The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Breaking a Commander

“I guess it will better than him,” Apricot said, smiling.

“Cool, we will finalize everything after I killed the commander,” I said, smiling back.

“Okay,” Apricot said, nodding.

“Hehe, let’s go break a commander then,” I said, breaking down the ice wall.

“What took you so long?” Mom said with an annoyed voice. Looking at the Apricot, her eyes widen for a second before she talked again. “Illusionist’s eyes! So that’s how you got through. I didn’t think the federation had more of them.”

“They said I am the last. Though, I’m not sure if that is true also. We might have more. The last one I knew was killed a couple of years ago.” Apricot said, hiding behind me.

“But wait, you didn’t have those eyes when you came in,” Trinity said, confused.

“She used contacts to hide them,” I explain, looking at Apricot behind me.


“Contacts?” Everyone except Mom and Apricot said, tilting their heads.

“Reincarnation thing,” I said, making them nod in understanding.

“Why are you hiding like that? We aren’t going to do anything to you. You already said you would follow my daughter, right?” Mom said, surprising everyone except me, who was just shaking my head at mom.

“How? Did you hear us?” Apricot said with wide eyes.

“Just ignore her. She isn’t normal,” I said, pushing Apricot in front of everyone. Passing Kayda, I saw that the skin on her neck started to change color. Stoping, I raised an eyebrow and said. “Kayda, what is happening to your neck?”

“Ooh, it is nothing. It will go away in a couple of days.” Kayda said, smiling.

“If you say so,” I said before moving past Apricot towards the Commander’s ice wall.

“How should I start with this one,” I mumbled, stopping in front of the ice wall.

“So, Apricot, why did you use contacts to hide your eyes?”

“The commander said it was the best way to make use of my eyes.”

“Huh? The last one I fought had a blindfold on.”

“Blindfold? Do you mean Lord Kaga, who was killed a couple of years ago?”

“Yeah, that Kaga dude. He had a blindfold on to hide his Illusionist’s eyes. He said he used an illusion on himself to see through the blindfold and 360 degrees around him. I tried it myself using my skill, but I could never make it work. It might be only possible for people with those eyes.” Mom explains, looking at Apricot.

“I see, so you were the one who killed him,” Apricot said, bowing down, she added. “Thank you for killing that man. He was one of the worst racists I have ever met in person. He was also the one who killed my sister.”

“I am sorry to hear that. Though, I know he went on about how humans are a better race than all the others. Though he was strong, he even scratched me when we fought. Although after I figured out about his eyes, he didn’t last long. He was too reliant on those eyes.” Mom said, chuckling, thinking about her battle.

“I got it. Trinity, do we have any good puppeteer close by?” I said, looking at Trinity.

“We do right here.” She said, pointing to herself.

“You’re a puppeteer?” I said, looking at her with a complicated expression.

“Yes, why are you giving me that look.”

“Nothing, nothing at all,” I said, looking away. “Apricot, go stand around the corner so he can’t see you. Can someone hold him down so I can immobilize him?”

“I will hold him down.” Mom said, sighing.

“Thank you,” I said, putting my hand on the wall dispelling it. Just when the wall disappeared, a hand came out between the bars piercing my chest. Looking down with a frown, I looked back at the commander, who was grinning at me.

“Haha, torture me know bitch.” He said, laughing.

“You are going to pay for that, you dumb fuck.” I said, surprising him. Grabbing his hand, I made a senbon in my free hand and pushed it into the back of his neck, making him slump onto the ground. Closing my hoodie, hiding the hole in my shirt and bra, I looked down at him and said. “You really pissed me off now. After tonight you will wish you never did that.”

“It seems I didn’t need to hold him down.” Mom said before catching an ice dagger coming at her. “Sorry, sorry. I really didn’t think he would have done that.”

“You were fast enough to stop him,” I said, throwing another Ice dagger at her.

“But I knew you would have been fine,” She said, catching the dagger again.

“Tsk, whatever, just open the cell. I need him to pay for destroying clothes.” I said, looking at Trinity, who was looking between the commander and me with wide eyes. “Trinity, open the fucken door,” I said, annoyed.

“Wait, wait. How are you still alive. He just stabbed you in your heart.” Trinity said, paled.

“Something that small won’t kill me. Now open the cell,” I said.

“Don’t worry. It was just something small, hehe,” Trinity mumbled open the cell door.

Walking in, I kicked the commander, so he was on his back looking up to the ceiling. Crouching down in front of him, I looked him into his eyes that were still showing confusion.

“I don’t know if any of the reincarnations in your kingdom ever told you about acupuncture. If not, I will tell you. It is a method from Earth that helps people release stress and. There are a lot more benefits with it, but I am too lazy to tell you everything. Now you might wonder why I am telling you this. Well, it’s simple. The is one thing people don’t know about acupuncture.” I said, making senbons in my hand. I moved to his side and started to insert senbons into him. “With benefits, there are always negatives. It depends on how you use it. It can make a person’s senses heighten to a new degree to take it away like you right now. This includes pain and pleasure. All of your senses you can have can be heightened to something you never knew was possible. The best is when you move with the senbons in you. They pain them is nothing compared to a simple stab to the chest.”

Inserting more than 20 senbons, I kicked him over on the stomach and went on to insert even more. 5 minutes later, I stood up and looked at him with a grin.

“We are almost done. This is for piercing my chest, asshole,” I said before making a small staff thing in my hand and shoved it into his butt.

“Woah!” Everyone exclaims in shock.

“His will feel that in the morning...never mind. He will feel that in a couple of seconds.” Mom said before changing her sentence.

“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!? No, stop it hurts!?” The commander screamed in pain when I pulled out the senbon in his neck.

“We only just started, and you are crying. Where is that bravado from before.” I said, grinning, seeing him already crying just from the beginning. Spotting Apricots head at the side of the cell. My grin widens, seeing her expression. One of the biggest smiles I have ever seen was plaster on her face.

“Trinity, can you pick him up like a puppet. Put him in a T pose with his legs straight.” I said, making way for Trinity.

“Okay,” Trinity said before wire came out of her wrists that went and connected at multiple points on the commander. Pulling him up, He screamed again in pain. “Is this good?”

“Yes, thank you. Pull the limb I call out okay.” I said, standing in front of him. “Now, we can start with the questioning.”

“I will never betray my kingdom,” he said between gritted teeth.

“We will see about that. First question...”

(30 minutes later)

“Well, that isn’t good.” Mom said with a worried look.

“No shit,” I said, annoyed.

Well, I did break him like I knew I would, but the information he gave us wasn’t good news for us. Though most of the news was bad, there was one good thing. Our technology at the moment is far more advanced than theirs.

But we might be in front when it comes to tech, but we are far behind with power. Our biggest fear has come true. Like I said yesterday about the reincarnations being weapons and that the federation would have a search order for them. They did just that and found 14 reincarnations, and only 4 of them are under a slave contract. Meaning 10 of them are loyal enough to the Federation to make them trusted enough to go without it.

The other bad news is that they are busy making peace treaties with the other 2 kingdoms. He also told us about multiple future planned out attacks that were mostly useless because the federations knew we captured him, and they most likely going to change the plans. However, it isn’t completely useless as we know what they might target in the future.

“If I may, why are you guys so down. Wasn’t the information he gave you guys good?” Apricot asks, confused.

“Sigh, no, it was good information but hearing that they have 14 reincarnations means bad news for us. The next war is going to be one hell of a blood bath. Especially if the other kingdoms join in.” I said, putting a senbon back into the unconscious commander’s neck.

“Why is that so bad?”

“You saw I easily I could overpower you, right? Using tricks, though.”

“Yes, you said you frozen my muscles.”

“Un, yes. Do you know what level I am at?”

“Probably a Sage-type class at level 200?”

“Sage type class I am a speed type. Haha, I don’t even have a class yet, and I am only level 27.”

“WHAT!?” Apricot and Trinity exclaim in surprise.

“Huh, I understand Apricots’ confusion, but why Trinity. Didn’t you know about her level?” Mom asks, tilting her head.

“No, I never knew.”


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