The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 148: Purge

Chapter 148: Purge

The Headquarters of the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, Trier, The City of the Sun.

Blaise Larson pinched his brows in a headache, looking at the trembling woman who sat in front of him.

"Amelia..." he said, trying to make his voice appear as soothing as possible. "If you want time, I would give you. You don't have to force yourself."

"No." Amelia shook her head, tucking her quivering arms in her long coat that covered her figure, "I am fine. Your excellency, Angel of Miracles, I can deta-ail it."

Blaise sighed, placing the pen and document on the table in front of him and abruptly rising from his chair, causing the other to flinch in fear.

He walked towards her as she trembled, trying to get up from the chair, seemingly wanting to make a run for it.

The Angel of Miracles, however, appeared in front of her path and made her flinch again, taking a step back.

"You are not fine, Amelia." He said sternly. "Your mind was almost in shambles not long ago. So don't come knocking on my door and wasting my time again until you feel great. I mean really great. Now go back to the infirmary for your own good."

Amelia nodded quickly and got around him, quite swiftly leaving the room. Her trembling legs didn't seem to bother her in the least this time.

Blaise sighed, walking back to his chair and sitting down. His dim eyes were looking at the mountains of paperwork on the table that needed his review and immediate attention.

God, how much he hated paperwork and Lucas, who pushed everything on his head and went to battlefield. It was meant to be Lucas's duties, while he acted as the thundering sword of their lord.

But now, their roles have almost been reversed for a decade. As Lucas and other angles took to the frontlines while he stayed in the headquarters, the presence of an angel was required here all the time.

He really wanted to perform a miracle to let it all be completed on its own, but he suppressed that desire, no matter how tempting it was.

The documents before him are of the utmost importance, many involving information from the situation on the frontlines, empires, and other churches. It requires his unequivocal attention.

Blaise took a sip of coffee as he took the most recent file from the table, which had a detailed report of the previous situation of the Jacob family.

The Jacob Family. The lap dogs of the Blood Emperor.

He obviously knew the sudden and strange situation of this angel family. He had ordered his Lightbringers to keep tabs on almost all of the angel families except the Amon family. If anything is remotely determined to be unusual, it will be immediately reported back to the headquarters and an investigation will immediately begin.

The investigations into the strange situation of the Jacob families quickly bore results, as the truth was actually quite easy to infer.

It was Amon, the infamous blasphemer. He single-handedly brought down an entire angel family without making a disturbance in the slightest.

When he heard the news of this, Blaise could do nothing, as his hands were tied on this.

The relationship between their church and the crown was already deteriorating, so they could not dabble in the affairs of the chaotic retinue of the crown.

The strain in relationship had actually begun with his Lord's Order, the Order to suppress both the Antigonus and Abraham families.

Faith is a powerful power that can be easily used to manipulate public masses to one's will, and in some ways, faith is even above the crown in the hearts of the citizens, especially their lord's faith. So, they manipulated the public and began to isolate the two families, even preventing news of their achievements in the war of living and death from spreading in the empire.

The Abraham Family was still in shambles with the disappearance of their ancestor and his granddaughter, both of whom were important pillars of the family. They just disappeared from the face of the earth with not even the slightest news for about a decade.

The last angel of the Abraham family gathered enough resolve and courage to ask the Blood Emperor himself about this. After all, Silvia Abraham was engaged to him, and Bethel Abraham was a consul for him. If anybody had any clue about their situation, it should have been none other than their excellency.

Blaise had no idea whether the Blood Emperor had responded; perhaps only his Lord did. But, judging the improvement of the situation within the Abraham family after that Angel's visit to the royal palace, the Blood Emperor should have at least provided some satisfactory answer.

Then there was the Antigonus family, who hated their lord. Yeah, Blaise knew how ridiculous that sounded, but that was the truth. The family, which consisted only of a brother and sister, actually hated their lord. It all stemmed from an event nearly two centuries ago during the War of the seven kingdoms.

Diana and Medici fought their legendary battle across the northern continent, which nearly caused the destruction of the night kingdom ruled by the Antigonus family.

Though the brother and sister duo weren't that blatant in their hate, it still couldn't escape his sharp eyes.

When the two families found out about the action of the church, they did the obvious; they complained to the Blood Emperor. This was what first caused a crack in the relationship between the faith and the crown, which further deepened when the Blood Emperor didn't recognise Diana's religion as Orthodox.

He even heard from his lord that Antigonus somehow managed to get the support of Amon and the Angel of Imagination to sway the lingering hesitation of the blood Emperor over the situation of the religion of Diana.

So yeah, the situation between the crown and faith is at a boiling point. All that's needed is a fuse to blow the whole thing up into the air. A war of the gods will also surely erupt with this.

The chances of them coming out victorious in the civil war are almost a certainty, but it will not be without a heavy loss, a loss which the empire cannot bear with the Dance of the Living and Death going on in the frontlines.

And he is doing everything he can to delay that as long as possible while waiting for the defining orders from the Lord.

Blaise finally looked at the document of the Jacob family in his hand, turned to the empty pages and began recording the developments of the Jacob family. They became vassals of their lord.

After that, he truly didn't know any other information. He can't even divine on this issue, as it involves the Gods and the King of Angles.

The information about the entire current situation of the Jacob family is absolutely necessary to delay the news of them becoming his lord's vassal from reaching the ears of the Blood Emperor, as this could very well be the fuse.

He asked Amelia Jacob after she woke up, but the woman hadn't recovered from shock after everything that happened. However, after hearing his request, she tried to gather herself to answer many times, only to fail with stuttering and waste his time on her.

Blaise also considered his other options: praying to his lord and procuring information from Diana.

His lord didn't answer his prayers, and the saint he sent to her still hadn't returned yet.

So, all he could do was wait, while already coming up with contiguous plans to deal with the fallout, as he had felt it was already too late.

Blaise jerked his head up from the document, looking forward. A light erupted in the room, morphing into the projection of his Lord.

The Eternal Blazing Sun ordered him immediately, without giving him any chance to speak. "It's time, Blaise. Begin the purge. If you encounter any resistance that you are unable to overcome, simply pray to me, and I will personally send down divine punishment. The Church of Evernight Goddess will also join with us."

"Yes, milord." Blaise stood up and nodded solemnly.

"War of gods is about to begin. Announce a state of emergency immediately." The Eternal Blazing Sun gave his final order. Then, his projection faded away into particles of light, leaving Blaise, who resolutely took out the sacred emblem and pressed on its surface in a peculiar pattern, causing it to light up and produce ripples in the space that began to spread out.

Instantly, sirens boomed across Trier, The City of the Sun...


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