The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 120: Wedding

Chapter 120: Wedding

The golden chariot came to a halt in front of the dark mansion, horses neighing in the foreground.

Auernia stood in the sunlight, dressed in a crimson gown, with other members of the blood race accompanying her.


Trunsoest stepped out of the chariot and extended his hand to her, his eyes hopeful and nervous.

Everything seemed to stop at this point, as the gazes of all fell on the Queen of Blood Moon, who was as still as a statue.

Finally, she took Trunsoest's hand, making him smile, and climbed into the chariot with him.

She abruptly turned to face members of her race, who were all staring at her. Their eyes spoke volumes about their pain and grief.

Auernia gave a last bow, a sad smile on her lips. Then she turned resolutely and followed her love, taking a seat in the chariot alongside him.

Trunsoest gripped Auernia's hands tightly, wiping away tears from her cheeks.

The horses neighed as they entered, before dragging the chariot out of the ancestral home of the blood race.

With citizens' cheers echoing across Backlund, the chariot drove to the palace of eternity.

The chariot came to a halt at the gate of the place of eternity as the royal couple stepped down, moonflowers falling from the tenebrous heaven itself, bringing the blessing of night with it.

Trunsoest and Auernia came to a halt in their path, drawing the crimson moon symbol on their chests before proceeding into the palace of Eternity's opened doors.


With their entrance into the royal palace, the doors of the palace finally closed


As the wedding nears, angels and archangels from the empire entered the palace of eternity through various other doors.

The wedding was taking place in the large chapel of the seven gods within the palace of eternity.

Aucuses and Lilith arrived in the midst of the jubilation, holding a cup of vanilla ice cream in their hands and wolfing it down with relish.

They didn't let their presence be known just yet. It was not the right time. They made their way outside the decorated chapel to some vacant chairs.

"Is Auernia your daughter?" While scooping up the ice cream, Aucuses asked.

"In some ways, yes..." Lilith nodded, her eyes reminiscent. "She was created from my blood. Not only her, but also the majority of my race. So it is not incorrect to say they are my children."

Aucuses' face darkened, and she burst out laughing.

"They were created from my own blood. I used my authority to create them all," Lilith clarified as her laughter subsided. "At the time, I had the authority of both mother and moon. So I didn't give birth to them. I just made them."

"Now you can put down your worries," she smirked.

Aucuses snorted, but he didn't press the issue any further, instead asking in a low voice.

"Did Amanises meet with you again after that?"

"No." Lilith shook her head. "She had been distancing herself from me lately, after I told her about us,"

"I am sorry." She abruptly said, looking down. "I didn't discuss it with you before making that decision."

"It's fine." Aucuses shook his head and smiled.

"No, it's not fine." Lilith said, grabbing his hand. "We are in a relationship, Aucuses. If we are to make this work, there should be some level of transparency between us. I also understand that we are gods. There are many things and secrets that we cannot directly reveal to one another. But, at the very least, there..."

"I understand..." Aucuses interrupted, his gaze firm. "I promise not to keep you in the dark any longer."

Lilith smirked as she crossed her legs. "Let's see if the great sun god keeps his promise at the end of the day."

"I will" Aucuses smiled as he promised. Classical music rang out from within the chapel, drawing his attention away from her. He looked ahead.

The corridor was deserted, as the royal couple and their guests had already entered the chapel.

"Let's get going." Seeing this, he said. "I think it is going to begin."

Lilith nodded as they rose from their seats and walked to the chapel's door.

They ended up coming to a halt right at the entrance.

"We are doing this." Lilith murmured, her eyes looking for reassurance in the man holding her hand.

"We are." Aucuses declared, his eyes as bright as the sun. "Remember now, we are just Eternal Blazing Sun and Earth Mother, not Aucuses and..." He mouthed, 'Lilith'.

Lilith said, riling up. "So, what are we waiting for? Let us go in, mighty sun god."

Aucuses laughed merrily as they entered the chapel.

The classical music drifted into their ears as they entered the chapel, which abruptly came to a halt with their echoing footsteps.

Lilith immediately felt all eyes turn towards them. Angels, Archangels, and Gods. It felt as if the entire world was centred on them.

The angels and archangels stared at them, their figures still as a statue. It appears that they are still processing the scene in front of them, but only to fail miserably.

The gazes came not only from angels and archangels, but also from gods who were focusing from their divine kingdoms on the palace.

Almost all of their gazes were locked on them; she could sense a variety of emotions from the divine gazes since they didn't even try to hide any of it.

Shock, bewilderment, confusion...

Trunsoest stepped down from the altar with Auernia, a nervous expression on his face.

"Your excellencies..."

Meanwhile, Auernia's eyes welled up with tears and guilt as she looked at Lilith. She was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"We are here for your wedding, though uninvited," Aucuses said, smiling. "But, you don't mind, do you?"

"No, not at all.." Trunsoest waved his hand, his tense shoulders finally relaxing. "You are most welcome."

He gestured to the front seats right away. "Your excellencies are free to sit in the seats of honour."

Aucuses nodded, walking towards the seat of honour with Lilith, who finally calmed Auernia down.

As they took their seats, the chapel still remained silent.

"Well.." Aucuses spoke up, his voice commanding. "We shall now focus on the wedding, shall we?"

The angels and archangels immediately obeyed and turned to face the royal couple. They were completely focused on the event, despite their previous curiosity.

The divine gazes lingered for a brief moment before leaving the royal palace.

The music resumed, as the wedding continued without a hitch.

The clergywoman arrived, and she was an angel under Amanises, the only angel under six gods present at the wedding.

She approached the altar, holding the bible, and stood between the royal couple.

As the music faded, the clergywoman smiled at the congregation. "Honoured guests, I'd like to thank each of you for coming out this afternoon," she said.

The clergywoman bowed to Aucuses and Lilith while holding the Bible in front of her.

"Let us begin by thanking the gods for this wonderful day."

They all bowed their heads and prayed, facing the seven gods' emblems on the chapel's wall. However, some even turned and bowed toward Aucuses and Lilith.

After the prayer, the clergywoman led the royal couple through their vows. It was now time for the exchange of rings.

An adorable little boy dressed in a blue tuxedo approached Trunsoest and presented him with a ring. He slipped it on Auernia's finger.

The clergywoman smiled and turned to face Auernia. She asked the question again and received the same answer.

Auernia took her ring from a small girl dressed in pink and placed it on Trunsoest's finger. Their emotional gazes were always locked on each other.

The clergywoman finally declared. "By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

The crowd erupted as she brought up her hands.

"You may now kiss your bride."

Trunsoest did so. Their lips met.

And then the world changed.

"It's finally beginning.." Aucuses smiled.

Lilith suddenly jolted from her seat and stared in astonishment at the other end of Backlund....

It began. The sky started to glow crimson. A dreary and disastrous streak of red fire spread along the horizon, widened and grew brighter, blocking the Eternal Sun...


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