The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 121: Blood Throne

Chapter 121: Blood Throne

Underground, Backlund.

Alitsa Tudor stood in front of a stone door, his right hand pressing against a symbol engraved on it.

It triggered a mechanism. The gears rustled and cracked as the door opened, a steamer of light erupting from within and illuminating the dark passage.

Alitsa entered, his face solemn. A large, spacious hall with colossal pillars stood before him. There was a platform in the centre with three thrones, as well as another high throne at the far end of the hall.

"At long last, you've arrived." Antigonus exclaimed, relief washing over him. "We can't wait any longer."

He approached Alitsa, "What made you agree to his suggestion? You should know better than anyone that Backlund is the domain of the Eternal Blazing Sun and Evernight Goddess."

Alitsa scowled, his brow furrowed. "I know what I'm doing, Antigonus. Don't ever question my decisions again."

Antigonus rubbed the back of his head as he pursued his lips. "Then let us go, Your Majesty."

He purposefully emphasised 'Your Majesty.'

Alitsa snorted, but he was in no mood to argue with the wolf. He motioned to Antigonus, and they started walking towards the platform in the middle of the hall from the entrance.

Their heavy footsteps echoed, drawing the attention of Amon, who was suppressing the Medici, Sauron, and Einhorn on their thrones.

"Do you know something interesting, Alitsa?" Amon asked, turning back to them after strengthening his suppression on the three Conquerors.

He continued, adjusting his monocle. "Trier is also known as the City of the Sun." He approached Alitsa, pressing his hand on his shoulders and looking at him in the eyes. "Even the Divine Kingdom of the Eternal Sun is close by."

"I know." Alitsa said indifferently, removing the hand from his shoulders. "But there's nothing we can do about it. The influence of the sun god is so deep-rooted in the continent that even other gods cannot completely shake it."

"However, I still require a city to serve as the foundation for my new empire. Trier is the ideal location. I already controlled the Sauron family, who ruled over that province. It'll make the transition much easier."

Amon smiled as he clasped his hands behind his back.

"That's great and all. But have you forgotten about something, such as Eternal Sun's approv..."

Alitsa cut in, his eyes narrowing in rage. "Enough, Amon. You should be the most forthright about it."

Amon said, "I was just making sure you were fully aware of your actions so you wouldn't come to regret them later."

Alitsa gave Amon a cold stare. Antigonus, who had been quietly listening in, finally spoke up and interrupted them at the right time.

"Adam has stopped praying."

They all turned to face Adam, who had finally opened his eyes and stood up from his prayer position.

His bright eyes looked at Alitsa. "Let us get started. We don't have much time left. The Gods have all turned their attention to Backlund."

Alitsa nodded solemnly as he walked towards the platform that connected the conquerors with others.

Adam said as he gazed at the sleeping conquerors.

"You must kill them with your own hands, Alitsa. Allow their blood to bathe your hands, and then claim their crowns as your own."

Alitsa took a deep breath as he listened. He could guess the significance of steps mentioned by Adam.

He needed to conquer their crimson crowns.

"Wake them up." Adam said softly, looking at Amon.

Amon nodded before adjusting his monocle. A burst of darkness erupted from the figure of conquerors before retracting back to his monocle.

The Conquerors awoke, and their bright eyes filled with rage, looked down at their captors. They tried to break free, but the chains that bound them only tightened with their struggle.

Sauron yelled, peering down at Alitsa. "Alitsa, I was right about you from the start. You're a lunatic who doesn't know when to stop."

Einhorn spat angrily. "Do you believe you have won? No, it's only the beginning. Even if you kill all of us, our spiritual imprint will follow you for the rest of your miserable life, torturing and tormenting you into the abyss of madness."

Medici remained unusually quiet. He didn't even bother looking at Alitsa. His emotional gaze was fixed on Adam, however.

"Here." Adam pulled out a blood-red sword and handed it to Alitsa. "Alitsa Tudor, kill them. Take what was theirs and make it yours. Their possessions, families, and thrones. Conquer it all. It is the only path where you can ascend the Blood Throne."

Amon watched the Alitsa Tudor with interest, while Antigonus stood silently beside him.

Alitsa stepped onto the platform, sword in hand. He came to a halt in front of their thrones.

He looked into their angry and mad eyes.

"This is my victory."

His solemn voice echoed across the hall, bringing silence with it. Einhorn and Sauron looked at him with wide eyes, while Medici finally paid attention to Alitsa.

The silence was broken immediately, as Einhorn and Sauron yelled madly at Alitsa, rattling the chains and platform.

Alitsa ignored the curses and walked towards Einhorn.

"You will pay, Alitsa Tudor." Einhorn stated that despite slowing falling into the embrace of death, his eyes showed no fear. "You will pay for everything..."

Alitsa stabbed Einhorn in the chest, interrupting him. The scorching blood stained the sword, hand, and throne.

"This is my victory." He said this while twisting the handle of the sword.

A crimson flame erupted from the stabbed heart, consuming Einhorn and burning him to ashes in an instant, leaving only a crimson crown behind.

Alitsa ignored the seething pain and proceeded to the next conqueror.

"You are the devil consumed by greed." Sauron spat, grinning madly. "It'll be the end of you."

"This is my victory."

Alitsa ignored him. He then repeated the action with Sauron, who also burned away into ashes.

The scorching red blood filled the platform, as the air grew thick and eerie by moment. The thrones themselves melted down.

Alitsa finally approached the war angel, his blood-dyed hand trembling ever so slightly.

Medici looked at him indifferently. "Do you believe you can break the shackles of fate by doing this?"

"You are truly an ignorant one," he chuckled.

"This is my victory."

Alitsa closed his eyes and stabbed the war angel in the chest, disregarding his words.

Medici was consumed by crimson flames. "I'm waiting for you in the underworld, Alitsa Tudor."

He turned to face Adam, who nodded gently.

Then he closed his eyes without a struggle, his body burning away into ashes, leaving behind a crown and a sword.

Adam entered the platform and waved his hand at the scorched thrones.

Three crimson crowns and a blood sword floated down from the thrones and gathered around Adam.

They began to merge under his authority, eventually transforming into a scarlet potion.

"Drink it while ascending to the throne." Adam said softly as he handed Alitsa the potion. "The throne of blood."

Alitsa silently examined the potion in his hand before beginning to walk to the high throne at the far end of the hall.

He arrived at the throne's steps. His grip on the potion tightened.

He finally looked up at the throne, his eyes flashing with madness and determination.

Alitsa then drank the entire scarlet potion and began ascending to the throne.


A crimson blaze erupted, devouring and burning him.

The steps, throne, and hall underwent a violent change, as blood began to pour out of them, dyeing them crimson.

The hall was filled with blood, scorching blood. Screams of the fallen echoed from the boiling red river, emitting a terrifying and disastrous aura.

The entire underground palace rattled to its foundations as the colossal pillars melted and cracked.

The crimson flames swirled around Alitsa with a mighty roar, his heavy footsteps still reverberating across the hall.

Alitsa's figure was slowly crumbling into fragments, some of which fell onto bloody stairs or the rising red river.

He didn't seem to stop. He steadily ascended to the high throne, losing parts of himself along the way.

He appeared to be aware of it as well, but he didn't stop or couldn't stop because this was the only path, the only path of hope.

No matter the price or cost, he will ascend to the blood throne.

He will

He will

Alitsa took the final step and stood before the blood throne, his figure nearly completely scorched and devoid of any of his previous noble or youthful semblance.

(Image here)

The crimson flames raged around him, still attempting to consume him.

He, on the other hand, raised his hand and snapped. His will spread from his body and infiltrated the flames.

The crimson flames froze before swirling and covering his body, then forming a crimson crown above his head.

He conquered it.

The swirling flames reformed him, pulling him out of death's embrace. It was the epitome of nirvana.

Alitsa turned to face the hall and stood directly in front of the throne. His eyes remained closed.

His head was adorned with a crimson crown. He sat on the blood throne, his aura cataclysmic.

Then he opened his eyes, his deep black eyes filled with insanity and madness, hailing the birth of "Red Priest."

(Image here)

Alitsa looked up, muttering with a twisted smile.

"Aucuses. Amanises. Leodero. Herabergan. Ombella. Badhiel."

His voice rumbled across the bloody hall, roaring loudly.

With his declaration, the sky began to glow crimson. A dreary and disastrous streak of red fire spread across the horizon, widened and brightened, and obstructed the Eternal Sun.

Backlund was once again exposed to the divine gazes of the gods. However, the gods did not hide their gazes this time, causing the entire Backlund to shake under the divine aura of gods.

But, before anything drastic could occur, something rushed out. It simply snuffed out the cataclysmic fire brought by the ascension of red priest.

The change began as the crimson flames faded from the sky, pierced by a burst of golden light erupting from backlund. It widened and brightened, emitting a majestic divine aura.


A crack was heard all over the world. It rang directly into the ears of everyone, from all-powerful gods to frail mortals.


The golden light that illuminated the sky converged above the Place of Eternity, morphing into a golden contract with the signatures of six gods.

It is the alliance contract formed by the six gods under the authority of the Eternal Blazing Sun.

The entire united empire began to tremble under the mighty aura of contract before collapsing like a fragile sand castle hit by a powerful wave.

Crack, crack!

The cracking thundered across the world as the golden contract began to crumble into void with ascension of Alitsa and the collapse of the United Empire.


The cracked contract finally exploded in a burst of golden light that illuminated the world before concentrating on the figures of six gods.

The shackles of restraint that had bound the gods for a century crumbled, heralding the era of chaos.


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