you think, All-knowing Master?

Although the All-knowing Master was visibly upset, he couldnt dare glare at the Murim Alliance Leader.

Its a matter for the Alliance Leader to decide.

Hehe, then lets consider it a pass.

A brief moment of silence.

Then, cheers erupted.

Although some had bet on the lives of the successors, the majority here had hoped for their safe return.


Look at that! Is that the head of the yokai?

The guardian squad members came out carrying the severed head of the Samgwi.

This highlighted the achievement of Yi-gang and his group.

Amidst the pouring cheers, the Divine Monk quietly approached Yi-gang.

Yi-gang lay on the stretcher, his eyes closed.

At the moment Yi-gang slightly opened his eyes, he locked eyes with the Divine Monk.

You dont seem to be in much pain Why are you lying down?

Please forgive me for not being able to greet you properly due to internal injuries.


The Divine Monk just chuckled and left a remark.

A nail in a pocket will eventually poke through.

Is that so.

The Divine Monk left with a seemingly insightful comment.

It was then that Yi-gang let out a sigh of relief.


A telepathic message pierced his ears.

Without turning his head, Yi-gang shifted his gaze to the side and saw the All-knowing Master glaring at him.

-You took the bloodstone!

Yi-gang closed his eyes tightly again.


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