The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 24: Escort Request

Chapter 24: Escort Request


Receiving her full force pillow throw, I was sent rolling back and hit my head on the wall.

Ahg!? My heaaaad!?

The pain ran through both my face and the back of my head.

I roll on the floor while wondering what I did to deserve this.

Meanwhile, Elna shut the door.

At the same time, Anna and Sebas arrived with tea and sweets in their hands.

Whats wrong? Al? Did you remember some embarrassing past?

No, I didnt! Elna and Finne were changing inside the room so they attacked me!

I told that to the criminal mastermind, Anna-san but she still acts innocently about it

This person is really..!

Just what did you plan to do? 

I told you that they were taking a bath though.well, whatever. Rather than that, how was Elna? Were you charmed?

Not exactly a pleasant experience, before being charmed I thought I was going to be killed.

Why are you just [Well, whatever] and brush it away like that? Are you an idiot.

If it wasnt a pillow then I would be dead you know.

I stroke my still hurting face. Even a soft pillow can do this much damage. What would happen if it was something hard?

While I was shaking with that thought, the door forcefully opens.

The person that came out of the room was, of course, Elna.

Al? You did well not escaping huh. I will praise you for that. Thats why I will give you a chance to explain. Now, explain yourself you peeping tom.

O, Oi! That isnt a practice sword, isnt it!? Calm down! It was Anna-san who!

Dont you blame my mother for it! Its your fault because you didnt knock the door!

You never knock when you enter my room too, arent you!?

Its alright if its me!

Isnt that unreasonable!?

Elna swings down her sword so I start rolling to avoid it.

As I thought, she is not serious but if its Elna even if its an edgeless practice sword, it would still post enough threat. I think I wont die If I got hit by that but theres a good chance that I can say goodbye to my memory. 

Elna. thats unseemly you know

B, But Okaa-sama! Al was!

Just being seen in your underwear isnt that big of a deal isnt it, you children used to take a bath together in the past, right?

Th, thats just an old story! We are both adults now!

If you are already an adult then keep your composure.

Still, Elna keep staring daggers at me. 

Why me

The word unreasonable has been popping up in my mind for a while now. Thats right. It was like this too when we were children. Whenever Im with Elna the word unreasonable always came to my mind.

For now, how about some tea.

Saying so, Anna-san enters the room with a grin on her face.

Elna followed after her and closed the door with a bang for some reason. That woman.

The ones left behind are just me and Sebas.

That must be rough.

Oi, Sebas..

What is it? Ah, let me say this first, I dont know about this you know. I would never have thought that they were changing in the room. I did think that she was up to something though.

If you know that she was up to something then let me know, I swallowed the voice of my screaming heart.

This is also the same as my childhood. Sebas will never say or do anything unless theres danger.

Im surprised think that I have grown up so straightlaced.

Straightlaced? Thats a funny joke you say.

I dare you to say it again.

I enter the room while lightly staring at Sebas.

This time I did not forget to knock.

Sorry about that Al. I didnt think that they were trying on clothes in this room.

No, please, enough of that.

My deepest apologiesit was because I did something unnecessary.

Its not your fault Finne. Its all Als fault.

Finne is apologizing while Elna acts so self-importantly. Their personalities really show huh.

To summarize the story:

Because there are plenty of clothes for the guest, Elna and Finne dropped by to choose them before the bath. And for some reason, they started a fashion show and time flew by surprisingly fast when they were doing that.

Naturally, Anna-san who thought that they had already entered the bath directed me to this room.

Thus the tragedy.

Well, theres nothing suspicious about that but I still feel that the story was artificial. Why did she deliberately point me to this room? I cant help but think that she was aiming for this to happen. However, its useless to pursue the matter. I cant possibly beat Anna-san in a conversation.

Well, since I already paid for my sin, we are good right, Elna.

Do you think I can forgive you with just that!? You peeked on two unmarried women you know!? Moreover, we are a daughter of the Brave house and the Duke too!

Then you want him to take responsibility? Alright, thats fine by me.




Elna turns her flushed face to Anna-san who just calmly dropped the bomb into our conversation while Finne was completely caught off guard and dont know what to do.

Seriously, this person is..

If its Al then that person wont be objecting too you know? What do you want to do?

Wh, what do I want to do?th, that is..I, I am a knight so about that.

If you cant forgive him for seeing you in your underwear no matter what then, of course, this would be the case right? But the problem would be striking a deal with Duke Kleinert huh. You sure are popular, Al.

Certainly, we must contact Finne-samas home about this as well.

Hawawawa!? C, contacting Otou-sama!? Th, that is.

Please dont decide the matter about my life so amusingly. My apology but I have no intention to marry anyone yet.

You wont take responsibility?

I will not.

Ara, thats a shame.

After she said that, Anna-san put a snack to her mouth.

At that point, Elna realizes that she has been teased all along so she turned her flushed face away from me.

Finne must have noticed that it was a joke too as her face turned completely red as well.

Well, Al. Isnt it about time you get to the main subject? You didnt just come here to play right?

As expected of Madam Amsberg. She knows huh.

I turn to face Anna-san.

This might be a shameless request but can I leave Finne in your care for a while? And, I want her to be together with Elna as much as possible.

Its related to the succession war, isnt it? Then thats impossible. We are the Brave house. We will not involve ourselves with the succession war.

Well, of course.

I knew that she would give me such an obvious reply.

Having Finne stay here for a few days is one thing but if I leave her here for a period of time then it wouldnt be weird if people start to think that the Brave house is supporting our faction.

They cant let something like that happen.


The Blau Mowe is the Emperors favorite. If something happens to her, His Majesty will be furious. I dont think it would be strange for the Brave house to protect such a person.

Ara? You are going with that kind of story?

Can you take her in with that?

Even if you dont say that, if you just say please do it for me, I would take her in though. As always, you are so poor at appealing to others with your emotions. Its a waste you know?

Anna-san indifferently said so.

In other words, she accepted my request.

This will guarantee Finnes safety until Zandra stops her attack. As long as the Brave house is with her, theres no way that anything can happen to her.

I will keep that in mind. And thank you very much for your help. I will make sure to return this gratitude someday.

Yes, I will have you do that. But.time sure flies. To think that Al would be involved with the succession war alreadyyou were always a crybaby to me but, thats not the case anymore is it.

I cant keep crying forever after all. Then, Finne. Please stay here for a while. Dont worry, it will be over in a few days.

Yes.Uhm, are you not in danger yourself Al-sama?

Its because you will be in danger at my side that I want you to stay at the Brave house. Honestly, its totally possible that Zandra will ignore all reasons and come to attack me. Right now, she wants to kill me that badly.

Zandras personality is brutal. Her temper is also wild. As her attack this time suggests, the other side has no one that can completely control Zandra. At least such a person is not with her right now.

With that, I cant expect her to act according to my expectations.

These few days are terribly dangerous. In this period Gordon will surely attack Zandras faction. That will weaken her offensive on our side but no matter how powerful Gordon is, we have no choice but to wait for a few days more. 

It is a challenge whether we can hold up until then.

Th, then wouldnt it be better for Al-sama to hide too.

If I go into hiding, Leo will be targeted. I cant hide because I have to attract Zandras attention to myself. Well, she will at least send some assassins to get me at least once I guess.

But thats!?

Well, dont worry. I have Sebas with me and theres someone who will help us out if we get into trouble as well.

Hearing so, Finne finally withdraws.

Sorry that you have to make such a worried face but I will not be assassinated.

They are probably thinking that they can get me if they can break through Sebas but I also have my own defense as well.

Unless they realize that I am Silver, its impossible for anyone to assassinate me.


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