The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 3

RE: Chapter 3: New House

“Ugh. Why do I have a headache? Even in the afterlife, I have headaches. This universe really hates me.” I mumbled, getting my senses back. ‘The bed is so convertible. Did I reincarnate again? Please, don’t say it’s in another lab. I really won’t stay sane after the third time.’ I thought, opening my eyes to see a white ceiling above me. I tried moving my body, but it hurt a lot.

With a lot of effort, I finally got my body up and rested on the back of the bed. Looking around the room, I quickly realized that I am still in a noble’s house but in a guest room, not a basement. Taking in everything, I looked down at my body. Seeing that I was still the same size, for the most part, I had a lot more meat on my bones than before. Though I had one problem. I somehow received tattoos on both my forearms. My right arm looked like it was on fire, but it never hurt, while my left arm had lightning on it. Both were black and red. Still, in my thoughts, the door to the room suddenly opens.

“Sigh, poor child. I wonder when she will wake up.” I heard a female voice coming from the door. Looking up, I saw a woman with black hair in a maid uniform with a bucked in her hand walking towards the bed.

‘Someone new i havent seen and it seems she is here to clean me?’ I thought looking at the maid with the bucket.

“Good morning,” I said, trying to get her attention.

“It’s night.” She said, not looking up.

“Huh? It is?” I said, looking at the window and saw that it was dark outside.

“Yes, just look at the window. Wait.” She finely realized someone was talking to her. Shooting her head up to look at me. She gasped in shock when our eyes met. “You’re awake!?”


“Yes, Hello?”

“I got to tell Stacy. I will be right back.” Running to the door, she opened it. “You go get Lady Draig. Tell her the young miss woke up, now.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I heard someone replied outside. The previous maid walked back into the room and sat next to me.

“How do you feel.” She asked.

“Like shit. My body hurts, and my head is killing me.” I said, clutching my head.

“We will have a doctor check on you later first. Can you remember anything about experiments?”

“Experiments? So, I didn’t die?” I said, looking at her as she nodded.

“Yes, you didn’t die. Your willpower is certainly high. To survive 5 years of that torture is insane for your age, and on top of that, you survived primordial blood that was injected into you. That is something no one has done before.” She said with a bit of praise in her voice.

“I guess it is. Where am I even?”

“You will know when your….” Before she could finish, the door was blown open with someone coming through it. The destroyed door flew everywhere, and some of the parts came at me. Look at the parts coming towards me. I tried catching them, but my body couldn’t keep up with my eyes. Luckily the shrapnel didn’t hurt.

‘My body is so weak.’ I thought.

“STACY!?” The maid that was talking to me was not next to me anymore. She was standing next to the woman that came through the door, grabbing her head.

“I am sorry, Rebecca. I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to meet Kitsuna as fast as possible.” The woman named Stacy pleaded.

“I don’t care what if something hit her. She is still in a weakened state.” Looking at them, I could see Stacy is some wat reckless, and the maid or Rebeca was like the big sister scolding her little sisters.

“Haha, You guys look like sisters where the big sister is scolding the younger one.” I laughed seeing their antics.

“If I were her big sister, I would never have been this lenient with her,” Rebecca said, hitting Stacy over the head.

“I am sorry.” Stacy moans again.

“Whatever, can someone just tell me what is going on? Where the hell am I? And who are you guys.” I said, looking at Rebecca for answers.

“Why are you asking her I am your mother?” Stacy said.

“You don’t look too reliable, so I am going to ask your big sister for answers.” Not even looking at her, I replied coldly. She gave me an airhead vibe.

“Haha, I like her,” Rebeca said, laughing.

“I can’t believe that my daughter is already looking down on me.” Stacy sobbed.

“Huh!? Wait, mother?” Looking at Stacy, I only just realize that she was a demi-human as well. It looked like she was a cat demi-human. She was pretty with silver eyes and silver fur.

“Yes, we adopted you,” Stacy said with a straight face.

“Why?” I narrowed my eyes at her. Knowing that I survived the primordial blood gave me already enough information to know what I am really doing here.

“Well, we have been ordered to do so.”

“I see. So, I need to become a weapon,” I said with no emotion on my face.

“Yes and No. To be more precise, my husband was ordered to train you, but I would have none of that. So, I took you away from him to our territory. You will be staying here until you are 15 years old, then we will be going back to the capital. How do you feel?” she explains and asks worriedly.

“Well, that sounds better than I thought you would say. My mind feels fine, but my body is in a lot of pain.”

“Hmm. We will have the doctor check you out.” She said.

“Okay. Are there any other things you have to tell me?” I ask.

“I think we should introduce ourselves properly first. My name is Stacy Draig. I am also a demi-human like you. I was the vice-captain of the black ops of the Draig family. My likes are sweets and training: dislikes, people who put themself first. My dream was to have the family that I have. Hmm, that’s all your turn, Rebecca.” Stacy looked at Rebecca.

“Well, the name is Rebecca, no surname, I am human. Like and dislikes, I am not going to share. My dream is to be rich someday. Is that good enough?”

“That’s fine. Now kiddo, your turn.” Stacy said, looking at me.

“Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t know who I am myself. All I know is my name is Kitsuna.” I shrugged at them.

“Don’t lie to us. We already know you are a reincarnate, the same as my daughter. That damn daddy’s girl. Start over.” Stacy said, winking at me.

“I see, no helping it then. My name is Kitsuna, was named Shiro Adachi. Likes hmm, food, sports, and weapons? My dislikes, socializing. Introvert for the win. Dream don’t have one at the moment.”

“Shiro Adachi, where have I heard that name before,” Stacy said, taking a thinking pose. After a while of thinking, she seems to have remembered. “You are the playboy of the class, gangster, or teacher’s pet. You were quite popular. My daughter Amari hates you so much, though. You will know her as Izumi Hitomi. She said you were stuck up and never cared for anyone else around you. You were good in class and sports though she admitted that.”

“Huh!? I was popular? I never knew that. I wasn’t the best at talking to people, actually. I also knew I looked scary, but a gangster, really.” Black clouds formed above my head while I was mumbling.

“You okay there,” Stacy asked worriedly.

“Stacy, but if I remember didn’t Amari tell us that Shiro was a guy,” Rebecca asks innocently.

“That’s true,” Stacy said, turning back to me. Realizing that my depression exalted even more after the reminder that I use to be a guy.

“Hey, how did you get even more depressed. Is that even possible?” Rebecca said, surprised.

“My life so far has been horrible. Depression is just the outcome.” I said with a downcast.

“I understand that but do you really need to get this depressed?” Rebecca ask.

“Huh? What will you do if you find out after 17 years of being male, you have been changed into a girl? In your case, it’s the other way around.” I said, glaring at Rebecca

“What will I do if I changed into a male? Same as you get depressed.” Stacy said with a straight face.

“See, Stacy gets it. Well, anyway, can we get back on topic.” I tried to change the subject.

“Where were we again?” Stacy said, retaking a thinking stance.

“The Doctor, when is he coming?” I ask

“He was already here. I will let him in.” Does Rebecca say while walking to the fixed doors?

“When did the doors get fixed!?” I said, looking at the doors with an amazing expression.

“The mansion has an auto repair spell on it,” Stacy answered me.

“That’s a thing? Cool.” I said.

“Doctor, you can come in.” Rebecca opened the door.

“You all bother me just when I wanted to get some shut-eye. Just to have me check up on the demon. So troublesome.” Walking inside the room was a short man with gray hair with a lab coat on. I could feel my anxiety spiking already just seeing the coat. He looked at me and gave me a smile that resembles the dukes when he wanted to inject me. “Aah, hello, little demon, how do you feel.”

“Can you just check me out and fuck off,” I said, surprising everyone. When he was about to touch me, I used everything I had to grab his neck. Sadly he moved back fast enough to dodge my hand. Taking a pillow with freehand, I threw it at him.

“Eeeeh!? The little demon is attacking me.” The doctor said, moving away from me. I was surprised at how fast he was for a doctor. Taking another pillow, I stood up from the bed but lost my balance face plant into the floor.

“You shouldn’t move like that,” Stacy said, putting me back on the bed.

‘My legs are half dead. Probably because I slept for a while.’ I thought rubbing my legs.

“Sorry little demon. I needed to check your mental state, and it seems you’re fine for the most part. There will be some triggers, though. Physically you are the worst. You still need some rest to recover completely.” The doctor said.

‘Well of course there will still be triggers. After all, this isn’t the first time this happened after all and that man who did this to me wasn’t as good as ‘him’ at torturing people.’ I thought still rubbing my legs.

“How long will it be before I start training,” I ask, moving my legs around.

“You mostly have muscle damage, so you can walk around, but training is out for a week or so.” The doctor explains.

‘That won’t do. I need to find a way to move around in the next few days.’ I thought.

“Are you so eager to get power?” Stacy joked.

“Do you blame me?” I said, annoyed.

“Haha, no, I don’t. I support you. I will help you get that power so you can control your own life.” Stacy smiled at me.

“You know I might betray your kingdom, right?”

“Meh, I won’t be surprised. As well won’t help you or go against you.”

“Why should I believe you, though?” I asked them.



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