The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 149: God-Slaying Legion

Chapter 149: God-Slaying Legion

Astral World, Solar System.

The unparalleled sun floated in the centre, providing light and vitality. The brilliant sun blasted scorching solar flares onto Astral World, melting everything in its path.

A golden chariot pulled by majestic white horses emerged from the surging sun, their hooves splitting the very fabric of space with a neigh and bray.

The silver reins were in the hands of Eternal Blazing Sun, who stood at the helm. He rode the Sun Chariot, the uniqueness of the Sun Pathway, at the speed of light towards the blue planet near the barrier.

His golden gaze swept towards the barrier, narrowing in thought.

But then two divine figures appeared in front of him, blocking his path and compelling him to pull his reins and stop the sun chariot.

The divine figures were none other than the Evernight Goddess and Earth Mother.

"The concealment remains," Evernight Goddess observed, her hands clasped across her chest. "But you have to quit being flashy if you want it to hold on."

"You're being unreasonable, Amanises," Earth Mother said with a smile, her gaze fixed on Eternal Blazing Sun. "It's a part of him; he simply can not stop it."

Eternal Blazing Sun snorted. "Enough. It is no time to partake in jests and jeers. The war is about to start."

Evernight Goddess swept her gaze away to a distant azure planet, her voice still heavy. "Salinger shows no signs of ever departing the underworld."

"Give it a little time." Earth Mother spoke as she rested her hand on Evernight Goddess' shoulder. "He'll have to leave someday, one way or another."

"The longer it takes, the more worrying it becomes." Eternal Blazing Sun murmured as he let go of the reins. "But, once again, we must concentrate on the issue, which is as troubling as Salinger."

Evernight Goddess finally remarked, solemnly looking into the eyes of the Eternal Blazing Sun. "Are you positive about this?"

"Yes." Eternal Blazing Sun gave a nod. "With the assistance of Amon and Adam, Antigonus has already accommodated the uniqueness of the fool. They manipulated him and did a number on him. Now, the Lord of Mysteries' will is waking in him. If nothing is done to stop this, then we can soon expect the resurrected pillar on our heads."

The tension in the atmosphere was palpable.

Earth Mother inquired sharply, shattering the brief silence. "Then why didn't you just stop them before they started?"

"Lilith, the situation isn't as straightforward as you think it is." Eternal Blazing Sun responded, his gaze riveted on his love.

Ethereally, Evernight Goddess stepped between them. "What has been done has already been done."

Eternal Blazing Sun grunted, his gaze shifting away from the Earth Mother and toward the Evernight Goddess. "Antigonus is also a member of Alitsa Tudor's legion. After I and Lilith have besieged Alitsa, you can besiege him. We will also join with you after dealing with Alitsa."

The Evernight Goddess solemnly nodded. The Eternal Blazing Sun continued. "If Solomon and Sasrir decide to intervene, Badhiel and Herabergan will handle them. I've already spoken with Badhiel, and even if Herabergan did not intervene in the battle out of spite, Trunsoest remains."

"I will take care of Antigonus." Evernight Goddess nodded, her figure receding into the darkness. "The war has begun."

"Don't kill him." The Eternal Blazing Sun stated.

"Be careful, Amanises." From behind, Earth Mother yelled.

"I won't." The mystical voice of the Evernight Goddess remained in the blackness as she faded away. "I will."

Eternal Blazing Sun looked at the darkness for a time before turning to face his love, who stared at him with her arms folded. They had a little glaring contest in the infinity of space.

"Come on." He finally said, sighing in defeat.

Earth Mother pouted as she floated down to his helm and stood beside him, arms crossed.

As the white horses neighed and pulled the solar chariot, Eternal Blazing Sun tightened his reins.

"You're scared." Earth Mother murmured suddenly, glancing at her love. "You are afraid of the Lord of the Mysteries."

"Indeed." Eternal Blazing Sun admitted candidly. "I am scared of 'Him.'"

Earth Mother peered at her love, before leaning on him in silence...


The Andes Mountain Range. The holy mountains had turned scarlet all the way up to its black haunting crown.

Under the last peak of the range lay a huge lowland. There was a massive army of 100,000 soldiers covering it like a crimson ocean. Soldier by soldier, troop by troop, company by company, they crowded together, their palms wet and their eyes ablaze.

Amon and Antigonus stood close to each other at the summit, looking down at the massive troops indifferently.

A thunderous footstep shook the entire holy mountain, driving fear into the hearts of the bravest men and women. Their hearts thumped viscously against their own chest.

Stormy clouds stamped their cruel markings on the sky, dazzling everything as scarlet lightning began tearing through the swarthy gloomy clouds.

The footsteps eventually came to a halt. There he was, clad in red royal robes with a scabbard attached to it. His red hair was crowned with a gleaming black crown.

The world turned crimson with his presence.

The Blood Emperor!

The Blood Emperor eyed his legion standing in the middle of Amon and Antigonus. He spoke, his voice majestic and loud, resounding over the planet.

"Heed my soldiers, long, dark nights of trials and tribulations lie ahead of us. Not only great dangers, but also many misfortunes, shortcomings, mistakes, and disappointments will undoubtedly be our lot. Death and sorrow will be our companions; hardship our garment; constancy and valour our only shield. We must be united, undaunted, and inflexible. Our qualities and deeds must burn and glow through the dark embers of death and chaos."

"All hail, Blood Emperor!" Antigonus stated immediately, his palm across his chest, bowing before the Red Priest.

"All hail the Blood Emperor."

"All hail the Blood Emperor."

"All hail the Blood Emperor."

The troops began chanting fiercely. Their eyes were inflamed with madness and bloodlust. Their chanting was jumbled at first, but the Blood Emperor brought it into order with a swirl of his finger.

The shouts rumbled across the Tudor Empire like waves upon waves of a tsunami, trembling the empire.

Every word in the chant appeared to contain an unseen yet terrifying force. The tremendous words ripped through the air, rushing towards the Blood Emperor, who was engulfed by red chaos.

Under the authority of the Blood Emperor. It all merged into one, linking to the Emperor himself. As his crimson eyes surged into laurel black, the chaos subsided.

The Blood Emperor had become one with his legion. His legion has now surpassed Medici's Red War legion to become the strongest in human history.

His legion was known as the God-Slaying Legion.

Its purpose is already self-evidenrty from its name: to slay a god with the might of all.

The Blood Emperor opened his arms wide. Thick crimson tendrils of lightning shrouded the sky.

"Charge! Charge forth for the dreams! Charge forth for the hope! Charge forth for the honour! Charge forth for the faith! Our path shall be one that is forged with blood, victory, and madness. In our path, there is no need for cheers or jubilation. Only fear and surrender are worthy of honouring us."

"Charge Forth My Might Soldiers and Realize Our Greatness and Dreams! Let The World Quiver Under Our Daunting March!"

The Blood Emperor bellowed. The angels speared their holy wings and raised their weapons to the crimson sky, joining the rest of the army in a roar. And the world quivered.

Amon looked at the roaring legion. It is truly a pity to end this journey in this way.

He sighed and glanced up at the sky. It was there, sweeping through the crimson clouds in a burst of brilliant light.

A white blot of lightning erupted from it, plummeting onto the god-slaying legion.

"No!!!" The Blood Emperor roared.

It was, however, too late. The white streak of lightning fell on the unsuspecting and bellowing war legion.

Then the world became white.


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