The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Mana power and Rebecas secret

“Mana Power is determent on how good your affinity is for the element you have. How better your affinity is the more potent your mana and you will also need less mana for spells. Those two combined are your mana power. I can already say that your strongest affinity is ice. So use that when testing the weapon.”

“Cool.” I nodded.

“I have some swords for you to test.” Steve walked in holding a hand full of swords. Dropping the swords at the side of the table. He bowed down and pick up a two-handed sword. “Come here Kitsuna. Here use this sword first and infuse your mana into it first. Do you know what your strongest element is?” Taking the sword from him and nodding. “Good use that element to infuse it into the sword.”

“So, I need to control the mana this time instead of just throwing it outside my body?”

“Yes, you can do it.” Stacy cheered me on.

“I am kind of lucky that I am a reincarnation from a world that never had this power inside our bodies.” Walking a few feet away from them. I took the sword in both hands and closed my eyes.

“Even if you are it is going to take a while,” Steve said. Ignoring him I tried moving the mana inside my body around. The start was hard just to make it move like I want to and not just dump it outside my body. Taking the mana towards my hands that are holding the sword I also started thinking of my ice while it was about to hit the hand of the sword. When the mana has touched the sword, I could feel the sword itself started pulling my mana into it.

“STOP!?” I heard Steve scream at me to stop. Opening my eyes, I saw that the entire sword was frozen and the room temperature was low. Looking at Steve.


“Did I overdo it?”

“Yes!?” He screamed at me. I could see that ice started to form on his beard.

“Oh, sorry about that.” I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly.

“It’s fine. Here do it with this one. I am surprised it took you only an hour to do that.” Giving me another sword, I repeated the process. Just with less mana. After hours of testing my mana power. We finely found the right metal Steve will need to use in my weapons.

“Like I thought. This is going to be expensive for you, Stacy.” Steve turned to look to Stacy that is holding her head in her hands. Shaking his head, he took the rest of the melted or frozen swords and walked out of the room again.

“I knew it will be expensive but why must it be the most expensive metal you can get.”

“If it makes you happier. I think if I work on my ice, I can remake the weapon myself with the ice. My ice really feels like another limb for me and it is strong.” I said trying to lift the burden a little. I also tried to make some ice cubes as an example, but they came out missed shaped. Getting a chuckle from Stacy.

“That nice and all but that will take years.”

“Mastering the weapons will also take months per weapon.” Thinking for a while to help her feel better. “Wait can’t you make the kingdom paying for this. I am going to be a weapon for them am I not.”

“That’s it! I will make the king pay for your weapons. Hahaha, smart thinking daughter of mine.” I rolled my eyes at her.

“It looks like we are not going to have time for more shopping.” Looking outside I could see that it was late afternoon.

“Yeah, I will get Rebeca to do the rest tomorrow for you. We will need to start studying tomorrow.” Stacy said looking outside.

“She is going to be mad you know that.”

“It’s fine. She won’t be that mad. I hope.” I looked at her like she was dumb

“Here are all the weapons I have made out of Adamite.” Steve came walking into the room again with a bag full of weapons. I took the bag from him and put it into my dimensional storage. After I learned how to control my mana. Skills were way easier to use now. “That so handy skill I’m jaloused.”

“Thank you, Steve, for everything. We will send when we need more weapons okay.” Stacy said.

“Okay, thanks for this deal and remember to send the money.” Steve waved us off.

Returning home

When we got out Rebeca was already waiting for us. I could see that Stacy stiffen up when she saw Rebeca. She is most likely going to get an earful from her about us not finishing all the shopping. Looking at her I knew I was right when I said she is going to be mad, but this was another level. She already had some vanes popping out on her forehead. All my senses told me to turn tail and run.

“Stacy, why were you buying weapons? I thought I told you to buy things that Kitsuna will need.” Rebeca said with an emotionless voice.

“I am sorry Rebeca when I found out about her stats I could hold myself back. We at least got new clothes for her. Oh, and the plans have change we are going to start studying tomorrow and when she is settled in and all. We will then start her training then.” Stacy tried to not show that she was scared of Rebeca. She didn’t want to show her new daughter that she was scare of her maid. “Can you please go buy her the rest she will need tomorrow?” she asked.

“Who said they want to let their new daughter call her mom and as fast as possible?” Rebeca pulled Stacy’s ear making her yelp in pain.

“Rebeca not in front of Kitsuna, please. She already thinks I am an airhead.” Stacy cried.

“Then why didn’t you do what I told you to do? I gave you so much advice and made so many preparations. And what do you do throw all that work out the window in one day.” Rebeca rebuked. I smirked at the scene. Walking past I felt something tug at my tail. Looking back I saw Rebeca smiling at me. “Oh no, you are not getting away. You are also involved here in wasting my time and plans I made to make you happy.” She yanked my tail pulling me with it. I yelped at the pain I felt. She pulled me so hard that I lost my scarf and shoes in the air.

“AAh!? That hurts Rebeca. Holly crap let go, let go, let go! You are pulling my tail out.” I yelled and tried to let her release me. I never knew that having a tail can be this painful.

“I am sorry my daughter that this is happening on your first day. But at least we are going to get punished together.” Stacy smiled.

“Shut it! I don’t want this sort of bonding.” I rebuked.

“You both shut up. Let us go to the punishing room.” Rebeca had a sadistic smile on her face.

While we were being dragged towards the mansion, I started smelling something weird, that made me think. I stopped struggling and looked up at Rebeca I asked her. “Rebeca are you like into torturing people. Because I can smell something weird coming from you, you know?” When I said this, she stopped abruptly. Looking down at me I could see that her face was getting redder by the second. Giving her a knowing smile. “So, you’re into that huh. Would not have thought so.”

“What do you mean. I can’t smell anything coming from her.” Stacy frown. She really can be an airhead sometimes.

“Remember I can smell way better than you. But it’s nothing important really. Rebeca is just getting wet down...AAAAHHHH!?” Before I could finish Rebeca had already thrown me into the air.

“You pervert!?” Rebeca yelled at me that was still flying. At this point, her face was as red as blood. She dropped Stacy and ran inside the mansion.

“Huh? We are getting out of punishment?” Stacy was really confused about what is going on. I went flying. Rebeca ran away with a red face. She was just dropped there and left behind.

“UGH!?” Falling on to ground creating a small crater. Standing up from the ground I shouted towards the mansion hoping Rebeca will hear me. “How am I the pervert here and I am still injured thank you!?”

“What is going on?”

“Your maid is a sadist and she is turned on by torturing someone. I could smell her getting horny just now.”

“She is?” Stacy was shocked at my statement. Thinking for a moment she started to see how it made sense what I said. Stacy turned towards the mansion and shouted with a red face. “You pervert!? Rebeca, I will get you back for everything you have done to me.”

“How didn’t you know that and for so long?” I looked at Stacy baffled that she hadn’t figured it out until now.

“How should I have known she has been my maid for years. She also had valid reasons to punish me, so I didn’t think about it that much. Also, I never smelled her. I don’t have a nose like yours.” She explained.

“Well, whatever. Let us go eat and sleep after all we are starting early tomorrow.” I just waved her off.

“Yeah! I can’t wait.” Stacy started mumbling to herself about tomorrow’s studying. Looking at her walking back into the house I was thinking if I could finely have a mother in my life. In my previous life, I had a mother but only until 5 when she committed suicide in front of me. I just hoped Stacy won’t leave me. if she becomes like a mother for me. She is nice but I don’t know what her real goal is. Her personality is hard to get a proper read on her. I know she also has a childhood trauma like me but hers might be worse. Although I say this I already know she does not think of me as a weapon. But I am not certain that she wants me as a daughter. She might want something else. Only time will tell.

“Hey, you coming!?” I heard Stacy shout at me from the door.

“Yeah, Yeah, I am coming,” I said walking towards the mansion.


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