The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 37

Chapter 37:

“Let me get this straight. When I went out of the room, he locked you up inside Amaris room and left you,” I said, confused.

“Yes, he said it was to protect me.” Rachel said.

“You locked your own sister in a room that isn’t even her own. What is wrong with you?” I said, looking at the back of Daren.

“I did not think everything through my priority was to catch you.”

“Kill. Not catch. To kill.” I said, correcting him.

“Wasn’t it you who said that this happened yesterday, and it’s old news?”

“Yes, I am just making certain Zagan here knows the full truth,” I explain.

“Sure you are,” Daren said sarcastically.


“Haha, don’t worry, mister grumpy pants. I am not going to do anything to Rachels’ brother,” I said, teasing him again.

“I don’t care what you do to me, but hurt my sister. I would hunt you down to the depths of the world to kill you.” He said in a threatening tone.

“Wow, sis-con much,” I said, shrugging his threat off.

“What’s a sis-con?” Rachel ask.

“Hmm, a sis-con is a brother that-” I was about to explain when Zagan stopped me.

“Don’t taint the innocent,” Zagan said, stopping me from talking again.


“But you mister... miss fox. I still need to get used to you also being gender-bent. Why did you incase the entire dining hall with an ice wall?” Zagan asks, confused.

“We were talking about some imported things, and I didn’t want other people to know. How did you react when you found out you changed genders?” I explained and tried to divert the subject.

“Don’t try and by past this. Zagan, we were talking about you and her, you know what I mean. That time how you domi-” Amari explained but was stopped by a shout.

“We were drunk!” Zagan and I shouted, making an excuse. Hearing what we said, we looked at each other and had an embarrassing expression on our faces.

“Haha, that reaction was priceless.” Amari laughed, and Rachel just tilted her head at us.

“The first time I found out about my gender, I was happy, but also not happy. I don’t know how to explain it. I was happy that I could go after girls without a problem, but I was unhappy to lose a woman’s body. And you?” Zagan explains, frowning.

“I see. Mine was the same day I woke up before my hell started. We went to the church to see my status, and that is how I found out.” I said, shrugging.

“By reading it on your status. You didn’t feel anything different with your body when you woke up?” Zagan ask.

“Remember I was a demi-fox, not fully human, anymore. I never had the chance to exam everything new about my body. Everything move so fast I didn’t even know what really was going on until 5 years later. Like I knew that I died and was reincarnated, but that was all.” I explain, looking at them.

“That must have been hard. Guess we’re lucky having a family that helped us.” Zagan and Amari said with a sad expression.

“Excuse me, before you go on, what do you mean that you two are gender-bent?” Rachel asks with a deep frown.

“We can tell her about us right,” I ask Amari.

“Yeah, most people already know about reincarnations by now. All thanks to Hugo, sigh,” Amari said with a sigh.

“Hugo? Well, Rachel. Zagan and I was the opposite gender in our past life before we were reincarnated here.” I explain.

“I see, so, you were a boy before?” Rachel asks, making me nod. “Now that you are a girl, what is your preference.”

“Girls all the way,” I said, smiling at her with amusement.

“Umu,” She nodded while her face got redder.

Seeing her reaction, both Zagan and Amari looked at me, frowning.

“We are going to need to talk, sis,” Amari said sternly.

‘It took you this long, really?’ I thought. Playing innocent, I looked at her tilting my head, and said.


“We have arrived at your destination,” Daren said, stopping the car outside a 3 story building. The building resembles any other main subway from earth but had some gold and white marble, showing that we are close to nobles’ houses.

“We will talk about this later in private,” Amari said in a commanding tone.

“If you say so,” I said, standing up and got off the Moto. Holding the door open for the rest.

“I will go get our tickets,” Zagan said, walking off into the building.

“What is the layout of the capital even?” I ask, looking at Amari.

“The capital exists out of 3 circles, with the castle being in the middle. The inner, middle, and outer circle. Each circle is also divided into districts. South, North, East, and West. There are only 2 entrances into the capital. The North and South Gate. The best part is the subway system can easily access all this.” Amari explains while we walk inside.

“How big is the capital,” I ask curiously.

“Hmm, if it weren’t for the subway system, it would have taken a week to go from the North Gate to the South Gate for normal citizens, but know it takes a couple of hours, and you are there.” Rachel said, shocking me.

“Wow, that big, huh.” I whistle at hearing the size.

“Yeah, the capital grow a lot in the past 8 years. We live in the Inner North district. We will be going to the Middle North district to do our shopping.” Amari said, opening the last door to the main hall of the train station.

Looking up at the roof, I saw that it is also 3 stories high. Some bridges went over the train tracks to the other platform. There were also gates where you need to go through to get to the platforms.

“Amari can we go to the bathroom real quick,” Rachel whispered in Amaris’ ear.

“Un, Sis, We are going to...”

“Un, I heard. I will wait here for you guys.” I said, confirming before she could finish.

“Okay, we will be right back.” Amari nodded and walked away. Walking to the wall close to the entrance, I leaned on it and closed my eyes. Concentrating on my hearing, I listened to the conversations going on around me for anything interesting.

Last night when I was examing my self, I found out that I could control most of my senses. I could dull them or sharpen them if I concentrate on them to do that. Since then, I have been dulling my sense of smell and was busy trying to make it a subconscious thing, so I won’t get so easily nauseous smelling other people or rotten things suddenly.

After listening for a while, I got surprised when the main entrance suddenly slammed open. Frowning at the sudden sound not opening my eyes, I listened to their footsteps. Counting the amount, I concluded that they were 3 nobles and 4 guards hearing their armor. Hearing them coming my way, I had a bad feeling.

‘Please don’t tell me they are going to bother me.’ I thought and sigh. Coming to a stop in front of me.

“What is a disgusting commoner like you doing here?” The noble at the front of them said with arrogance making his group laugh.

‘What is it with me and trouble.’ I sigh, still not opening my eyes.

“Don’t ignore me!?” He shouted.

Frowning deeper, I said politely. “Please, don’t shout like that. It hurts my ears.”

“Is that so,” He said. Hearing him take a deep breath, I sighed again. Just when he was about to shout again, I grabbed his jaw bone with my full speed.

“I said don’t shout,” I said, opening my eyes. Looking into his eyes, I could see fear and a bit of regret.

“What do you think you are doing to our young master.” One of the guards said, unsheathing his sword.

“Teaching a fat viscount son that he can’t just do what he wants,” I said, not looking at them. The other 2 nobles that were with him walked backward behind the guards.

“Really, we left you like for 5 minutes, and you are already in trouble.” I heard Amari suddenly say from the side. I let go of the noble and looked at Amari.

“Miss Draig, order your servant to apologize on her knees. If she does that, her punishment might be lighter than it would have been.” The noble said, standing up from the ground. He also didn’t hide his disgusting grin. However, his grin didn’t last long as he suddenly fell to the ground face first.

“Servant? You think I am a servant?” I said, stepping on his back with a sword in my hand.

“Sis, please don’t hurt him,” Amari said, walking closer.

“Like I thought. You really were involved in the commotion. I have our tickets. The train will be here in 3 minutes. Can we go?” Zagan suddenly said.

“Next time, keep your dogs on a leash,” I said, looking at the guards. Stepping off him, I walked to Zagan.

“You! Aah!?” One of the nobles shouted but slipped on ice and fell. The guards tried to catch him but met the same fate and slipped on the ice under them too.

“Hehe, enjoy the floor, guys,” I said, waving over my shoulder.

“Nice one,” Zagan said, holding in his laughter.

“Really, sis, we left you for 5 minutes, and you get yourself in trouble with nobles,” Amari said, shaking her head.

“It’s not my fault they came to me. I was just standing there waiting for you,” I said, trying to defend myself.

“Are you a trouble magnet?” Zagan commented.

“To be honest with you, I think I am,” I said, nodding.


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