The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

“Okay.” She started walking out the alleyway. Just before we were out, she asked. “Just a question are you bad with crowds?”

“Yes and no.” Give a short answer. We started walking towards Steve’s smithy shop.

“Aah, I see. So there were too many eyes on you that it made you panic. You like the shadows, don’t you, to be out of the spotlight?” I just nodded at her. It still baffles me how she can figure so much out from so little information.

“Better teach me everything you can. I want to be as scary as you.”

“Huh? I am not scary. I am an angel.” She made an angelic smile and held her head in her hands, looking at me.

“Yeah, and I am the cutest creature alive.” Rolling my eyes at her antics. “You said that you will get me a class that fits with my looks. How are you planning to do that.”

“I will train you in every weapon this world has to offer. I want to see if my dad was right about a legendary class. I am already good at every weapon, but I got my class before I was. Once you have a class, you can never change. That is why we are going to take advantage of the things on your arms and buy us as much time as needed. Besides, you wanted to learn every weapon there is, right?”

“That sounds cool. If you teach me in every weapon, what class will I get?”


“My father said that a person who masters all weapons will get a legendary class name weapon master. It sounds plain, but the boost it gives is insane, apparently. I never heard of someone with this class, though. So, I don’t know how big the boost is. It’s kind of a myth the class, but with your stats and curses, we can try and get you that class if it exists, of course.”

“That sounds fun. We can do that.”

“Yes, I can’t wait. But you will need to have a class before going back to the capital. That gives us 4 years. We will need to train extra hard.” She smiled and stopped in front of a warehouse.

“Haha, why don’t we do our bonding sessions over train instead of tea parties,” I said, trying to get her to train me faster than we decided yesterday.

“We can, but you need to relax for a while. I don’t care if you are in good health. You need to settle in first.”

“Fine.” Giving up on the idea, I look at the warehouse. “Is this the place?” There was no sign saying that this was a smith shop or anything.

“Yup.” Walking into the warehouse, you could see multiple weapons hanging and stacked on the walls, with some lying on the ground, because of the size of the warehouse. I could see there were a lot of other people in the warehouse as well. Still following Stacy, we came to the counter.

“Go tell Steve I have a business to talk about,” Stacy said to the receptionist.

“Yes, Lady Stacy.” The receptionist bowed and moved deeper into the store.

“Are we getting it from a dwarf?” I ask Stacy.

“Yes, you have a problem with that, miss.” I heard someone say from the counter side. Looking down, I saw a man with a big beard looking up at me with a frown.

“No, I just never met a dwarf before.”

“Is that’s so. Stacy, did you get a new friend or something?”

“She is my daughter adopted one. Steve, can we go to your office to talk.”

“Huh, daughter? Does Dean know?” Stave raised an eyebrow at Stacy.

“Can we just go to your office?” Stacy pushed him to go to his office again.

“Fine. Follow me.” Turning around, he waved us to follow.

After following Steve for a while, we finely arrived at his office. When we walked in, I was confused because it didn’t look like an office but a place where you forge weapons. There was no table or chairs for us to sit on.

“Steve, we are going to talk business first. We aren’t here just for you to make one weapon for us. Take us somewhere we can talk business.” Stacy said with frustration

“What sort of business?”

“Just take us to your real office.”

“Fine. At least it’s just next door.” Walking to the next room Stacy and I took one couch while Steve sat on the opposite one. “Happy.”

“Thank you. Now I want you to make me every type of weapon there is in this world.” Stacy said, going straight to the point.

“Why?” Steve frown.

“It’s for her,” Stacy pointed at me.

“Why does she need so many weapons?”

“She is still 10 years old, and she is still level 1.”

“What, she is only 10!?” We both nod at him. “So, you want to find her main weapon or … Don’t tell me you want to do that.” His eyes widen at the thought.

“Yeah, I want to test the myth of the Weapon Master. Will you help me?” Stacy nodded eagerly

“Stacy, that’s just a myth. You are going to waste her time.”

“Myth or not, I already asked her to teach me everything she knows,” I interject before Stacy could speak.

“Fine, if you are certain about it. Kiddo, what is your int at?”

“Huh? Why does that matter? Isn’t it strength that matters?” I frowned at his question.

“Most people will think that, but there is a lot of weapons that need a lot of mana to use properly. The best example I can give you is cross wheels. They need mana to spin, and you can add elements to your weapon. So, what is your int.”

“1000.” When I told him my int, his jaw dropped to the floor.

“I think I misheard you. Did you just say a 1000 like 2000 mana in other words?”

“Yes, I have that much.”

“What is her race? I can see you no normal demi-fox.” Steve looked at Stacy for an answer. But was met with an amusing smile. “Take that smile off your face right now!”

“It’s not easy to surprise the forge king. Well, Kitsuna, may I tell him your story?” she looked at me for permission.

“If you trust him.” She nodded and started telling steve my story. After Stacy finished, he was red in the face with anger.

“That bastard deserves worst. Dean let him off too easily. How could he do something like that to children!?” he was furious. “I should go and resummon his soul to destroy it or lock it into a crappie weapon.”

“You can do that?” I looked at him with a frown. I was surprised he was so angry and wanted to torture the duke for what he had done. Stacy even told him about my curses, but he just dismissed it like it was nothing.

“Yes, when I want to make a really strong weapon. I can use souls and infuse it in the weapon.” He explains.

“Can you calm down? Let us talk about the weapons you are going to make for her.”

“Fine. I will do it. You know it is going to be expensive, right. I can’t make normal weapons for her because of her race elements.”

“I know. You don’t need to worry about money. We will pay you the money. All you need to do is make them.” Stacy said.

“Okay. But we will start small and work up from that. Give me a sec. Let me go get some weapons to test your mana power.” Steve stood up and walked out of the room to go get the weapons.

“Stacy, how do classes work even? You never told me.”

“Aah, it slipped my mind again. You need to become level 50 to get a proper class.”

“Level 50!? What is the max Level a person can get?”


“I see that’s a lot of leveling to be done. But how do you get a class you want to get?”

“You train in that category the entire time before you reach level 50.”

“And how do people level up if they don’t kill monsters or anything?”

“there is a passive leveling when you do jobs like cooking or practicing becoming something. And no, you won’t level up over 50 before the time. There are magic items that can stop passive leveling.”

“But, then why aren’t there more people with the class?”

“Because do you want to be without a class until your 20 years old?” Stacy tilted her head.

“I see. That makes sense. Second thing, what is mana power?”


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