The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 158: Repercussions

Chapter 158: Repercussions

5 May 1122. It was a day that went down in the annals of history. The day that dynasties and empires changed and collapsed.

The Purge, they called it. The Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun launched a cleansing of the crown. It was a day of blood, fire, and betrayal. Screams of sorrow, pain, and hatred filled the entire Tudor Empire, shrouding everything in despair and death.

Scorching blood dyed the lands in between in an act of purge. The crack between the crown and the church was already evident. Many expected a civil war, but nobody could guess the scourge of the crown itself.

In their thunderous action, the crown was annihilated. The factions and loyalists to the crown were captured and sentenced to death without mercy.

The Angel families of Abraham and Antigonus were purged overnight. Their entire family history and legacy went into ruin. Meanwhile, the Tamara family betrayed the crown almost immediately, siding with the church, thus surviving the purge, while existence of the Amon family was ignored, purposefully.

The war ensued all night and day. The Angels themselves were said to have fallen in the final battle against Abraham family.

But in the end, the strongest angel family was still destroyed under the divine punishment of the Eternal Blazing Sun.

The Eternal Blazing Sun. It was even said that the Blood Emperor was killed by the Sun God himself, sending down a blot as a world just to take down the Blood Emperor.

The Blood Emperor died. With it, the crown collapsed the very next hour. In a bloody fortnight, the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun took complete control of the Tudor Empire.

The news and details of the purge were spread from ear to ear. Only the high-sequence beyonders even had a chance of knowing the actual facts, while the low-sequence only heard the filtered story. The facts and details kept changing with each passing story. However, at the end of the day, one thing was clear to all.

The Tudor Empire had ended.

6 May 1122. As chaos and blood filled the Tudor Empire, the rest of the world was not much better. It wasn't only the Blood Emperor who had fallen but also the Black Emperor. The Solomon Empire nearly collapsed, but True Creator held together what was left and managed to stabilise the situation.

The True Creator also ordered his armies to withdraw from the frontlines, breaking off his alliance to the death.

Despite the fact that two emperors had fallen overnight, the situation on the northern continent had not changed significantly. The three empires that ruled the continent still remained.

Meanwhile, there was a surprising unity among the churches of the gods. Even though the churches fought shoulder to shoulder in the dance of the living and the dead. But something was different this time. It was as if the gods themselves had put aside their differences and decided to unite to deal with the threat of death.

7 May 1122. The Six Orthodox Churches announced their unprecedented alliance officially to the world, joining hands together to deal with the threat of death.


8 May 1122.

The rising sun cast a glow across the empire, which was still rife with chaos and disorder, as the ramifications of what had happened a few days earlier were felt throughout the empire.

In the City of the Sun, Aucuses sat inside a restaurant, drinking coffee with a newspaper in hand. The bright embers of the sun illuminated the papers that were all about the happenings of the purge. It was an amalgamation of opinion, news, questions, and debates. But none of the information was against his church; they just crucified and vilified the crown.

The freedom of the press? It's non-existent in the world. Everything is controlled by the churches of the gods and the crown. The false news was released to calm the chaos and disorder that had been wrought on the empire. The entire economy of the empire was blown away, which was just one of the repercussions.

Aucuses looked out the window at the city. The city of the sun was shrouded in a heavy and depressing atmosphere. The people, regardless of their status and birth, huddled together in a long line to get relief food from the church. Their figures were withered and their eyes dim.

The Sun God frowned, his gaze sweeping across the empire, spotting similar scenes all over the empire. The situation was not improving, despite their relief attempts. It is only deteriorating further. Many have already given up on everything after facing so many desperate times in their short lives. They are beyond salvation.

As he swirled the coffee in his hand, his thoughts drifted. The orderly world was too fragile with the presence of the gods.

The second epoch was a chaotic and dark era. Throughout this time, there was no civilization. Then, in the Third Epoch, the era of hope and peace, human civilization formed and development began. The gods during this era were suppressed by the Creator and had to follow his rules. Thus, peace always existed throughout the epoch despite the differences and hatred.

Finally, the fourth epoch, the era of the gods, where gods ruled supreme over the orderly and civilised world. And they were affecting everything.

Trunsoest wasn't really wrong when he said gods were the source of chaos in the human world. They indeed were, from the perspective of humanity. The progress of human civilization was completely halted due to the repeated wars between gods and angels.

The world was wailing. Aucuses can clearly feel it. There was a limit to how much civilization could bear before it came crashing down in anarchy.

However, Aucuses wasn't worried that much. The era of the gods is coming to an end. The gods will have to depart from the eyes of the gods sooner or later. The fall of Salinger will mark it.

He had already sent a message for everyone to convene after the chaos of the deaths of the Blood Emperor and Black Emperor, to deal with Salinger. They can no longer remain passive in the war.

Aucuses finished the coffee, focusing on the empire. The empire is still in chaos. His church was dealing with the repercussions and was already forming plans for the establishment of a new puppet government under the control of his church. Order and balance are absolutely necessary to curb the chaos.

Blaise had already sent him a slew of proposals for the government's approval. He had yet to approve of any of that.

Meanwhile, Lilith left to the Trunsoest empire to deal with the problems on her side. The war affected everyone.

He finally put the cup down on the table, looking ahead. The door to the restaurant opened. Blaise walked in with a solemn expression.

He said at the sight of him.

"Milord, there is a situation."

"Where?" Aucuses asked, noticing the solemnity of Blaise.

"Royal Palace." Blaise said, his tone heavy. "It is Silvia Abraham, Milord."

Hearing that, Aucuses immediately raised his hand and waved, without showing any surprise. He can already somewhat guess what happened with Silvia Abraham.

Then, they disappeared in a flash of light.


Royal Palace.

Aucuses and Blaise descended into an empty corridor with a silver door at the end. His eyes immediately narrowed at the door. He sensed an aura emanating from within the door.

It was an aura that he was so familiar with, for it was the depraved aura of the mother goddess of depravity.


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