The Strongest Businessman

Chapter 171 171: We Dare

Her words touched the hearts of everyone on this room. Her conviction reached out to their souls and ignited their passion and desire to become even more stronger! They subconciously clenched their fists as they Mary's words, 'I don't want to be weak anymore!' resounded in their minds.

"Damn, I can't believe that we were actually so pitiful that the innocent and meek Mary had to shout at us just to wake us up." The normally quiet Tom stood up. He looked at everyone and said, "Are you guys just fine with that?!"

Scott, Larrry, Ronald, and every male raised their hands and responded loudly, "No!"

After hearing his brothers speak up, how could Jack remain silent, "He's right! The answer was just right before us! If we are weak, we just have to become stronger! We can't stay pathetic like this all the time! So, what do we have to do?!"

The males answered back. "Become stronger to protect our family!"

"You, guys." Mary smiled at the sight of his fellow brother's silly roars. 'This is the family I know.'

Allana also stood up, "Although the boys are outlandish, but they are right! We have to prove that we ladies are strong and independent! We can't let the boys see us damsels in distress! If we are only pretty, others might just take advantage of us! So like, Sis Mary said, we need to become stronger!"

"Yea!" The girls also answered as though they were some kind of cheering squad.

"You, gals." Mary's eyes started to turn misty from all of this. She never expected that her speech would actually have an impact like this.

"So, what are we waiting for? Come on, guys! Let's train!" Larry also stood up and advocated.

"Yeah!" Everyone responded in unison. Soon, everyone was found outside of their large backyard.

"Hehehe, I still have some energy to spare! Let's spar, Larry!" Bill smirked and taunted.

"Is that so? You might just end up being beaten like last time. Come!" Larry scoffed his taunts with another.

"Hmph, keep acting arrogant. You don't know what might hit you later. Take this!" Bill confidently said as he leaped towards Larry.

Just like these two, the others also started to train and refine their Battle Techniques and Movement Techniques. This night, everyone's concentration was at it's peak from receiving all that pep talk from Mary.

Their minds and heart were clear and only contained one desire which was to become stronger! It was subtle but there was faint law resonance that was happening which connected everyone's minds and enhanced their comprehensions. Unknowingly, they were all performing far better than usual!

Two hours quickly passed, everyone was exhausted from such a vigorous training. They were all sweating profusely and fatigued. But their achievements this evening was more bountiful than a week's worth of training.

"Bill! You ere really concealling your skill, weren't you? I thought you said your techniques were only at the Perefection Mastery? Why does it feel like you have long reached the Grand Perfection Mastery?" Larry was rubbing his stomach that was hit by Bill's fist technique.

"I don't know either. I was just bent on beating you and becoming stronger. Somehow, my techniques became more perfect. Also, you're one to talk! You have been hiding your skill from us! You have already reached Grand Perfection for quite some time now, haven't you?" Bill protested while he looked at his bruised arms that he used to block Larry's attacks.

"Wait! I'm the same as you are. I just cultivated to this state! You know that everyone has been showing a steady pace and advancing together because of our after-training forums! I did not know what happened as well." Larry rebutted.

"Really?" Bill was stunned. He did not expect that both of them would advance just like that. "Could that mean we have gained some kind of enlightenment?"

"I don't know for sure. But I guess it's the only explanation for what happened." Larry scratched hishead in confusion. He did not know why they could advance so suddenly.

"So, it's not just you guys, huh?" Jack appraoched them and spoke.

"What do you mean, Jack?" Larry and Bill exclaimed.

"It seems like everyone has suddenly leaped throught with their comprehension just like you. Everyone has at least advanced all of their techniques to the Grand Perfection Stage!" Jack answered.

"Woah! Really?! Does that mean we have really gained enlightenment?" Bill trembled in excitement.

"Indeed. From what I observed, your desires to become stronger seemed to have created a faint connection with the heavens that augmented your comprehensions and blessed you with this breakthrough. According to the ancient records, this is an even called Heavenly Revelation." A figure suddenly walked out of the house and this was Barry. Although Barry's cultivation remained stagnant for five centuries, his knowledge and wisdom would even surpass that of Azelmek's.

When he was being sent away by his mother, she gave her a spatial ring which contained the entire library of their family which was the whole heritage of their family. As the sole survivor, he took it to himself to enhance his knowledge and search for a cure for his disease. Nonetheless, he was still unable to find one that could be done with his current cultivation until Dylan came along.

" Awesome!" Everyone finally understood the sudden leap in their strengths. A sense of achievement filled their hearts with even more passion to conitnue training. Who knows they might incite another Heavenly Revelation?

" Guys, let's continue to train! We need to make the most of this godsend opportunity!" Larry quickly shouted when he stood up.

"Whoa, hold your horses. The Heavenly Revelation is a very rare once in a blue moon opportunity. It can only occur unknowingly and the participants must be free of thought. It is not something done on a whim." Barry gestured them to calm down. His words brought disappointment to their hearts.

"Boss, how do you know all of this things?" Scott suddenly questioned.

"Well... you see, I come from a noble clan which provided me with excellent education and cultivation resources. However... it was destroyed with only me as the survivor after being plotted by some old scums! One day, when I am strong enough, I will have my vengeance!" Seeing how he was quickly accepted into the this big family, he thought the revealing some of his past was only right. At first, Barry's voice was filled with melancholy and sadness but on his last sentence, coldblooded killing intent could be felt from him.

"How horrible!" The girls gasped and felt pity for Barry as the lone survivor of his tribe. They suddenly felt what kind of burden Barry was carrying on his back.

"Urr, I'm sorry for bringing that up. I mean... I shouldn't have." Scott oddly said, feeling guilty about his actions earlier.

"It's fine. You don't have to worry about it. You accepted into this family. So, I felt that it was only right to tell you about my past. Well, that was basically the gist of it. I'll tell you, chumps, the whole story another time." Barry waved his hand and widely smiled. To them, he now seemed like their big brother.

"That's just evil! Don't worry, Boss. When we're strong, we'll help you kill those bastards!" Ronald stepped up and put his right fist on his left chest and swore.

"We will avenge your clan together boss!" A well-built youth named Shawn smiled as he also did the same gesture as Ronald. The other guys also stood up and promised Barry to help him with his revenge.

"Hahaha, then, you guys have to get really strong because my enemies are just as strong or maybe even stronger than that Baron you told me about." Barry smiled as he spoke.

"Well, I don't care! Since we have already promised you, we will do it even if we die in battle. I can feel myself grow stronger every day with everyone here. Sir Dylan told me to never limit yourself from growth and always think that you can still grow stronger, because the moment you do, only then would you have severed your ability to grow. We might not be strong enough now. But someday, we definitely will be." Jack stood up and shared.

Everyone felt their blood boiling after Jack's speech. He's right! No one can stop their growth except for themselves! If they just stay true and believe in their training and will, they will become far more stronger than anyone else!

Barry was also inspired by Jack's speech. His urge to fuse the poison and his bloodline became even stronger. After a brief moment of thought, Barry suddenly looked up to them, "Well said, Jack. Because of that, I will help you guys become stronger. I was not planning to bring this up since Dylan might be opposed to it. But, I can sense the determination in your eyes. So I will ask you: do you dare to take the risk?"

"Take a risk of what?" Everyone was suddenly curious to what Barry was going to say to them.

Barry evaded the question first and spoke, "Everyone, let's first gather inside."


Once everyone was seated, Barry started, "As you guys are now, most of you are at the 11th level and a few has already reached the 12th level. You all know that you could already choose to form your Avatars in this level. But Dylan told you to wait till level 13, which is the limit to Avatar Awakening, to do that because it will help you awaken a stronger avatar than normal, right?"

"Yes." The group quickly answered.

Barry finally revealed his intentions in a low voice, "I know of a method that will help you purify and strengthen your bloodlines and help you invoke an even greater grade of your bloodline's avatar when you reach level 13."

"What?! Is that even possible?!" Everyone who was listening were all gobsmacked. Is that really possible?

"Shhh, someone might hear you!" Barry quickly shushed them with a serious expression. Everyone quickly understood that such method must be very priceless. Thus, they silenced themselves and attentively listened.

Barry continued. "You should know that Avatars come from the bloodline passed down to us by our ancestors which means they are heriditary. Although variants could happen, but such cases are very rare. They are universally graded from 1-10 because it also determines a person's talent. Generally, 1 are considered to be wastes, 2-3 are considered average, 4-5 is for geniuses, 6-8 are heavenly talents while 9 and 10 are for supreme talents. My method ensure that you would at least have a Grade 5 Avatar!"

This method is something that Barry found within the library of his clan. However, this method is only used on grades 1-4 and the limit that it could produce was Grade 7 Avatar. A True King Clan lik his usual had Avatars whose grades were no less than Grade 6 so it was deemed as useless to them. But, for people like Jack who came from a Middle Proximity City, this method could be said as godsend!

"?!" Everyone was even more dumbfounded by this matter. Does that mean all of them could be geniuses?!

"But, Boss Barry, you told us that there are risks? What are those?" Larry asked a very vital question.

"The risks is that the medicinal liquid that I am going to create will bring you heaps of pain. This is because it will purify your bloodline as you bath in it for 2 hour and this should be done for 30 days in order to ensure the results I promised. The pain I mentioned is akin to being crushed by ten thousands needles at the same time. That is why I asked if you dare?" Barry solemnly finished his sentence. He left it up to them whether they will agree on it or not.

After discussing among themselves, they came up with a unanimous decision, "We dare!"


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