The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 23: House of the Heroes

Chapter 23: House of the Heroes

Reporting! Viscount Helmer is expanding his control!

Persuade them! Do not allow any more people to change side!

Reporting! Captain Remer of the Imperial Garrison has been taken in by Her Highness Zandra.!

What!? Kuh! We cant let there be another deserter! Use all the people that we can move, we have to protect our supporters! I will move out as well!

Night, inside the imperial capital, a battle is unfolding.

Ever since I took over Zandras plan, Zandra has started robbing Leo of his supporters as a retaliation.

Right now, Leo has his hands full dealing with it.

Must be hard on you huh.

Help us out here too Nii-san! The one who started this was Nii-san in the first place right!?

No no, I was certainly the one who suggested to help the poor Earl out but you were the one who agreed to do it right? I will apologize that it has come to this but even if we stay still, the other side will come to us anyway right. Isnt that good.

Lend me a hand then.

A fistfight is not my field. Theres nothing I can do anyway.

If theres nothing Nii-san could do then theres nothing I can do either right.

Oi oi, too much modesty is a bad thing, you know. If you personally head out, your supporters will hesitate to leave your faction arent they. In the end, the only ones left will be your true supporters. Well, hang in there.

You make it sound like you are not related to this. Seriously, I will absolutely have you help with the ambassador work alright?

Leo puts on his jacket and leaves the room.

Seeing that, I let out a huge sigh.

Zandra has launched an attack on us but the central figure of our faction still hasnt made any move. The only ones that got pulled away were those who only recently came to support us. Losing them wont hugely affect our factions influence.

The problem is how to keep those who are at the core of our faction. Well, thats Leos job to deal with.

What I should think about right now is what are our enemies planning behind the scenes.


Sir, whats the matter.

If you are Zandra what would you do? Who would you target?

If its me I will not launch any attack. Evidently, I can use other tricks to achieve the same result after all. Moreover, in the case that I plan to do something I would wait for a little time to pass first. I believe that the most important matter is to protect my own supporters first after all.

I know that but we are dealing with Zandra whose blood already rushed to her head. If thats the case what do you think she is planning?

After pondering a little over my question, Sebas looked at the bag of sweets on the desk and muttered.

Did he notice? Right. Anyone will notice with a little bit of thinking.

Its Finne-sama isnt it. If its me I would target Finne-sama.

Right. Only Finne will be left with our faction once were gone. Thats why if they are going to aim for anyone it would be Finne.

Yes. However, it will cause a problem if they simply attack Finne-sama arent they.

Yeah, my dad wouldnt keep silent about it. But, for example, what if Finne got attacked by some thugs when she is running around trying to protect our supporters? Fathers anger will be directed toward us instead right?

Then should we leave Finne-sama in the castle? I can not see that happening though?

No, I already sent her to a safe place. I cant say that this place is safe either, I would be troubled if they use someone from the castle and bring her outside after all.

The security at the Imperial sword castle is thorough. But that only applied to the outside threat. The same cant be said for the inside. Well, the security around the upper level where the Emperor lives is perfect but just because theres danger doesnt mean I can just send Finne to him.

A safe place? As far as I know, I think that the safest place is by your side though?

No, since they knew that I was the one who got Earl Baelz to join our side, the person that Zandra want to slaughter the most right now is probably me. I cant put her at my side knowing that.

I see. Then, wasnt it a mistake to bring Earl Baelz to our side in the first place? It might be possible that Her Highness Zandra has noticed that you are hiding your claws after all. I dont think that the earl is worth the risk for that.

That fact cant remain hidden forever anyway, Father probably already has some idea when I sent Elna to him as well. Moreover, they will know that you are originally a famous assassin with a little bit of research. Right now, I will let them misunderstand that everything is your work for a while.

It will be bad if you are looking down on your siblings too much. Optimism is a taboo you know? Those three siblings of your all have the blood of your esteemed father in their vein too after all.

I know. Dont worry, Im not underestimating them. Rather, I dont think anyone recognizes their abilities more than myself.

It is because I took the utmost caution that I keep her away from me.

This attack of Zandra is undoubtedly aiming for Finne. If she cant drag Finne away from me then she will keep peeling away our supporters. Well, it will more or less do some damage to our faction but it is definitely better than losing Finne.

It seems you really are not looking down on them. You seem a lot more serious than usual. Is it because Finne-sama is involved after all?

Well yeah. Finne is Duke Kleinerts daughter. If she got taken away by this then you can consider us retired from the race.

Is that really the case? If you know your opponents aim, the usual Arnold-sama would immediately make a counterattack. But this time not only have you not set up such a counter, but youve also planned out such a perfectly defensive plan. Isnt this because you dont want to see Finne-sama in danger?

What do you want to say?

No, I think it is a good thing. Mitsuba-sama will be happy as well.

When I tried to complain to Sebas, I immediately shut my mouth when I saw the know-it-all look on his face.

Its clear that no matter what I say back to this butler he will still have a perfect comeback anyway.

Thats why I started preparing to go out without saying anything.

Are you heading out?

Yeah, a certain butler told me not to look down on my enemy so Im going out to check the security a little bit.

Thats great. If you told her that you were worried when you met then it would be perfect.

I wont.

Thats a shame. Even so, where did you hide Finne-sama?

Its a place you know well. The safest place in this imperial capital and it is also where the strongest people of the Empire live.

I see. The Amsberg mansion is it. Certainly, no one would be able to lift a finger to that place.

Thats how it is.

Leaving behind the convinced Sebas, I head to the Amsberg mansion.

The residence of the Amsbergs is near the castle.

When I arrived at the mansion I was immediately allowed to go inside. Among the princes, the only one who they allow to enter this easily is probably me. 

Elna, I and Leo are childhood friends but ever since we were children, the one that got involved with them the most is me.

I dont know how many times Elna made me cried while dragging me to this mansion.

After a while, the knights at the gate started to say welcome back every time they see me. Their familiarity at that time was quite scary.

Even though this was the first time I visit in a few years, the gatekeeper still said welcome home to me. To the people of this house, I am the friend of their cute little princess after all.

If you really think about it, why were you saying welcome home to a crying child though.

From the adults point of view, it would look like the kids are getting along isnt it.

How about you?

I know that Arnold-sama hated it, of course.

The words [Then stop doing that] came to my mouth but I swallowed it down. If I give them some appropriate reply my pace would just get swept away by them anyway. Its all in the past, and thanks to that past, I was able to entrust Finne with them so easily.

With that in mind, I arrived at the entrance. There was a woman with the same hair color as Elna there. Her eyes are blue. She looks young and beautiful. If no one says anything, people would think that she is Elnas elder sister..

Its been a long time, Al.

Sorry for the long absence Anna-san.

Nothing unusual with you too, Sebas?

Yes. Madam Amsberg.

This person is Anna von Amsberg. She is the wife of the Amsbergs family head and also Elnas mother.

My mother is almost the same but this persons youthfulness is truly magical. It seems that the concept of time doesnt apply to her at all. Thanks to that I have been hesitating to call her Oba-san and ended up just attached -san to her name instead.

Anna-san smilingly guides me inside the mansion.

Unfortunately, my husband is away right now. Ah, you are already a full-fledged prince right. Talking with you like this might be disrespectful perhaps?

No, please remain as you are. I will feel uncomfortable if Anna-san starts using polite speech with me after all.

Arara, let me take on your words then. Elna and Finne-san are in the bath right now. You can enter with them if you want, you know?

I dont want to die so please allow me to decline.

You are so difficult now. You used to enter the bath together in the past, right?

That was when I was a child and do you still remember that I was almost drowned by Elna in the bath here?

That did happen, wasnt it. Then do you still remember when you were crying together? You cried when Elna was training you to beat up the bullies and Elna ended up crying too because you never improve no matter what she did wasnt it.

Its unreasonable for you to ask me that now.

As I thought, that girl is my natural enemy.

Its strange that I havent received some serious trauma from that.

If I have a weak mind that might lead to suicide you know.

This person is quite dangerous when she is smiling as well.

For now, can I have you wait at the innermost guestroom?


Sebas, can you help me serving the tea?


The fact that I came here often means that Sebas also came along.

He is following after Anna-san like he is her butler.

As I was told, I headed to the farthest guestroom and turn the doorknob without thinking.

However, when I opened the door a little, I felt humans presence inside. Additionally, I also heard a womans voice.

However, I thought that the maid was making the bed so I decided to open the door anyway.

That proves to be a mistake.

You really look good in a dress Elna-sama, how about we try on this white dress next.

Fi, Finne..can you stop changing me into a dress-up doll.

Inside the room are figures of two women in their underwear. Finne is wearing a pure white one while Elnas is pink. Surprisingly, the one Elnas wearing has cute frills adorning it.

Her white skin that she wouldnt normally show to anyone is exposed. Perhaps, they thought that there are only girls here so both of them have felt no need to hide their bodies. Since Finne usually wore loose clothes theres not much emphasis on her chest but she is much more glamorous than I thought. Elna hasnt grown much since I last checked but theres a lot of people who like it slender too.

When I was having such a thought, the two of them notice me.

They were confused for a moment but their expressions immediately turned completely red.

Then Elna grabbed a nearby pillow and enter a throwing posture.

Its already meaningless to resist, the rest is to just accept the punishment.

I forgot. The most troublesome person here was Anna-san. To think that she would guide me to peek at her unmarried daughter. She is already a villain who takes pleasure in peoples reactions to her crimes.

Al!? You!


With the realization that I had fallen into a trap, I end up receiving a pillow thrown at ridiculous speed on my face.


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