The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: You’re to young for me

“I can’t believe they made bullet trains,” I said, amazed looking at the train in front of me.

“Yeah, of course. They don’t do things half-heartedly.” Zagan said, walking onto the train. Following him, I was disappointed to see it looked the same as regular commercial trains, with seats on the sides under the windows looking inward, with the rest being open space to stand.

“Huh, nothing fancy here.”

“What did you expect?” Amari ask.

“I... don’t actually know what I should have expected,” I said, confused at myself.

“We are going to be here for a while, so get comfy,” Zagan said, sitting down, followed by Amari and Rachel.

“Come sit down, sis,” Amari said, pointing to the open seat next to Rachel.

“Uhm, I don’t think I would fit,” I said, looking at the seat. It wasn’t that I was too big for it. It was that my tail would be in the way.


“That’s true. Your tail is so long that you won’t sit comfortably.” Rachel said, looking at my tail.

“It’s fine. I can stand. We are only going to be here for a little while, right?” I said, standing in front of them.

“Yes, but we move pretty fast,” Zagan said, concern.

“I can freeze myself to the flour,” I said nonchalantly.

“If you say so,” Zagan said, looking at my feet he asks. “Your ice magic isn’t normal, is it?”

“Hmm, you can say that,” I said vaguely. Feeling the train moving, I grabbed the metal bar above me, seeing that we picked up speed really fast.

“Is that all?” Amari asks, disappointed.

“Haha, of course, I am not going to tell you everything. I might care and trust you to a certain extent, but I don’t know how good you guys are at keeping secrets.” I said, chuckling.

“But you trust us? Why won’t you tell us about your magic?” Rachel asks, tilting her head.

“My ice is my best weapon and favorite. If I let everyone know what it is and how it is used, it is going to be less effective in battle.” I explain.

“I see. That makes sense.” Zagan said, nodding.

“See. For example, like you, Rachel, your race has a huge disadvantage against certain types of magic. Even if you are a half breed, they will still affect you badly. My race weakness has something to do with power. So, letting everyone know how to counter me will weaken me, and I can be killed easier.” I continued to explain.

‘I mean, I am immortal, so age isn’t my weakness. And I am immune to most poisons.’

“How!?” Rachel looked at me with wide eyes.

“What?” I ask, confused.

“How do you know what my race is?” She asks with fear.

“Your wings, obviously,” I said, pointing at her wings.

‘Like common its white wings anyone can see she is an angel.’ I thought to myself.

“But there are a lot of demi-humans with the same sort of wings,” Amari said this time.

‘The same? I am not sure that’s true.’ I thought and sigh.

“Fine, I have Analysis, and I used it on her. Is it bad that I know?” I confessed.

“No, it is just my race don’t like half-breeds. If someone finds out, they might try and kill me.” Rachel explain.

“Huh, but then why don’t you have a charm on? That would make it impossible to know your status.” Hearing me, her eyes widen again, and she started patting herself. After patting herself, she looked at Amari with horror and said.

“I forgot to put it back on.”

“Oh no, we need to turn back. We can’t have her go out like that.” Amari said with fear.

“Don’t worry, I have a spare one,” I said, taking a small golden button out of my storage and giving it to Rachel. “Here, I always keep extra if mine breaks.”

“Thank you,” Rachel said, smiling and putting the button away.

“Just a question, these charms are quite durable, so how in the hell does yours break.” Zagan exclaim in the middle, surprised.

“I bet you she gets in a fight all the time, or she just forgets to take it off when she trains.” Amari comment.

“I do not deny or agree with any of those outrageous claims,” I said, looking away whistling.

“Mom, look, it’s fluffy and moving.”

“Wait, Neo, don’t!”

“Haha, you really are reckless.” Rachel said while having a laughing fit. I was about to rebuke her, but I felt something pull my tail really hard.

“IEEE!? Mother fucker!? That hurts!” I shouted.

Looking back at my tail, I saw a 5 or 6-year-old hanging on to my tail. Even though I just shouted so loud, the kid still had a smile on her face.

“Kiddo, you are too young for me. Please let it go.” I said, bring my tail closer so that I could take her off.

“I am so sorry. I just took my eyes off her for a second.” Hearing a woman say, I looked at her while taking the kid off my tail. The woman had a blue one-piece dress on and had brown hair. I couldn’t see her face because she was bowing down in front of me.

“It’s fine,” I said to her, smiling. Holding the kid up, I looked at her and explained. “Girly, don’t just pull someone’s tail like that. They can be very sensitive to the touch.”

“I am sorry. It was just it looked so fluffy.” Said the child trying to hold her tears.

“I know, right, hehe. Don’t worry. I am not going to do anything. Just remember next time, okay.” I said, putting her down again.

“I will, thank you.” The girl said, taking her mother’s hand. Looking at the mother again, I saw she has stiffened up.

“Bye,” I said awkwardly, knowing why she stiffened up like that.

“Bye,” The girl said, pulling her mother away.

‘Why do most adults stiffen at my eyes, but kids don’t. It also happened before my evolution. My eyes don’t affect kids. I might go to an orphanage to test some things out.’ I thought to myself. Looking back at Amari and then I saw them looking at me like I have two heads.

“Did you just say she is too young for you?” Zagan asks first.

“Yes, there is actually just 7 or 8 years difference between us, but I like them older,” I said, shrugging and caressing my tail.

“Is that so,” Rachel whispered, looking down.

“I understand why you said those things but did you have to say it in public?” Amari said, face-palming herself.


“Arriving at the North main road junction.” The train head said, interrupting me.

“Shit...” I said before I went rolling down the train.

“She forgot to freeze herself again,” Rachel said, looking at me at the end of the cart on the floor against the wall.

“Yeah, we should have warned her about that,” Zagan said, hiding his smile.

“Haha, why look how funny she looks.” Amari, on the other hand, didn’t try to hide it at all. “She looks like she was just driven over by something. Ooh, here comes a granny.”

“Shouldn’t you care more about your sister?” Rachel asks to frown.

“No,” Amari said, still laughing at seeing how a granny is hitting me.

Please help me. Sis? Zagan? Rachel?” I shouted from under the assault of the granny.

“You are just like your mother sometimes,” Zagan said, also ignoring my pleads for help.

(While later)

‘I am done with this shit.’ I thought, sighing to my self I looked up.

“All I am saying is that you guys could have helped me get rid of the granny, at least,” I said, walking out of the train station. Pulling my hands through my hair.

“Why would we. It was so funny to see you getting hit by that old grandma with her fan. She even broke the fan on your head.” Amari said, laughing again.

“Yeah, and I needed to buy her a new one. Rachel, help me out here?” I said, pleading for help.

“I have to say the granny was funny.” Rachel said, not looking at me.

“I feel betrayed,” I said, getting the last piece of the fan out of my hair. “Whatever, where are we going from here?” I ask.

“We are going to Techo,” Amari said, smiling.

“Techo? Really, that guy needs some help with naming things.” I said, shaking my head at the name.

“Actually, the twins named it,” Amari said, smiling wryly at me.

“Seems they do have things in common then.” I sighed.

“Well, let us go. Follow me.” Amari said.

“Okay,” We all said, following her.

“Ooh yeah, Rachel is your brother also a half breed?”


“Daren?” She said. Nodding, she continued. “No, We aren’t really blood-related. I was adopted by them when I was a baby.”

“I see.”


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