The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 4

RE: Chapter 4: Bones!?

“Why should I trust you, though?” I said, narrowing my eyes.

“What!?” All three of them looked surprised at me.

“Don’t be so defensive, kid. She wants a daughter to pamper. She will also make sure that you don’t become a weapon for the kingdom. The doctor shouldn’t even be in this kingdom anymore. So, don’t worry about him and me. I am only a maid.” Rebeca interjects.

“Why wouldn’t I be. You all were ordered to train me for the kingdom, right.”

“No, we weren’t ordered to do so. My husband was. And what is the point of making your life more miserable than it already was? You have lived 5 years of hell already. I think it is high time someone pampers you for a while.” Stacy smiled at me. It eased my worries a bit, but I had to test her more.

“I don’t believe you. You can lie to me and stab me in the back.”

“Oh, come on, I want to pamper a daughter of mine finally. Rebecca, help me out here.” She started jumping around throwing a tantrum, earning her a glare from Rebecca. It was kind of funny seeing a ground-up cat girl throwing a tantrum.

“But you already have a daughter. Why not pamper her,” I question her with an eyebrow raised.


“Well, you see, she is a big daddies girl and never wants to be with me.” She said, dropping her head.

“That because you want to train her or do something active. Let me remind you she isn’t fond of being active.” Rebecca rebuked.

“Huh. So, you are more an active person?” I said, surprised. In my previous life, I loved the outdoors and working out.

“Yes! I love training and running around.” Stacy said, becoming excited. She really is an airhead.

“Then I think we might get along. I will still see if I can trust you completely.” I said, standing up slowly.

“That’s fine. I will make you call me mother in no time.” She beamed.

“Whatever. What happened to me after that Duke injected that primordial blood. Like I can see that I got some nice tattoos, and my vision has improved a lot.” I said, inspecting up my arms.

“Well, sadly, they are not tattoos, but curses,” Stacy said, pointing to my arms.

“Well, that’s bad,” I said, looking down.

“Rebeca, Doctor, you know I trust you a lot, but this is something you two aren’t allowed to know. Can you guys please leave so we can talk in private? Oh, and Rebecca, please prepare some food for Kitsuna.” Said apologetic.

“That works for me. Time to go to sleep. Call me in a week or more if needed.” The doctor said, walking out.

“Will do,” Rebeca said, walking out of the room closing the door behind her. Stacy walked over to me and took both my hands in hers.

“They might be curses, but they are really a blessing to you. We will start at the primordial blood first. You have been injected by blood from a 9 tail fox primordial.”

“I survived that? I was certain that I died, though.” I said, looking back at the time I passed out after the injection.

“Yes, you did die. But you were the rightful host for the 9 tail fox primordial blood, and it made you come back to life. But these curses were the negative effect with your eyes also changing. I think you can include your different hair color as well.” Stacy explains, letting go of my hands.

“My eyes and hair also changed?” Bringing my tail to the front, I could see what she meant. My tail wasn’t completely black anymore but had red in it.

“Here,” Stacy said, handing me a mirror. Looking at myself, I could see my hair on my head was the same as my tail. Looking at my eyes, I saw that they both are black with red irises. The chape of them was like normal foxes. It was just different colors.

“How the hell am I getting a wife with these looks. I look so scary.” I said, rubbing my face.. while I was rubbing my face, I felt small bulges in my mouth. When I opened my mouth, I could see that I had 2 6 centimeters canine teeth extending out like vampires. “I also have these teeth. Well, at least I can eat meat easily.”

“Wife? Don’t you mean husband?” Stacy said, confused.

“Hello, I was a guy before. No way in hell is some guy going to fuck me.” I said, putting the mirror down and looking at her.

“Oh, that’s right, almost forgot. Then you are the same as Rebeca. She also prefers women over men. I, on the other hand, don’t really care. I just looked for someone I could love, which ended up with my husband, your adopted father. He also won’t be against it as you aren’t the heir to the house. Sorry if that is a problem.” She said with an apologetic expression.

“I don’t really care about the heir or anything. I like my freedom. If I took over the house, I would get bored very easily. So, don’t worry about me trying to fight with your daughter over the name.” I explain doing jumping up and down.

“Your sister will be happy to hear that, I think. Let us get back to your curses. Where was I?”

“What are the positives and negatives of these curses or blessings?”

“Oh yeah. The left one is your lightning side, while your right side is your fireside. The lightning curse makes you experience pain 10 times worse than normal, while your status growth is also 10 times better. Your fireside really makes me jealous, though. It makes you level at a snail pace, but you will have an easier time obtaining skills. If a skill normally takes 10 years to get, you can get it in 5 years, something like that. It will still take effort, just not so much time.” Stacy explains with a conflicting gaze.

“Aah, I see. So, it really is like a blessing, but still has negatives making it a curse.” I said, amazed.

“Yes, one thing though, never and I mean never tell anyone about their effects.” She said with a stern voice.

“Will do, ma’am,” I said, saluting her. I wasn’t planning to tell anyone in the first place.

“That’s good. Let us get you some food before you go back to sleep. We have some fun to have tomorrow.” Stacy said, walking to the door.

“Okay.” I started trusting her more. Although they need to train me into a weapon, I don’t get the vibe that she sees me like. I followed Stacy to the dining hall. I could smell the food from my room already. Having sharp senses helps a lot and has some downsides, like smelling the food for so long made me so hungry that my stomach made noises the entire time. Stacy couldn’t stop laughing at me.

“I will guess anyone will be hungry if they haven’t eaten in a month.” Rebeca sated

“I was asleep for a month?” I said, receiving a nod from her. I was wondering about that.

“Well, let us talk later. Time to eat,” Stacy said, making me look up at the table in front of me, Seeing the entire table full of food.

“We didn’t know what you like, so we made everything,” Rebeca said, looking down at me or the spot that I was at.

“Huh.” They both didn’t notice my disappearance, but they heard someone eating at the table already. Looking at the table, they could see a 10-year-old girl sitting on a chair, stuffing her face with food. “I think we should teach her some manners, Stacy.”

“It’s fine to let her be.” Stacy chuckled. She was watching me with an amused smile until she saw me eating the bones as well. “I take that back. I don’t think we can have her eating bones.”

“I agree. How do her teeth even handle that?”

“She is special. Kitsuna, don’t eat the bones. It’s not good for you!?”

“Huh. Why? They so good, though?” I said, looking at her with puppy eyes.

“Huh. Wait, don’t tell me that’s your fox side coming in,” Stacy said, a bit surprised.

“I don’t know, but they are delicious. Please don’t take them away.” I look at her with pleading eyes.

“Fine, but don’t do that in front of other people, please. They will freak out.”

“Thank you. I will try my best,” I say with a smile and start eating again. I didn’t care what people think about me, but if it is at some sort of banquet, then I won’t, but anywhere else, I will be eating my delicious bones.


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