The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 157: Seal

Chapter 157: Seal

The throne room, Hornacis Mountain.

A resounding boom that seemed to reverberate across all of reality, the awakening will of the Lord of the Mysteries went dormant and Antigonus entered eternal sleep.

The grey fog that shrouded the entire room faded away in obscurity. The blue door in the middle of it shone lightly before disappearing with the grey fog, leaving an eerie silence.

Aucuses and Amanises descended to the ground, sitting near each other, their backs on the wall, facing the sleeping Antigonus. They looked haggard and drained.

"That went well." Aucuses said breathlessly. "Really well."

Amanines weakly laughed. "Yeah, it did. It went a lot better than I expected too."

Even though they were completely drained due to squeezing out all their power to suppress the awakening will of the Lord of the Mysteries, this situation was far better than many terrifying possibilities and outcomes, one of which could be that the Lord of the Mysteries, using his connection to Sefirah castle, managed to draw more power from the castle and trap them in a lock of space and time.

However, many such possibilities were prevented from becoming reality only due to the active resistance of Antigonus. It can even be said that without Antigonus, they would most likely have failed and the Lord of Mysteries would have been resurrected.

"Let them live." Aucuses said abruptly.

"You are generous." Amanises raised her brows.

"Not generous. Just fair." Aucuses shook his head. "The situation of Antigonus may be beyond hope until someone chosen by us tries to ascend to the fool. After that, if he managed to possibly live through it by some miracle, Let him live with his sister. You can just tell Olivia, the mother of the sky, the truth about this."

He finally sighed. "In the end, about their lives, it is your decision. This is just a suggestion."

Amanises looked at the sleeping Antigonus in silence, without saying anything further.

Meanwhile, Aucuses took out pure black crystals from his pocket. They were the tears of Lilith, which contained her power. He crushed them, releasing the power of light on them, which bathed them in an ethereal green glow, healing and returning them to their optimal condition within a few moments.

Finally, their dimmed eyes regained their brilliance. Then Aucuses took out two cups of coffee from his kingdom, passing one to Amanises.

"You always keep them ready, don't you?" Amanises chuckled, taking the coffee in her hand. The ethereal and ever-present black gauze over her face faded away, revealing her otherworldly and beautiful face.

Aucuses smiled, raising the cup towards her. "You will never know."

They clinked them together lightly, drinking the coffee in comfortable silence. Aucuses was indeed somewhat surprised when Amanises removed her gauze that she had always worn since she became a god. Before that, even though she still wore it, it wasn't ever-present like after she became a god.

Maybe her humanity has increased. However, Aucuses didn't bring this up.

Amanises said, breaking the silence. "I will let them live."

Her humanity had indeed increased.

Aucuses immediately raised the cup towards her again. Amanises lightly smiled, clinging her glass with his. Then, they finished the remaining coffee, standing up and walking towards the throne, observing the situation of Antigonus.

"It's bad." Aucuses finalized. "Even though we managed to suppress the will of the Lord of Mysteries and forcing it go dormant. The damage is already done. The psyches of Antigonus and the will of the Lord of the Mysteries are almost stitched together. This means"

"He has established a connection with Serfriah castle." Amanises finished for him, frowning.

"Yes." Aucuses nodded, taking a breath. "There is a possibility of recovery of the Lord of Mysteries in the future through this." He turned and suggested. "We should seal him and always make sure of his state."

"Let's do it, then." Amanises raised her hand. A phantom of a crimson moon surrounded darkness and materialised in her hand.

Aucuses also raised his hand, drawing an emblem of the sun with a clear sky in the fabric of reality using light as a medium. After finishing it, he waved his hands, making the emblem turn corporeal and emerge from reality like a real sun.

Then, Aucuses and Amanines exchanged glances, before letting the sun and moon leave their hands and ascend.

The golden sun and crimson moon passed through the ceiling of the castle, ascending higher and higher until they reached the sky above Hornacis Mountain. The sun and moon swirled around each other, emitting infinite brilliance and bathing the entire peak of the mountain.

Then, they vanished, leaving only an empty peak. The main castle and town, which were perched on the top of the mountain, disappeared with the sun and moon.

In the throne room, Aucuses and Amanines pressed their palms on the throne of Antigonus heavily, sealing everything.

The Seal of the Sun and Moon!

Amanises used her authority of concealment to completely separate the reality of the peak from the world, while the authority of the Order of Aucuses took control of reality, infusing it with their laws and rules. To put it simply, they created an entire new dimension, sealing it away from the earth. The seal had their authorities of Night and Tyrant, who were constantly suppressing Antigonus. And the authority of light, order, and the moon made Aucuses and Amanises aware of any small change within the new realm.

Aucuses and Amanises finally took their palms off the throne. In that place were the sacred emblems of the Eternal Blazing Sun and Everrnight Goddess. The seal was done.

They finally looked at the sleeping figure of Antigonus.

"That's it." Aucuses remarked. "We sealed away the entire fate of the fool pathway."

"In a way, yes." Amanises frowned. "But there are still many unknown variables when it comes to pathways of mystery."

"Regardless, one thing is certain: the Lord of Mysteries will be born from the path of fool or error." Aucuses said, looking into her laurel black eyes. "We should just make sure that the fool wins in the end."

"There are no suitable candidates on the pathway of the fool, other than Blaise." Amanises was deep in thought.

"No." Aucuses shook his head, sighing. "Even though I very much want Blaise to ascend further. You and I both knew that isn't possible."

Amanises jerked her head up, looking deeply at Aucuses.

"The Lord of the Mysteries left behind many plans for 'His' resurrection. For now, we only know that 'He' sealed all the Sefirots within the western continent. But what is it to say there isn't another plan. 'He' was a pillar after all." Aucuses revealed solemnly.

"Get to the point, Aucuses." Amanises said sharply.

"Haven't you already noticed that a sequence 1 characteristic of the fool pathway is missing?" Aucuses said patiently. "I think the Lord of the Mysteries left behind a plan for the pathway of the fool. It will reveal itself in the future. Now that we have sealed the entire fate of the fool pathway, we will be the first to know if there are any abnormalities immediately."

Amanises looked at Aucuses deeply, who just gazed back. Then, she said, "So what you suggest is that we leave the entire thing up to the whim of the Lord of the Mysteries and hope for the best?"

"No." Aucuses chuckled. "We make the best of the plans of the Lord of Mysteries. The Lord of Mysteries is already dead, and his remnant is weakening. He cannot stop our tampering."

Amanises was silent for a moment before nodding in agreement. "We will see through this."

Aucuses smiled. Then, he gestured forward, "Let's leave this place already."

Their figures were bathed in light and darkness, as they began to teleport towards Trier.

"Again, there are still unresolved issues in the Mysteries pathway."

"Bethel? I already laid out a plan for him. He will be returning soon. We will deal with him then."

"You mean the Abraham Family?"


And then they were gone, leaving the throne room in eerie silence.


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