The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 52

Chapter 52:

“Whatever, let’s get back to the topic hand. Like I was saying. If you look at my level and my power, it doesn’t make any sense. The reason is that I am a reincarnation. Amari is the same. If you take that into account, you can think that the other 14 reincarnations can be as strong or even stronger than I am at my level.” I explain.

“I dought that,” Mom mumbled.

“Haah, like hell, I am the strongest mom. I mean common if I have a bloodline, they can also have one, right.” I said, a bit annoyed, making Mom shake her head.

“I have joined in with the weirdest person ever. She is half crazy, ruthless, kind, smart, and dumb.” Apricot mumbled.

“Are you regretting your decision, Apricot?” I said, looking at her.

“Huh. Oh no. I was just thinking about how much will happen in the future, being at your side.” She said. Feeling killing intent, she looked in the direction it came from. Seeing Kayda glare at her, she hurriedly added. “As a follower, of course.”

“Okay? Mom, before we go back to the square. What are we going to do about the information we have received?” I ask.

“We will have to tell the king about it, but I don’t think we should make it public to everyone. Maybe only the main houses.”


“We can’t tell the duke house, though.”

“I understand you don’t like Hugo, but they will need to know about it.” Mom said with a raised eyebrow.

“I don’t care about that. I mean, they take any soldier in the right. Which means they should have the most spies in them. Also, I think we should only tell the current heads of the houses about it. We will also tell them to do a proper cleanout in their forces before telling them about the information. this includes us as well.”

“I understand that, but that will take some time.”

“Yes, I am not the best at tactics, but they actually succeed in their mission to destroy the mansion even though I actually did it. This means those other plans will start coming in to play. We know about some places they will attack, but that can only be a diversion. I would say we recall everyone from the dead forest exploring for now.”

“But the forest is used to level up our soldiers,” Kayda said.

“I know that, but we need to do a proper cleanout, and the best way to do that is to have everyone together.”

“But what about the border patrol?” Kayda asks, confused.

“Hmm, I think we should be fine for a couple of months. They won’t try anything just yet.” Mom said. “I will have to talk to Dean about it.”

“Okay, so are we still going to make the torture public to our forces or not.”

“No, that would make it harder to find the traitors if we are going to do a big cleanout. I would say just teach them the art and get it over with.”

“I see, at least I can still torture people,” I said, smirking.

“I will be going then. You go with Trinity and Apricot and teach them your specialty. Rebecca, you and Lily will come with me. As for you, Kayda. Go to bed. You will need to start training Amari from tomorrow.” Mom ordered before leaving the prison with Rebecca and Lily.

“Humm.” I hummed seeing her just leave us like that.

“I guess I see you guys tomorrow,” Kayda said, also walking out.

“Sigh, I have a question about your class puppeteer. Can you guys use this guy as puppets? And if you can do, the strength of the puppet does it depend on how strong they were when they were alive?” I said, pointing at the unconscious commander.

“We can but not for long. The corpse doesn’t last long, making them useless after a while. We mostly use them in war times. As for class and level, It makes a difference.” Trinity explain.

“So, it’s only just because the bodies don’t last. That’s fine. I will teach you guys how to preserve a corpse.” I said, stabbing the commander in the chest before putting him in my storage.

“Wait, aren’t you going to use him in your torture class?” Trinity said, making me confused.

“Huh? Oh, hell no. You just said that the strength of the puppet depends on their class and level. His corpse will be very useful for Apricot.” I said, smirking.

“Wait, you want me to use him as a puppet?” Apricot said with a complex expression.

“If you don’t, want to use him because of who he was. I can give him to Trinity.” I said.

“No, it’s because he would be a waste on me. I am still a low-level Trinity is way higher than me.” Apricot said, looking down.

“I see. We can talk about that later. Let us return to the square.” I said, walking out of the prison cell.

Coming back into the square, I saw the 5 federation soldiers curse at the 3 traitors. Coughing to get everyone’s attention.

“It’s you!?” One of the federation soldiers shouted in fear.

“Ooh, you recognize me, Gerry.”

“Of course I recognize you you fucken threw me!?” He shouted, making me raise an eyebrow.

“Wait, you’re the guy I threw with my tail? How the fuck did you survive.” I said, baffled. There wasn’t a lot I remember, but I do remember throwing someone with my tail as I did with Dean yesterday. It was just with much more force.


“What is that whore doing with you!? She betrayed us!?” One of the other men shouted, interrupting Gerry.

Hearing his words, I had to hold myself to kill him outright. Looking back at Apricot, who just walked into the square, I saw that she was looking down.

“Hey, Apricot, do you want me to start with him?” I said, receiving a small nod. I smirked and walked to the guy who just talked. Picking him up by the head, I said. “It seems the doggie has chosen my first prey.”

“Fuck you. I won’t tell you anything, you damn demon. I hope you burn in hell.” He said, trying to struggle out of my hand.

“You know that doesn’t sound so bad,” I said, smirking. Forcing him to a prone position, I started to sever his ribs from his spine.

“AAAAH!? Stop, it hurt!?” He screamed in pain, making me smile widen.

“You’re just like your commander. Talk so big and no backbone.” I said, making all of them fume in rage.

“Like our commander will ever betray the federation,” Gerry said with confidence.

“You think? He only resisted like 5 minutes against me before spilling everything.” I said, looking at Gerry, confused. The commander actually resisted longer, but they didn’t need to know that.

“Like I would believe a demon like you.” One of the other guys said.

“I don’t really care,” I said, putting my hand into the back of the guy I have cut open. “Hey, Trinity, can I have some of your wire?”

“Here,” Trinity said, throwing a metal box next to me.

“Thanks,” I said, nodding. Pulling one of his lungs out of his back, I froze the corner of it. Picking up the box, Trinty threw it to me. I pulled out some wires. Making a hole in the frozen part of the lung, I tied the wire to his Lung. Repeating the process with the other lung, I made poles on the square roof where the wire was going through. “Okay, so are you going to tell me anything, or should I pull these,” I said.

“Go to hell.” He said with a heavy breath.

“Okay,” I said, pulling strings hosting him up into the air.

“AAAAAHHHHH!?” He screamed before breathing his last.

“And there you have it, guys. This is what you call a blood eagle,” I said, smirking at my work.

Freezing the wire in place, leaving him in the air. I looked at the Sargeant and smirked, knowing what I am going to do with him. While I was walking to him, one of the healers who stayed behind walked up to me for some reason. Looking at her, I raised an eyebrow.

“Sorry, ma’am, can you please hear my selfish request?” She said with a small bow.

“Hmm, okay,” I said, hearing some desperation in her voice.

“I understand you have been tasked to kill the traitors, but can I please have the honors in kill the high Sargeant,” She said, pointing at the Sargeant whose eyes were bulging.

“HUH?” I exclaim in surprise. This was the last thing I expected her to ask.

“You see, ma’am, that dumbass is my sister’s boyfriend, and he betrayed my sister and the black ops. I wanted to kill him when I saw him come in, but the torture squad stopped me from doing so.” She explains, looking at me in the eyes.

“Haha, That was a surprise. What are your name and your sisters?” I said, smiling.

“My name is Sirona. My sisters’ name is Brenda.”

“Healer and Sword. I guess she is also in the black ops.”

“Yes, she is a Major.” She said, confusing me.

“Your sisters’ taste is,” I said, confused looking at the Sargeant.

“I know. She has weird taste sometimes.” She said, also looking at him.

“Well, Sirona, I can have you kill him, but you have to join my personal guard,” I said, interested in her merciless attitude.

“I will happily join your squad, ma’am,” She said smiling.

“Cool, here you can kill him with this,” I said, holding an ice dagger.

“No, need,” She said, turning around walking to the Sargeant. Shrugging, I walked to the corporals.

“Think about this, Sirona. Your sister will hate you if she hears that you killed me,” The Sargeant shouted in desperation.

“Have you not figured it out already? She is a sis-con. There is no way she will hate me. Hehe.” Sirona said with an evil laugh. “She will be mine again,” She added, barely hearable.

‘It seems both you are.’ I thought, forcing the corporals into two chairs. While I was busy strapping them to the chairs, I heard a very ‘manly’ scream from the Sargeant. Turning around, I could feel how the blood left my face.

‘Holy fucken shit. She can reverse heal!?’ I thought, watching how Sirona was turning the sergeant into a black lump of flesh.

“Got to say that is one gruesome ability you have,” I said to Sirona, who was walking back to me, cleaning her hand.

“Yes, but I think with your teachings, I can make it way better.” She said, smiling making me shiver.

“Okay, go stand there next, Apricot. She will be one of your partners from now on,” I said, pointing to Apricot. Seeing her confused face, I added. “Just look at her back, and you will understand.”

Turning my attention back to the corporals, I smirk.

“Now for you two guys,” I said, pointing one finger out. I made a small ball of Lightning and shot it towards them.



Sitting on a couple of corpses with 5 blood eagles behind me. I could only imagine how I looked at the moment for the torture squad standing in front of me.

“Now, I will be writing multiple books for you guys on human biology. It will help you guys with better torture methods. I do understand the ones I showed you are a bit too gruesome for you guys and not that useful in getting information. I will also write books for the healers to learn from. In other words, you guys will have a lot of learning material in the next couple of months.” I explain.

“Yes, Ma’am.” They all saluted.

“Can you like not, call me ma’am?” I said. Looking around, I raised an eyebrow. “How do you guys clean this place. There are no drains here.”

“Well, we never do things this gruesome, so it wasn’t needed,” Trinity said.

“I see. Okay, everyone, leave the square. I will make it easier for you guys,” I said, confusing them, but they still listened and left the square.

Closing the square of I let the room be engulfed by my fire magic, leaving only ash left of everything.


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